Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 810: Thatched cottage on the top of the hill

Xue Liuli didn't want to hear any more nonsense from this white lotus-like sister.


   saw her cut out with one sword.


   Xing Dannan showed a spiteful color in his eyes, and then rolled on the ground, avoiding the sword.


   Then the whole mermaid jumped up and flew straight to the distant sky.


   She really couldn't escape without believing her cultivation.


   Xue Liuli took a deep breath and slashed out with a sword.


   Jianguang hit this Xing Dannan straight.


   Xing Dannan didn't turn his head back, one side avoided the sword, he was delighted in his heart, but suddenly he felt a cold in his chest.


   She looked down, and she saw a sword blade on her chest.


   Then she lost all strength and fell from the air.


Xue Liuli slowly walked to her side, looking at Xing Dannan, who kept vomiting blood out of his mouth, and said lightly: "Your cultivation level used to surpass me, but your mood is far from keeping up. Even if I don't kill you, In less than ten years, you will die of madness!"


   Xing Dannan's mouth moved slightly, and then he tried his last bit of strength and said: "I...I don't accept it!"


   After that, the brilliance in her eyes dissipated and she died.


   Xueliu stood beside her, stood quietly for a moment, then turned and left.


   So far, all those who broke into the legacy of the Great Dream have died.


   "Let's go, go in and see what good things are in this relic, worthy of so many people like this!" Xue An said lightly, leading Xue Liuli and the Paradise Girl into the palace.


   I saw the magnificent inside, all kinds of rare treasures filled the whole hall.


   These two accustomed to the big scene also shocked these two heavenly pride girls.


   Xue An just glanced faintly, and then continued to walk inside.


   across the first floor of the main hall, inside is a slightly smaller palace.


   But the treasures stacked inside are more valuable than the outside.


   Xue An is still unmoved.


   Xue An and his party passed through the seven-story hall in succession.


   In this seven-story hall, each floor is stacked with a huge amount of precious treasures.


   And one layer is more scarce than one layer.


  Especially on the seventh floor, the ground has been covered by various extremely high-quality fairy crystals.


   If you change to another ordinary cultivator in a scene like this, you probably won't even be able to move.


   But Xue An didn't even look at it, and went straight through the palace.


   then opened a door.


   There is no longer a palace, but a bare hill.


   And on the hill, there stands a crooked thatched cottage.


   This thatched house looks like it can be blown down by a gust of wind, and it is simply incompatible with these magnificent palaces.


   When Xue An and the three walked into this hill.


   The palace behind suddenly began to shake violently, then collapsed and turned into powder.


   The Heavenly Lady of Bliss and Xue Liuli were a little dumbfounded.


   Xue An said indifferently: "The previous ones are all traps. If a cultivator enters it and is deceived by those treasures, he will stay there forever."


   Hearing what Xue An said, the two women couldn't help being shocked.


   Fortunately, although the two of them were also shaken by the treasure inside, they did not feel greedy.


   Otherwise, you have to pay for it.


   "What about the remains?" Xue Liuli asked.


   Xue An smiled and looked up at the thatched hut on the top of the mountain.


   "It's there!"


   They looked at this crooked hut that seemed to fall at any time, and they were all speechless for a while.


   What rare treasures can there be?


   But when the three of them came to this hut.


   Xue Liuli was suddenly shocked, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.


   "This sword intent..."


   She can feel that there is an extremely powerful sword intent in this hut.


   At this moment, I heard an old voice coming from the thatched cottage.


   "Come in! I have been waiting for you for too long!"


   Xueliu's face looked solemn and awe.


   Xue An laughed, then opened the door and walked into the hut.


   looks different from outside.


   This thatched house is very large.


   But it is such a large room without any furnishings.


  There is only the small futon in the middle of the room, and the skinny old man on the futon.


   Although this old man is skinny, his eyes are as bright as stars, which makes him afraid to look directly.


   He first glanced at Xueliu and the Heavenly Lady of Bliss, and smiled slightly.


   "I didn't expect to see the descendants of Xie Zhanhong and Chu Lele!"


   heard these two names.


   Xuelili and the ecstatic goddess were all shocked.


   Because the two people mentioned by the old man are the founders of their sect.


   But those characters are already thousands of years ago.


   Xue Liuli said respectfully: "Are you the Great Dream Sword Sovereign Fang Xianjue?"


   "The Great Dream Sword Sovereign Fang Xianjue?" The old man chanted the name a few words, then twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a slight smile.


   It's just that he is as skinny as a skeleton, making this smile extremely scary.


   "Thousands of years! If you don't mention it, even I have forgotten my name!"




   heard that the speculation was confirmed.


   Even though I was mentally prepared, but Xuelii couldn't help but change his color.


   You must know that this Great Dream Sword Sovereign has been active for seven to eight thousand years.


   Although he was known as the number one true fairy at the time, he had the strength to aspire to Da Luo.


   But not after all.


   And as long as it is still a true fairy, it will fall.


   Some true celestial powerhouses can live for five thousand years through various means. That is already extremely terrifying existence.


   I didn't expect this Great Dream Sword Sovereign to survive till now.


   She was naturally shocked.


   After murmured a few words in a low voice, Fang Xianjue cast his gaze on Xue An, who had been standing quietly by the side.


   "Young man, you are the only one of the three that I can't see through! Who are you... on earth?"


Xue An laughed, and then took a moment to look at everything around him, "I used my own cultivation to seal off this secret realm, trapping the heart demon in it, and at the same time, also sealed off his physical body and spiritual thoughts, so as to live until now , It's hard for you!"


   These words made Fang Xianjue, the Great Dream Sword Sovereign, burst into the An invisible sword power enveloped the audience.


   Xueliu Li and the Heavenly Girl of Elysium all grunted and moved back.


   Xue An only regarded it as the breeze blowing on his face, without the slightest feeling.


   Fang Xian felt staring at Xue An, "Young man, who are you? Why do you know so much?"


   Xue An smiled faintly, and reached out his hand to reveal a black air.


   "This...this is..." Fang Xianjue was taken aback first, then exclaimed.


   Xue An nodded, "Yes, that's the outer heart demon. I killed it!"


   Fang first took a deep breath, the light in his eyes flashed, and he shielded both Xueliu and the blissful goddess.


   Xue An said indifferently: "I'm curious, you are so painstaking, but it only makes you linger here, it is impossible for you to break through, so...what are you doing?"

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