Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 814: I didn’t believe it at first, but then I did.

Looking at the little sisters, Hua Wushuang's eyelids throbbed wildly, and her complexion became more and more gloomy.


   She never dreamed that these two six or seven-year-old girls would be so powerful that even the sword slaves who killed the Red Mansion were not their opponents.


   "It's really a bunch of rubbish, even two children can't deal with it! No wonder you are getting more and more ruined now!" Hua Wushuang said very bitterly.


   These sword slaves all showed shame and anger.


  Especially the sword one that Xue Nian shot and flew out was even more angry. He jumped up from the ground and wanted to do it.


   And Hua Wushuang was also ready at this time, planning to rush forward to catch these two little girls who don't know the height of the sky and take a lesson.


   But at this moment, a very worried shout came from a distance.


   "Stop! Wushuang Master Sister, stop!"


   Hearing this shout, Hua Wushuang was startled slightly and turned to look.


   I saw a Pegasus running across the sky, and then fell into the field.


   When I saw this person, Hua Wu's double-sided color changed slightly, and then coldly said: "Bai Qing'er, what do you mean by letting me stop in such a panic?"


   That's right.


   The one who came at full speed was the Bai Qing'er Xue An had seen in the Xuanlei City auction.


   Not only is she a member of the auction guild, she is also a disciple of Bliss.


   After leaving Xuanlei City, she first returned to the auction guild. After passing the news, the people in the auction guild took it seriously and immediately sent people to follow Bai Qing'er to Banten City to contact Xue An.


   But they are a step late.


   After arriving at Wandan City, Xue An had already left here with Jian Qi.


   Bai Qing'er understood that Xue An should have come to Bliss City.


   So she rushed over afterwards.


   But because of some trivial things on the road, I was delayed a bit, so I didn't reach the Bliss City until today.


   After entering the city, Bai Qinger first went to the Bliss Tower.


Don’t look at Bai Qing’er’s talent and roots in Elysium, but because of her current status in the auction guild, when she appeared in the Elysium, she was affected by these little sisters. Very warm hospitality.


   But she didn't see Hua Wushuang, the master teacher.


   But Bai Qing'er didn't pay much attention to it at the time. She was a little tired from the journey, so she was ready to drink some tea before looking for Hua Wushuang.


   But when she asked about the recent past while drinking tea, and heard that her master sister was going to capture a pair of twin sisters.


   She squirted out all the tea she had just drank in her mouth before she had time to swallow.


   Then she pulled the neck of the little sister who was reporting the news, and asked savagely what was going on.


   The little sister was frightened by her appearance, and tremblingly told the story.


   When I heard that Xue An had taken someone into the legacy of the Great Dream.


   And when my master sister felt that Xue An would never come back again, so she went to catch the twins who followed him.


   Bai Qinger's face was pale, and she dropped the little sister, turned around and ran out.


   This little junior girl didn't understand what was going on.


   But immediately, Bai Qing'er went back and roared: "Get me a horse! Also, where is that small building?"


   Soon, someone brought a flying horse, and then the little junior girl trembled and pointed out the direction.


   Bai Qinger drove off without hesitation.


   When she first came to a place not far from here, she heard what her master sister Hua Wushuang said.


   Bai Qing'er was so scared that she almost didn't faint, so she shouted out in a hurry, and then rushed over.


   After landing, she saw that Xue Xiang and Xue Nian were unharmed, and she took a breath, then turned her head and said to the gloomy Hua Wushuang.


   "Master sister, these little sisters must not be touched!"


   "Oh? Why do you say that?" Hua Wushuang sneered.


   At this time, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian also recognized Bai Qing'er, and they couldn't help shouting, "Are you the sister at the auction?"


  Bai Qing'er smiled at the two little girls, and then said solemnly: "Because the father of the two of them, that is, Xue An can't afford to offend anyone!"


   Hua Wushuang listened to a sneer, "No one can't afford it? Hey, how come I don't believe this?"


   Bai Qing'er sighed, "I didn't believe it in the beginning, but then I believed it!"


   As he said, Bai Qing'er recounted the scenes she had seen in Xuanlei City and all the things Xue An had done in Banten City.


After listening to    Hua Wushuang, her complexion changed a lot.


   Soon, she smiled.


"It sounds really powerful, but it seems useless for you to say this! Because the peerless and powerful man in your mouth has entered the Great Dream Relics, and waiting for him in it is the Three Heavens Sect and Yuan Zongluo Sanqian's teamwork strangling, I don't believe that he can survive in this situation!"


Bai Qing'er, who thought he could impress Hua Wushuang, was stunned when he heard the words, and then said anxiously: "Master sister, don't you think so? There used to be many people like you, but Then they all died miserably!"


   "Shut up! Am I the master sister or are you the master sister?" Hua Wushuang shouted.


   Bai Qing'er was speechless by these words.


Hua Wushuang sneered: "I think you were scared by this Xue An! And dealing with these two little girls is not what I meant by myself. My Master Ling Xiao also ordered the same! Do you still think Do you disobey the elder's meaning?"


   Bai Qinger's complexion changed.


   At this time, Hua Wushuang rushed to the few sword slaves and said coldly: "I don't do it now, when will I wait?"


   These sword slaves looked at each other and rushed up together.


   Xue Xiang and Xue Nian are not afraid, and they fight with the group of people holding a pan.


   And that Jianqi even joined the battle group regardless of his injuries.


   But this time Xue Xiang and Xue Nian couldn't be as relaxed as before.


   After all, no matter how powerful the magic weapon in their hands, they are just six or seven-year-old children.


   Therefore, when facing the guarded sword slaves, they were suppressed and unable to fight back after only a few encounters.


   Hua Wushuang looked smugly.


   Bai Qing'er could no longer hold back, and was about to rush into the battle group to stop all this.


   At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.


   Then from the midair came a voice that was cold and filled with anger.


   "Dare to bully my daughter, you all have to die today!"


   Everyone trembled, then looked up.


   I saw the originally clear sky, I don't know when it has been shrouded by the terrifying air of the stormy waves.


   The sky is dim, the sun and the moon are dark.


   Under such terrifying power, a figure appeared high in the sky, with raging anger burning in his eyes.

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