Although Xue An's strength is enough to make people feel shocked.

But a person single-handedly slaughtered a sect, which always sounded a little unreliable.

Therefore, the atmosphere of Bliss City at this moment is very strange.

Many powerful families have set their sights on this small building where Anyan lives.

But no one dared to get closer.

Because Xueliu was sitting cross-legged on the top of the small building with a sword between his knees, he was closing his eyes and meditating.

But it was such a person, but the strong man in the city did not dare to cross the thunder pond half a step.

Because someone who was not convinced just crossed the boundary of the small building, but his foot just hit the ground.

There were several biting sword lights flying across the sky, instantly beheading them on the spot.

Then several people tried to rush over, but they all ended up with blood on the spot.

Among them, there is even a long-established half-step Jinxian strong.

But it also failed to survive a face-to-face encounter.

This result makes many strong people who are peeping in the dark appalled.

But this does not make everyone retreat.

They are all watching and waiting in secret.

A little bit of time passed.

Xue An has not returned yet.

The atmosphere in the small building gradually became serious.

Bai Qinger helped Jian Qi bandage the wound, then watched Xueliu sitting on the top of the small building, and sighed slightly.

"I don't know when your lord will come back!"

Jian Qi's expression is also very solemn, "I know that Bliss Fang has many strong people, and the current Fang Qinghuang is a generation strong. Is it too reckless for adults?"

Bai Qinger shook his head when he heard the words, "Don't use your own thoughts to speculate on adults. In my opinion, adults will definitely win. It's just a matter of time!"

Jian Qi was slightly startled when he heard the words, "You seem to have confidence in adults!"

Bai Qing'er nodded very seriously, "Of course! If you have seen an adult beating the audience, you are guaranteed to think like me!"

"Moreover, there seems to be an unspeakable temperament in the adult, as if there is nothing in the world that can make him difficult!"

Jian Qi was a little silent when he heard the words.

She hadn't seen how Xue An took action to shock the audience.

But from Bai Qinger's words, Xue An's extraordinaryness can also be heard.

In the bedroom, after the two little girls had eaten enough, they brought two small stools and sat on the side of the bed, quietly waiting for An Yan to wake up.

The solemn atmosphere also infected these two little girls, making their faces tense.

Suddenly, Xue Nian whispered: "Sister, I saw my mother's finger just moved!"

"Huh? Why didn't I see it?"

"Really moved! If you don't believe me, look!"

The two little girls stared quietly with their eyes widened.

But a full five minutes passed without seeing any movement.

Xue Xiang rubbed his astringent eyes, "Silly Niannian, are you wrong?"

"Impossible, how could I read it wrong! Mom's hand moved clearly! Ay! Sister, look at it, it really moved!"

Xue Nian yelled.

Xue Xiang quickly released the hand rubbing his eyes and looked over, but after a while, he still found nothing.

Xue Xiang couldn't help but knocked Xue Nian on the head, "You are not allowed to make this kind of joke with me!"

"Sister, I didn't joking with you, it's obviously moved!" Xue Nian was full of aggrieved feelings.

"Who is it obviously?"

"Oh, sister, I really didn't lie to you!"

"Who am I really not?"

"I will ignore you if you do this!" Xue Nian was a little annoyed.

"Hehe, who told you to prank me first?"

The two little girls are bickering here.

An Yan, who was lying on the bed, suddenly moved.

This time the two little girls saw them all and rushed over immediately.

"Sister, I didn't lie to you!" Xue Nian didn't forget to say something.

At this moment An Yan's eyes slowly opened.

The two little girls scrambled to put their heads together.

"Mom, are you finally awake?"

An Yan's eyes were full of confusion, but it was only after a while that she gradually returned to normal.

Then smiled and stretched out his hand to stroke the cheeks of the two little girls.

"Silly girl, have you two been here forever?"

The two little girls nodded, "Hmm!"

"How long have I been in a coma?" An Yan asked.

Xue Nian broke his fingers and started counting.

Xue Xiang said without hesitation: "Mom, you have been in a coma for five days!"

"What? So long? What do you do if you eat?" An Yan was surprised and asked quickly.

"At the beginning we ate snacks, but after all the snacks were eaten, we were hungry for a day! I was so hungry at the time! My sister said to steam the buns, and I helped her make a fire, but Lei Zun was too angry People, I actually burnt the pot, and then my father came back, and the braised fish and steamed fish that my father made for us were delicious. I have never had such a delicious braised stew and..."

Xue Nianxu talked about the running account, and when it came to the braised rice, he couldn't help taking a sip of water.

An Yan hurriedly asked, "Your father has come back? Where has he gone now?"

Xue Nianzheng wanted to talk, Xue wanted to cover her mouth, "Shut up, you are too long-winded!"

Then Xue Xiang turned his head and said to An Yan: "Mom. Dad took the Tiannv sister and left, saying that he was going to deal with a big bad guy!"

An Yan was confused.

He simply got up and got out of the bed and walked outside.

At this time, Bai Qing'er and Jian Qi were in the courtyard.

As soon as I saw An Yan came out.

The two were also taken aback, and quickly walked over to salute.

"Madam, you are awake!"

An Yan couldn't help it, and asked straightforwardly: "Where is Xue An?"

The two looked at each other, and then Bai Qing'er said: "Madam, don't worry, the adults have taken the Lady of Bliss to eradicate Bliss Fang!"


Although it is not clear what is going on, An Yan also knows that Bliss Square is one of the Three Heavenly Sects.

Such a powerful sect.

My husband goes alone...

An Yan took a deep breath, "How long has he been there?"

"Quick... it's almost a whole day!"

An Yan looked pale.

If it was before, she would not be so worried.

But the ominous premonition that day left An Yan still lingering fear.

So she was really worried.

at the same time.

Many strong people in the city also began to talk.

"It's almost twelve hours! This Xue An hasn't come back yet! I guess it's a bit hanged!"

"Who said no! Although this man is, is Bliss Square a vegetarian? He actually dared to go alone, really looking for death by himself!"

Among these discussions, there are cynics, calm analysts, and regretful ones.

But without exception.

None of these people have much confidence in Xue An's journey.

But at this moment.

A strong wave came from Skyrim.

Everyone looked up one after another.

Just heard a dragon chant resounding across the sky.

Then I saw a red and white body with a jade-like dragon head flying across the sky, landing over the city of Bliss.

As far as Longwei could reach, the entire Bliss City was trembling.

And standing on top of the leader, white clothes wins Xue, standing proudly, who is not Xue An?

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