The Valley of the Fierce Demon.

As the number one existence of the Shi Tianzong, this evil demon valley occupies a very wide area, and the strong under the sect has appeared in large numbers, as if it is already the overlord of the territory of tens of millions of miles.


In the hall of the Valley of the Fierce Demon.

The elders left on duty are chatting.

"I don't know what happened to this grand ceremony, did the kid who killed the young master give the leader!" said an elder sitting upright.

"Haha, the great elder is worried, the ancestor personally left the customs, and there are many true legends of the arrogance of Blood Net Mountain, isn't it easy to deal with a little boy?" The elder chuckled.

All the elders in the hall nodded upon hearing this.

"If you want me to say, why bother to spend such a big Zhou Zhang, I went straight over at the time, and it would be over if I caught this kid back!" An elder Qiubeard said with disdain.

From the beginning, he felt that the ancestor had made a fuss.

It's nothing more than a young powerhouse with a bit of cultivation.

What can you do to spoil the sky?

If I caught him back in the past, it would end.

Where else is there to hold a ceremony for asking the truth.

The rest of the elders all know that this old man with whiskers has a grumpy temper, but his cultivation is indeed one of the best besides the ancestor in the evil demon valley.

Just as their group of elders were discussing in the hall.

Just listen to a sudden violent noise outside.

All the elders in the hall sank.

"What is so noisy outside?" The Great Elder asked in a deep voice.

If there are disciples, they have to go out to check.

At this moment, the door of the main hall was pushed open, and then a disciple rushed in with sweating profusely and anxiously.

"Long...Elder...The big thing is not good!"

The great elder's face sank like water, "What kind of decent panic, what happened, let's talk about it slowly!"

With that said, he still took a sip from the teacup while the old **** was there.

But the next moment, all the tea he just drank was sprayed out.

Because the disciple said tremblingly: "Old...the ancestor has fallen on the Wenzhen Ceremony!"


The many elders in the hall all stood up suddenly, their faces full of horror.

The great elder even shouted, "What the **** is going on? Did the people from Blood Net Mountain take action?"

In his opinion, to kill the fierce demon ancestor, then only the people of Blood Net Mountain would make it possible.

But this disciple showed a wry smile and shook his head, "No! And now even the Blood Web Mountain no longer exists!"

This statement came out.

There was a silence in the hall, and then there was a sound of reprimand.


"Nonsense, could it be that you have gone crazy or lost your mind?"

The elder Qiubeu even exploded his beard and eyebrows, "Boy, you are full of Hu Qin, how can your ancestors fall? And the Blood Net Mountain is even more valuable to Yuanzong, why would it not exist?"

This disciple was about to cry, "How dare a disciple make a joke about this kind of thing, this matter is indeed true!"

"Then who would have such a sky-reaching method that can actually destroy both the ancestor and the Blood Net Mountain?" the elder asked in a deep voice, also full of unbelief.

The disciple took a deep breath, "It is the Xue An who killed the young master!"


All the elders in the hall were taken aback, and then they showed incredible colors.

"How is this possible? Even if Xue An is a wizard of Tianzong, how can he be the opponent of so many powerhouses in Blood Net Mountain?" Elder Qiu Xu roared.

The disciple turned pale with fright, suddenly remembering something, and hurriedly took out a jade charm.

"The disciple can't say it clearly, but I recorded the whole process through the water mirror technique. Please see, elders!"

Elder Qiuxu cursedly stepped forward to take the jade talisman, and then activated the secret technique in it.

A huge water mirror reflected on the wall of the main hall.

All the elders looked carefully.

At the beginning, these elders were still relaxed, thinking that this disciple must have been frightened by something, so they were talking nonsense.

But as the situation recorded in the water mirror evolves, the smiles on the faces of these elders gradually freeze.

Especially when the elders of the fierce demon were beheaded by Xue An with a sword, these elders all changed color in fear.



These screams came and went one after another.

But then, they were attracted by the next scene again, staring dumbfounded.

Wait until all the pictures in the water mirror are finished.

There was no sound in the whole hall.

All the elders were horrified.

Because Xue An's strength in the screen is too amazing.

Pulling mountains as a sword, slaying Daluo.

All sorts of near-impossible deeds all came from the hands of this young man who did not seem to be weak.

These facts naturally shocked these elders.

The elder beard who was still full of arrogance just now was even more pale at this moment, sweating profusely, fighting with each other, and could not even speak.

Then all eyes turned to the Great Elder.

After all, now the ancestor has fallen, he is the person with the strongest qualifications and prestige in the Valley of the Devil.

Although this great elder was also pale, he still managed to stay awake anyway.

He hesitated for a moment before he said with hatred: "The old ancestor and the young master have been destroyed by this person. My Ferocious Demon Valley and this person are not in the same hatred, and this Xue An should not stop there. , Block the gate, activate the mountain protection formation, wait for the opportunity!"

Speaking of protecting the mountain array.

The complexions of the elders in the hall just looked better.

"Yes! Start the mountain protection formation!"

"I don't believe that Xue An's supernatural power can shock the world, and can shake the earth power and dragon energy that we have accumulated over thousands of years!"

These elders were all shocked and immediately began to prepare.


The evil demon valley in the territories of thousands of miles, it boiled.

Countless disciples began to take their place, and began to activate the mountain protection formation.

Since the beginning of this evil demon valley, this great mountain protection formation has been created.

However, it usually doesn't activate at all, but extends the formation pattern deep into the depths of the earth, absorbing the power of the earth veins in the territory of tens of millions of miles, silently preparing for the future use.

Until today, this mountain protection formation was launched in full form for the first time.

I saw a thousand miles of earth-yellow earth power completely covering the entire Vicious Demon Valley.

The vigorous earth power accumulated over thousands of years makes this valley of evil spirits solid.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Valley of the Devil was relieved, thinking that they could sit back and relax.

And this move of the Ferocious Demon Valley spread quickly.

Many sect families can't help but watch in secret.

They all want to know how Xue An will deal with this vicious valley when he leaves the customs.

It is estimated that this time he will retreat because of difficulties!

Many people thought of it silently.

Just in this case.

The three-day period has come.

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