Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 843: Back to the basics, a young boy

Xue An nodded indifferently, "Okay, everything is up to you!"

The two of them began to abuse the dog without anyone else.

And all the concubine Tianjiao onlookers looked dull and stared blankly.

Because in front of An Yan, who had removed all their disguise, whether it was their proud looks and body, or their temperament and conversation, they were completely killed.

This kind of all-round crushing even made them unable to produce any resistance.

Because the Anyan at this moment is almost like the Dragon Girl Luoshen, so beautiful that it makes people afraid to have the slightest sense of blasphemy.

And when she stood next to Xue An, she was so harmonious and natural, even as if nature should be so general.

This is the real goddess couple!

The fantasy in the hearts of all the prostitute Tianjiao shattered suddenly, and they were all plunged into deep despair.

Xue An didn't care about all of this, he smiled and opened his palms, "Yan'er, what do you think this is?"

An Yan looked down and saw that there was an extremely round red bead in the palm of Xue An's palm, and it exuded a powerful aura.

"This... is the blood bead?" An Yan recognized this thing.

Xue An nodded, "Yes, it's blood beads!"

"But why is it so big?" An Yan was a little surprised.

She had taken blood beads more than once when she was on earth.

But the biggest blood bead is no more than the size of a pigeon egg.

Where is it like this blood bead, almost like an egg.

More importantly, this blood bead is radiant and radiant, with a breathtaking breath, which is obviously extraordinary.

Xue An smiled slightly, "The blood races on the earth are just a group of mixed blood, but these are pure blood gods!"

An Yan nodded.

In fact, if it weren't for Xue An's current strength, he could only use the technique of causal rules to wipe out this rift and consume most of his vitality.

This blood bead will be even larger.

"Yan'er, you take this blood bead first, and when you go to the blood world, even if the seal on your body can't be completely unlocked, most of it can be unlocked!" Xue An said.

"it is good!"

As long as Xue An said, An Yan would believe it almost blindly.

So she took the blood beads without hesitation.

"But how do you eat this? Such a big one?"

"Put it to your mouth and inhale it lightly!" Xue An said.

An Yan Yiyan put it to his lips, as expected.

A ray of water-like brilliance appeared in this blood bead, and it was suddenly absorbed by An Yan.

Soon, this blood bead was completely absorbed.

An Yan's momentum suddenly shook, and then began to climb.


The light in An Yan's eyes brightened, and his momentum broke through a barrier and came to a new world.

Xue An looked a little surprised, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.


An Yan actually broke through again.

But this time he was promoted directly from Sanxian to half-step Jinxian.

If this matter spreads out, the emperor Tianjiao of the Starry Sky Master or the Ancient Holy Land will probably be crazy.

Because An Yan has never practiced as diligently as others, but every time she breaks a seal, her cultivation level will rise.

Could it be said that when the seal on An Yan's body is completely unlocked, can her cultivation level surpass me?

This thought made Xue An a little dumbfounded.

You have to know that you have been a human for two lifetimes and you have cultivated for more than 3,000 years to achieve this result.

But Anyan ate, ate and slept all day long, but his cultivation level rose again and again.

This gap made Xue An feel a sense of powerlessness.

Could it be that his wife is the kind of peerless genius?

Xue An speculated funny.

An Yan looked at her hands in confusion at this time.

"Husband, I seem to have broken through again!"

Xue An smiled helplessly and rubbed her head, "Yes! You little fool!"

"Hey, husband, I don't think cultivation is as difficult as you said! It's quite simple!" An Yan said with a grin.

Xue An: "..."

Then I couldn't help sighing inwardly, where does this make sense?

At this time, countless experts from the sect family rushed over after hearing the news.

When I saw Xue An, who had returned to the basics and looked like a young boy, I couldn't help feeling shocked.

For three days of retreat, Xue An's strength was much stronger.

It's easy to do it because it's powerful, but it's extremely difficult for Guanghua to be introverted and return to the original.

Must be able to completely control one's own cultivation base, such as when the arm is pointing to reach this requirement.

Could it be that in just three days of sunlight, did Xue An have completely consolidated his cultivation base?

Although everyone was surprised, they still gave up.

"grown ups!"

"Participate in Master Xue!"

Xue An nodded slightly.

At this time, a true immortal head teacher stepped forward and said: "My lord, the people in the Valley of the Fierce Demon are obsessed with it, and they have opened up the mountain protection formation. If they want to fight the adults to the end, please punish this valley to shake the power."

Xue quietly glanced at the speaker.

This true immortal head teacher trembled all over, and a trace of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Because Xue An's eyes were simply terrifying.

It makes people shudder.

But he reluctantly bowed his head and held on.

"What's your name?"

"Master Hui, I am the leader of the Han Ming Sect, my name is Yu Hanming!"

Xue An was noncommittal.

"The evil demon valley I naturally want to destroy, but you seem to be using this method to arouse me?"

Hearing these words, Yu Hanming felt that a strong aura encircled him directly. He knelt to the ground uncontrollably, and then trembled.

"My lord, the villain knows my fault, but my Han Ming sect is right next to this evil demon valley. I have been oppressed by it for thousands of years. That's why I want you to punish it! Please forgive me!"

Yu Hanming shakes like chaff.

Xue An slowly walked closer to him, and said indifferently: "I know your mind, so I don't take the following as an example, otherwise, even your school will be killed together!"

"Yes...Yes!" Yu Hanming trembled and lowered his head, eyes full of infinite fear.

And Xue An looked at the boats and cars that were coming in the distance, and said lightly: "You wait and wait here for a while, I will go back!"

These people were all shocked when they heard this.

Could it be...

"Since this Fierce Demon Valley doesn't realize it, I will let it be buried with their ancestors!"

After Xue An lightly grabbed An Yan's waist, rising up into the sky and heading straight to the direction of the evil demon valley.

There was a whole area of ​​people with amazement left.

After a while, these talents began to talk.

"This Master Xue is a bit too impatient! You know that the mountain guard formation in the Valley of the Devil is the number one guard formation!"

"Yes, I have seen with my own eyes that the earth-powered dragon energy accumulated over the past thousands of years has condensed into a series of earthy yellow walls that are thousands of miles wide. Just let you fight it. I don't want to drill through it after half a year!"

"Now, it is estimated that this Xue An will be deflated!"

These people whispered.

At this moment, Xue An, who had disappeared into the sky, waved his hand, and a beam of brilliance flew straight back, and then formed a water mirror technique that was full of hundreds of miles.

"Today, I will destroy the Valley of the Devil in front of you!"

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