Countless monks watched this scene dumbfounded.

Then the cultivators of the Eastern Region all exclaimed with excitement.

"This is simply a miracle!"

"Change the world, this is the real immortal means!"

"Master Xue really has the ability to reach the sky! I take it!"

It is different from the excitement and ecstasy of these Eastern region cultivators.

The minds of the practitioners from the Central Territory are polarized at this moment.

In particular, He Wenbin, the host of Wansheng Hall who took the lead in opposition, looked at all this in disbelief, and then muttered to himself with a pale face, "This... how is this possible?"

The voice just fell.

The group of patriarchs behind him who were following the opposition was shocked, awakening like a dream.

"What's the last name! Blame you! If it weren't for you to confuse us with all kinds of rhetoric, how could we be against the grown-ups?" A fat-eared ancestor jumped out to make trouble.

"Yes! He Wenbin, you dare to oppose an adult wishfully, how vicious your heart is. Fortunately, the adults are aware of your shame and see through your despicable behavior in time, so we didn't go astray!" Another middle-aged woman with a face full of flesh People also followed He Wenbin.

Suddenly, this group of patriarchs who had just been thinking about fighting Xue An had already started fighting.

Seeing this group of guys who were already in a quarrel, the rest of the middle sects were all grateful that they had not had time to express their opposition.

Otherwise, don't you have nowhere to cry now?

And these people who had just objected, at this moment, one by one saliva fluttered, pointing at He Wenbin's nose and cursing.

At the same time, these people still did not forget to flatter Xue An in every possible way.

He Wenbin couldn't argue, he could only watch this scene blankly.

Obviously, during the previous discussions, these people patted their chests and promised to follow him in opposition to the end.

Unexpectedly, at this time, these guys collectively turned against the water, and they became the target of public criticism.

more importantly.

The current situation in the Eastern Region made He Wenbin, who had just looked smug and felt that he had made Xue An bow his head, filled with despair.

Such a concentration of spiritual energy, such a heaven and blessing.

Just any corner of the corner is much stronger than the Wansheng Hall he was in.

But such a good opportunity was completely ruined because of his stupidity.

It is conceivable that when those sects who were originally equal to themselves settle here, their strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and by then, this Wansheng Hall may be completely destroyed.

This makes He Wenbin's intestines almost regretful.

If there is any regret medicine in the world, he really wants to taste it first.

At this moment, these sect masters all knelt to the ground and cried.

"My lord! We are all willing to move here, but we were deceived by this He Wenbin before. Please show your mercy and let us enter this middle-earth too!"

"Yes, my lord, these are all He Wenbin's faults! Please give us a chance!"

These cries and pleadings.

Xue stood quietly in the air, overlooking the group of people performing there.

"I remember I asked you if you think it over, and I gave you two opportunities, but you didn't cherish it, so who can you blame?"

Xue An's indifferent words made these people fall into an ice cellar.

"But my lord..."

These people still want to defend.

Xue An waved his hand, "Needless to say! If you really want to enter this world, there is no way out!"

When this group heard it, their eyes all lit up.

"My lord, what is the solution?"

"It's very simple, find a school that is willing to accept you, and then break up your own schools and merge them into one!"

Xue An spoke out.

There was an uproar in the audience.

Those people from the Central Territory Sect and the Eastern Territory mainland all shined.

And these patriarchs who took the lead in opposition are all pale.

Because if you follow what Xue An said, it would be equivalent to splitting their school.

And if you merge with other sects, don't you want to be sent to others?

This naturally made it difficult for these patriarchs to accept.

So they all wanted to intercede again.

But Xue An's next sentence ruthlessly shattered their fantasy.

"If you still don't want to, it's very simple. Now you will kill yourself on the spot, and naturally someone from your sect will take over! Two ways, choose by yourself!"

Hearing these words from Xue An, these sect masters knew that the situation could not be violated, and immediately shouted: "I am willing to choose the first one!"

After all, I turned around and went to my friends to discuss the merger.

Above the empty ground, only He Wenbin stood there alone.

Xue An glanced at him and said lightly: "You wanted to disagree with me in this way from the beginning, so as to expand the influence of you and your sect!"

He Wenbin trembled all over, knowing that it was useless to say anything, and he simply nodded hard, "Yes!"

"Actually, I don’t care whether to move or not. Even if none of the sects of the Middle Territory come, with the current Eastern Territory, within a hundred years, it will be able to completely crush you! So I let you come, just thinking Give you a chance! Unfortunately, you want to target me through my kindness!"

Xue An's tone was calm.

But hearing He Wenbin's ears made him shudder, almost unable to speak.

"I actually hate people playing clever things in front of me, but I let you go this time! Let's go!"

He Wenbin was relieved.


I'm still alive!

He Wenbin is now afraid of Xue An as a tiger, so he didn't hesitate to give a salute to Xue An, then turned around and walked away.

Seeing his leaving figure, Xue An smiled faintly, then turned and left the square.

But his smile just now was seen in the eyes of many caring people.

A smart person thought about it for a while, and then he understood the key points. They couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring, and their awe of Xue An became more and more profound.

But there are also things that I haven't seen.

For example, this Su Xiaomu she muttered a little dissatisfied.

"Brother Xue An is a bit too kind! These brazen guys shouldn't let them in! And that He Wenbin, I just inquired about, this guy is doing evil in Zhongyu, he is an old and cunning villain! Let it go?"

Hearing Su Xiaomu's words, Fu Xinyan's expression on the side sank and yelled, "Bold!"

Su Xiaomu was startled, "Senior Sister, you..."

Fu Xinyan's face sank like water, "Is it something that you can arrogantly discuss about adults?"

Su Xiaomu trembled when he heard the words and hurriedly lowered his head.

"Sorry sister, I was wrong! But I really didn't want to understand it!"

Fu Xinyan said indifferently: "You are still too young. You can only see the surface of many things, but you have never considered why this is the case."

"You said you don't understand why the adults let these brazen sects enter the Eastern Region, then you can see what the situation is in the field now!"

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