Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 863: Here the world is like a cage

"My lord, my name is Hall, I come from the ancient Faulkner family! And our resident is..." Speaking of this, Hall hesitated.


Hall trembled, and hurriedly said: "My lord, this continent is a secret realm that our Faulkner family uses to cultivate and raise high-quality blood slaves! And our family's residence is not here at all, but in the secret realm. outer!"

Hearing these words, the nobles in the banquet hall looked pale.

They didn't understand until this time.

It turned out that the world he was in was basically a cage used to raise blood slaves.

And he, in the eyes of these blood races, may be similar to cattle.

Everything that was originally proud of was shattered at this moment, and these people were naturally full of panic and despair.

Xue An had anticipated this.

Because after entering this world, he found that the rules of heaven and earth in this world were extremely single and lacking, and there were obvious signs of man-made manipulation.

Therefore, Xue An suspected at the time that this place might be used by a certain blood family to cultivate or raise blood slaves.

This seems a bit difficult to accept.

But in the heavens and worlds, this is just a routine operation.

Some ancient demons even cultivated a big world, and then used the souls naturally grown in the big world to feed their devil.

There is no way, the survival of the fittest is the unchanging truth and law in this vast universe.

"Big...sir, what I said is the truth, do you think you can let me go?" Hall licked his chapped lips and said in fear.

At this moment, in his heart, in addition to fear, it is extremely sad.

I thought it would be a relaxing journey, but I didn't expect to meet a strong man like Xue An.

And Hall still didn't understand how Xue An entered this secret realm?

Could it be prepared? For our Faulkner family?

This thought made Hall's hair straight up, and he didn't even dare to think about it anymore.

Xue An smiled upon hearing this, "Apart from your Faulkner family, what other powerful families are in the blood world?"

"This..." Hall just hesitated.

"Forget it, let me see for myself!"

Having said that, Xue An's eyes flashed, and the powerful divine mind broke into Hall's sea of ​​consciousness like a ruin, and then began to search for all useful information.

After a while.

Xue An withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness in Hall with a sinking face.

He found a lot of useful information.

But at the same time, I saw a lot of unsightly pictures.

For example, the blood slaves selected from here often end up miserably.

Because in the eyes of these blood races, these blood slaves are basically an item used to vent their desires and provide blood.

The structure of this Blood God Realm is extremely special.

It's like an onion, wrapped in layers.

The further you go in, the stronger your strength becomes.

Xue An estimated that the true Blood God Realm might be the core that was wrapped in layers.

As for the Faulkner family, they are in the outermost layer of the world.

Even so, they can still raise blood slaves unscrupulously, which shows the arrogance and cruelty of these blood races.

"Big...sir!" Hall just wanted to say something.

Xue An raised his hand and pointed it directly at Hall's brow.

There was a huge shock all over Hall, closing his eyes tightly, and there was a terrified gurgling sound in his throat.

He thought Xue An was about to kill himself.

But after a while, without the sharp pain as expected, Hall could not help but slowly open his eyes.

I'm not dead?

This was Hall's first thought.

Xue An said calmly: "It's enough to kill you ten times for what you did! But for the sake of your honesty, I will save you for the time being! But you have to be obedient, remember? "

Hall was ecstatic.

I'm fine if I don't die!

After I go out, the patriarch will definitely support me!

As soon as this thought came up in his mind, he felt a surge of pain from the depths of his soul.

The pain was so fierce that he rolled and tossed on the ground regardless of his image, and his muscles kept twitching.

Xue An looked at it coldly, and then said.

"Don’t think about revenge, because I have just cast a curse in your soul. As long as you have a hint of disobedience, this curse will make you worse than death. After three times, your soul Even your flesh exploded Peng’s utterly into nothing, do you understand?"

Xue An's tone was indifferent, but he could hear the whispers of the devil in this Hall's ears.

"You...what on earth do you want to do?" Hoer Qiang asked with a trembling voice, suppressing the fear in his heart.

Xue An smiled, "Didn't I just tell you, I'm going to the gathering place of your blood race!"

Hall was afraid to speak.

He could only lower his head and waited for Xue An's downfall with horror.

At this time, Xue An looked around all the people in the banquet hall.

"I'm sorry, this dinner seems to be disturbed by me!"

No one dared to speak.


Even the incomparable bloodstained man is not the opponent of this man, and he is even subdued by him.

How dare your group of people speak?

Xue An looked at King Dirk, who was trembling all over, kneeling in the corner, and said lightly: "As a king, in order to flatter him, he actually killed his people, even at the heart of fifty women. The blood is made into a drink and offered, you say, what price should you pay for it?"

King Dirk fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, looking at Xue An with pleading eyes.

Xue An was unmoved.

Rina couldn't help but rushed forward and pleaded: "Xue...sir, my father did not deliberately want to do this. It is because these blood powers control the power of life and death, we have to do this. What! What's more, those women didn't die, they just suffered some minor injuries! So please let him go!"

Xue An was slightly startled when he heard the words, and then sighed lightly.


These things seem to be wicked in their own eyes, but as a group of captivity, how can they face a powerful blood family?

"Okay, even if you let him go!"

Xue An said and waved.

Lena felt that a huge divine thought appeared in her mind, which contained a lot of complicated information.

"this is……."

"If you don't want to be the fish on the chopping board, first of all you must have enough strength! These spells should be able to help you!" Xue An said lightly.

Lina was The spells that Xue An bestowed on her were unheard of. From the mysterious writing alone, one could see that they were extremely powerful spells.

She was about to thank.

Xue An smiled slightly, "No thanks, after all...Are we friends!"

Lena was taken aback for a moment, then nodded quickly, "Hmm! Of course we are friends!"

Xue An smiled faintly, and then said: "Okay, let's go!"

Hall quickly responded: "Yes!"

Then he quickly opened the scroll he was carrying and opened the door of the secret realm.

"My lord, this is the way to leave the secret realm!"

Xue An nodded.

Then the two left this secret realm one after another.

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