Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 887: Lord of the Blood God

He didn't even believe a word of what these blood races said.

However, the coming of the blood **** these guys said made Xue An interested.

In Xue An's view, these guys are just delaying time, waiting for their blood **** to come down.

Also good.

When the time comes when the blood **** descends, I will slaughter you together.

In this way, it's even easier.

Thinking of this, Xue An nodded slightly.

"Okay! Then go take a look!"

Rosalinna and other blood elders were overjoyed upon hearing this.

"Dear strong, please follow me!"

These elders led the way, and Xue An followed in a leisurely stroll.


They came to the conference hall at the center of the core blood world.


This conference hall is also very lively.

Many servant blood races are busy going in and out.

"The strong, we prepared a special banquet according to the habits of the human race, just to express the guilt of our elders!"

Rosalina said with a smile, and then let Xue An into the meeting hall.

As Rosarina said.

An extremely rich banquet was placed in this conference hall.

"The strong, please come to your seat!"

Xue An was not polite.

He wanted to see what these guys were going to do.

So he sat in the upright position carelessly.

After that, many ancestors of the blood clan separated.

Rosarina filled a glass of wine herself.

"Dear strong man, this glass of wine is considered to be our respect!"

Xue An took it without comment, but did not drink, but quietly looked at Rosalina with a smile on her face.

The atmosphere in the conference hall suddenly became a bit solemn.

Until the smile on Rosalena's face became a little stiff.

Xue Ancai said lightly: "The wine is good!"

With that, Xue An drank it all.

These blood elders couldn't help being a little moved.

Because Xue An is equivalent to accepting the banquet alone in the enemy's base camp, and drank a glass of wine very calmly.

Not to mention anything else, just with such courage, it is enough to be admirable.

And Xue An drank the wine, put the wine glass on the table, and said lightly: "Full!"

There was an angry look in Rosalena's eyes.

She was an ancient blood clan that had survived for tens of thousands of years, but as a result, she was instigated by this young man as a servant, and her heart was naturally full of anger.

But I thought of Lord Qianzhe's orders.

This Rosalina still forcibly endured her dissatisfaction and filled Xue An with wine again.

Xue An raised his glass in his hand, looked around the audience and smiled faintly.

"Don't be so nervous, no matter how big the enemy is, now that he is at the wine table, he is a temporary friend!"

When these blood elders who thought they were used to seeing the big scene faced Xue An's eyes, they couldn't help trembling in their hearts, and then all smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah yeah!"

"That's right! I toast you!"

Next, the banquet and the banquet were scrambling, and the blood elders came forward to toast, and Xue An refused to refuse.

But the atmosphere became more and more depressing.

Three rounds of wine.

Xue An was not drunk, and the more he drank, the brighter his eyes became.

These blood elders began to wink at each other.

Especially Rosalena, at this moment, she is extremely anxious.

Why hasn't Master Qianzhe appeared yet?

Didn't he say that as long as Xue An appeared in this realm, he would lead the gods to appear at most one or two hours?

Therefore, Rosalina and other blood veterans will try their best to hold Xue An.

But now that three or four hours have passed.

There was still no movement, Rosarina was naturally very anxious.

Xue An seemed to see this, but only smiled faintly, and continued to drink leisurely.

at last.

After a long while.

Located on the Tongtian Tower in the center of the Conference Hall, the blood glow suddenly skyrocketed, and the majestic and terrifying momentum made the world of this core blood world pale.

Rosalinna and many other blood veterans were overjoyed.

Finally waiting!

Then I saw in this **** light, a figure began to emerge.

One, two, three...

Rosalind was surprised to find out.

This time, ten blood **** generals actually came.

The Thousand Stings, who had dropped the oracle before, were at the forefront of the team.

Under such a battle, Rosalind and many other veterans of the blood clan shuddered all over, all squatting on the ground.

"Welcome all the gods to come!"

No one responded.

These gods and generals who are usually aloof all have a respectful look at this moment.

After the figure appeared, he obediently stood on both sides with his hands down, as if to welcome the arrival of something more noble.

Then, from the top of the towering sky-reaching tower, the void folded, revealing a ladder.

And a figure wearing a blood cloak, whose face was also shrouded in blood, stepped down and walked slowly.

This figure is not tall.

There is no strong momentum.

Can step down every step.

The world will tremble lightly.

As for all the blood races, the moment they felt the appearance of this figure, they all crawled on the ground, burying their heads deep in the mud.

Some were even more excited and tearful.

Because it came from the supreme faith of the blood race, known as the Lord of the Blood God of all origins!


Even thousands of years before the Blood God Realm was not closed, these blood races had not seen Gaia's face in person for a long time.

Unexpectedly, this time, he actually came personally.

This time.

All the blood races are determined in their hearts.

Because Gaia is their faith, their ancestor.

In their opinion, no one would be the opponent of their own Lord Lord.

Even if the gods are here, it won't work.

But just in this atmosphere.

Xue An still sat in a chair in his spare time, pouring and drinking.

It's as if the Gaia who stepped into the air doesn't exist at all.


Gaia appeared, and then raised his hand, "Get up all!"

The voice was indifferent, but with the supreme majesty that can not be disobeyed.

These blood elders all got stood aside respectfully.

The situation became very clear in an instant.

On one side is the blood tribe with overwhelming blood and flames, and on the other side is Xue An who drinks himself after sitting alone at the banquet.

This weird confrontation made the audience deadly silent.

Then I heard Gaia faintly said: "Xue An, I'm very curious how courageous you are, how dare you come to my blood world alone to cause chaos, and even slaughter my blood? Do you really think that I can win with you alone?"

Xue An raised his eyes and glanced at the menacing kinsmen on the opposite side, then focused all his attention on Gaia and smiled faintly.

"A pseudo-god whose godhead is already incomplete, dare to speak to me in this tone?"

These words came out.

The blood glow shrouded Gaia's body flickered abruptly, causing the world to shake.

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