Yao Chaofeng nodded, then put down the wine glass in his hand, "Today I tried to test this Xue An, and it turned out that he is neither humble nor arrogant nor irritable. He is indeed a difficult character!"

If an outsider is present and hears Yao Chaofeng's name, he will be shocked.

Because this middle-aged beautiful woman is the concubine of Tang Shengna, the Tang elder, Yao Yu.

Outside, Yao Chaofeng is the nephew of Yao Yu.

But in fact, this Yao Chaofeng is her son.

The reason for concealing the facts is that they are afraid of causing suspicion by others.

After all, the mother and son hadn't had any good intentions since they entered the Tang family, and they had just come to try to seize the family property.

The two of them thought it would be a simple matter.

As long as Tang Sheng is deceived, there is only one Tang Ling'er left.

As a result, they didn't expect that the seemingly weak and weak daughter was extremely intelligent, and quickly managed the Tang family's property in an orderly manner.

As a result, their plan was frustrated.

But they didn't give up and immediately changed their plans.

This Yao Chaofeng began to pursue Tang Linger frantically.

And his mother Yao Yu was blowing pillow breeze in front of Tang Sheng.

Working together on both sides is thinking about getting people and money together.

But when Tang Sheng had gradually accepted it, things started to turn around.

Xue An suddenly appeared.

This naturally made the mother and son jealous and resentful.

"What are you going to do with Feng'er? Find someone to kill him?" At this point, Yao Yu showed a ruthless look on his face, obviously not an easy one.

Yao Chaofeng shook his head, "No, I can't do it now. After all, this Xue An was personally invited by Tang Linger. If she does it directly before she comes back, it will easily arouse her suspicion, and then it will be impossible to do it!"

"Then Yifeng'er, you mean..."

Yao Chaofeng sneered: "Tang Sheng will never agree to this marriage. Everything is nothing but a wishful thinking of Tang Linger. And I heard rumors that Xue An's arrival was also because of Tang Linger's invitation. So when they come back, as long as their mother The adults are helping the flames, Tang Sheng will be furious, and then..."

"I don't believe that Tang Linger dared to disobey his father's orders!"

"Very good! Just as Feng'er said! But you have to get Tang Ling'er early, otherwise there will be more and more changes!"

"Mother, don't worry, this matter...I have my own decision!" Yao Chaofeng looked like he was ready.

In the next few days, Yao Chaofeng never appeared again.

This made Qing'er's mental arithmetic that had been hanging down all the time.

She was afraid that Yao Chaofeng would be disadvantageous to Xue An while the young lady did not come back.

So she will come several times every day.

Xue An was noncommittal about this. He just ate and went to bed every day, and his life was very simple.

Over time.

The servants in the palace began to chew their tongues.

"Tsk tusk, have you heard? The guy who was the old neighbor with our young lady came to our house, and he ate and slept every day. A meal can even eat for three or five people, with a bucket same!"

"Hey, of course I heard, and I also heard that this guy is dressed in shabby clothes. I guess he didn't even have enough to eat before, so after we got here, he ate like a hungry ghost!"

"Just thinking about the imperial examination? Our lady wants to be blind too!"

These cynicisms naturally reached Qing'er's ears.

Although she was very angry, she couldn't control what the people below said.

But Yao Chaofeng was full of joy after hearing this rumor.

He thought Xue An was a strong enemy at first, but when he saw his appearance, he was relieved.

It's probably just a mess of eating and drinking.

at the same time.

In a caravan coming to the capital.

Tang Linger was sitting in the carriage reviewing various accounts of the trader this time.

Although only twenty-eight years old, Tang Ling'er is already a business veteran, and she has a keen grasp of business opportunities and a vicious vision, which even makes some veterans who have been struggling for decades to sigh.


Tang Ling'er finally finished counting the accounts, then closed his eyes and began to think about the harvest this time.

This is her habit. Every time she makes an inventory of her travel income, she finds out the shortcomings.

This is why she can make such rapid progress.

After thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing to pay attention to. Tang Ling'er opened her eyes, and finally a touch of fatigue appeared on her stunning face.

Then subconsciously took out a piece of letterhead.

This letterhead is already a little shabby, and it is obviously often read by her.

Although she could already remember the above words, she opened the album and read it word by word.

What is written above is exactly the reply from Xue An to her.

In words, the native Xue An, who had actually died long ago, wrote compliments in a nearly flattering tone, and tremblingly explained the latest situation one by one.

It is as if a student is reporting to his teacher.

Tang Ling'er was silent after watching for a long time.

At this moment, her heart is a little sad.

Because what she asked for was not the kind of emotion that ordinary girls expected.

It is a strong man who can conquer himself from all aspects.

This is also the reason why she is willing to show her face and fight the mall as a daughter.

She likes the excitement of challenges.

The reason why she took the initiative to write to Xue An, her childhood playmate, and invited him to Beijing.

It was because she remembered when she was a child.

Xue An at that time was far better than her in terms of talent and knowledge.

So Tang Linger at that time admired Xue An extremely.

This feeling did not dissipate with the relocation of the Tang family, but became stronger.

Therefore, Tang Linger would write that letter later.

Unexpectedly, Xue An's reply left Tang Ling'er in her throat, feeling dazed.

Is this man who is the only promise in the letter paper the same high spirited boy?

Why do you feel so awkward?

Tang Linger's mind was full of thoughts.

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a woman on horseback knocked on the carriage, and then whispered: "Miss, there was news from home just now, that Young Master Xue has arrived in the capital and is staying in the mansion!"

Tang Ling'er was taken aback, then nodded, and said lightly: "Got it!"


"But what?"

"But this Young Master Xue seems to be a little bit wrong. I heard rumors that after he entered the mansion, he stayed simple and went to bed every day when he was full, and he never did his homework!"

There was a moment of silence in the carriage, and then Tang Linger said indifferently: "I know, how many days will you return to the capital?"

"You can arrive the day after tomorrow!"

"Speed ​​up the journey and get home tomorrow!"


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