Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 941: Fox night, I'm looking for your sister

"Hey, you said Xue An, who suppressed the entire dynasty, when will he come back?" Someone whispered.


   "Come back? Ha ha, I think it's still a problem if I can come back!" Someone sneered.


   "Why do you say that?"


   "You think, although he is very powerful, there is only one person after all, and he is facing countless masters this time!"


   "I also think it's awkward to come back!"


   Many people shook their heads secretly, without any hope for Xue An to go there.


At this moment.


   Someone exclaimed, "Look, what's on the horizon?"


   Everyone looked up.


   I saw a stream of light appearing in the sky, and then flying towards Kyoto.


   "Could someone come back for revenge!" Someone said in horror.


   The words came out.


  Many people are horrified.


at the same time.


   These streamers have already flown to the sky above Kyoto, and after they have established themselves, they are all powerful men with different faces.


   There are dozens of people, and when they collectively appeared in the sky above Kyoto, the whole of Kyoto shuddered.


   "This is over, it must be those immortal masters who sent someone back to retaliate!" Someone exclaimed.


   In the East Palace, the atmosphere is even more suppressed.


   Yanxi stood in the courtyard, looking up at the sky with a sinking face.


   Someone persuaded: "His Royal Highness, now the good or bad is uncertain, you should avoid it temporarily, otherwise..."


   "Needless to say, no matter who the other party is, I am here to wait for Master Xue's return!" Yan Xi said lightly.


   The persuader was speechless for a while.


At this moment.


   An Yan also showed up in the front yard with two little girls, and then the two little girls excitedly pointed to the sky and shouted: "It's Dad, Dad is back!"


   Hearing what they said, Yan Xi was taken aback for a moment, and then he heard a chuckle from Tian Tian.


   "Good girl, Dad is back!"


   After that, I saw two streamers flying across the sky. After standing up, who was it not Xue An?


   When I saw him return.


   The whole Kyoto was quiet first, and then there was a low noise.


   "Look, I'll say Master Xue will return safely! What else can you say now?" Someone said proudly.


   As for the previous cynics, after seeing Xue An, they all turned pale in fright and hid secretly in the crowd, not daring to talk.


   Then Xue An led everyone to land in the East Palace.


   Yan Xi was overjoyed, and was the first to rush forward to salute.


   "The son..."


   Xue An waved his hand, "Well, no need to be so polite!"


   "Yes!" Yan Xi replied, but his eyes swept over the eleven or twelve-year-old girl next to Xue An.


   Although it was just a glimpse.


   But the beauty of this girl still shocked Yan Xi.


   Why did Young Master Xue go out and bring back such a stunning beauty?


   Yan regrets the doubt in her heart, but dare not show the slightest on her face.


   And at this time, An Yan brought Missing Nian forward.


   Xue An smiled slightly, "Yan'er, I'm back!"


   An Yan nodded, but his attention was all attracted by the Hu Ying on the side.


   In fact, it is impossible for An Yan to pay attention to her.


   Since entering the East Palace since the first fight.


   Huying was staring at An Yan with almost critical eyes.


   Although there is no introduction.


   By intuition, Hu Ying can also guess that this woman should be the sister-in-law mentioned by Brother Xue.


   So she stared at it dissatisfied.


   can wait after watching for a while.


   Fox Ying's eyes gradually softened.


  Because An Yan is not inferior to him in terms of appearance or temperament, even worse.


   At this point, even if you are as proud as her, you have to bow your head and give in.


   Especially after seeing the thoughts and thoughts that followed An Yan, Hu Ying's body was slightly shaken, and her eyes appeared confused.


   Are these two daughters of Brother Xue?


   is really...cute!


   But the more so, the more at a loss in Hu Ying's heart.


   At this time, Xue Anzheng wanted to introduce, but An Yan pursed his lips and said first: "This little girl should be Huye's sister, Miss Huying, right?"


   Fox Ying shook slightly, and then came to a clear sense of confusion, "Ah...Yes!"


   "Is really a beautiful and unspeakable little girl, no wonder Xue An is so nervous about you after knowing your news!" An Yan said lightly.


   But these words made Xue An on the side sweat coldly.


   "Ahem, Yaner, I..."


   An Yan's eyes were circling, and he ignored Xue An at all. Instead, he stepped forward and took Hu Ying's hand familiarly, "Let's go! Sister-in-law talks to you!"


   Fox Ying had been full of dissatisfaction before coming, and even wanted to get rid of this sister-in-law who had never met.


   After seeing it, after a few words from An Yan, she began to be at a loss.


   Then he was dragged by An Yan to the backyard in a daze.


   Xue An looked at An Yan and Hu Ying, who had never seen each other before, but they became very familiar in an instant. They always felt that their hairs were standing straight.


   Chan'er came over at this moment, "Master, who was the pretty girl just now? Could it be the second room that the young master found..."


   Before the words fell, Xue An knocked Chan'er's head, and then said dumbfounded: "What nonsense? Is that my sister?"


   "Oh!" Chan'er rubbed her sore head and smiled, "I just heard the people around me tell me, I thought it was the new wife from the young master!"


   Xue An only noticed Yan Xi and the strange gazes of those guys in the distance.


   This made him suddenly feel a sense of aggrieved feeling that he couldn't get rid of it when he jumped into the Yellow River.


   "Ah, yes yes! I suddenly remembered that there is still a lot to do, I'm leaving now!"


   Yan regretted seeing the machine the fastest, and immediately found an excuse to slip away.


   When he left, the rest of the group also dispersed.


   Xue An stood in the courtyard, Yang Tian sighed for a while, and then suddenly smiled.


   "Fox Ye, I found your sister now. Then, how can you thank me?"




   Xue An smiled like a fox.


at the same time.


   In a very distant world.


   Fox Ye, who had just blown a cow with a bunch of young girls, suddenly sneezed a few times, and felt that all his hairs were erected.


   This made him a little surprised.




What's going on here?


   Could it be that you are a bit tired recently?


   Well, it must be so!


   It seems that I have to talk to the I have found a chance to rest for a few days.


   When the lanterns first came on.


   In the East Palace, a dinner party is being held in a low-key manner.


   An Yan smiled and looked at Fox Ying who was devouring food, and asked a few words from time to time.


   Fox Ying said everything with a pure face.


   Xue An listened to him, and then he understood why this Fox Ying appeared in this world.


   It turned out that when the news of Xue An's fall came.


  Foxying feels unhappy, and firmly believes that this is not true.


   Then she remembered his birthplace, the earth, which Xue An had mentioned, so she sneaked out of the Qingqiu fox world and began to cross the void, wanting to find Xue An on earth.


   I didn't expect to ambush in the middle of the journey and be directly dragged into this world.

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