Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 968: This is a favor, they have to help or not...

Since then, Xue An left Beijiang, and when he saw Fan Mengxue again, it was already after Xue An returned.

Unexpectedly, this picture of Fan Mengxue has been kept, and it can be seen that she takes this picture very seriously, and she has even become a little pale.

Xue looked quietly.

The people in the dark council at the door looked at each other, wondering what Xue An was doing.

It wasn't until a long time later that Karthus asked worriedly.

"Big...sir, is something wrong with Mengxue?"

Xue An put down the photo and shook his head gently, "She has nothing to do! She just went to a far place!"

"a place far away?"

Everyone was a little confused.

Xue An said lightly: "Yes! A place far, far away!"

Karthus looked confused and just wanted to talk.

Anastasia stopped him, then shook her head at him with a serious face, motioning him not to ask any more.

Karthus glanced at Xue An's back, finally swallowed what he wanted to say and lowered his head.

At this moment, Xue An walked slowly to the window, looked up at the night sky outside, and whispered to himself: "Although the breath is already weak, I can still feel the power! Is it a summon?"

"And if I'm not mistaken, it's because... the Dark Holy Emperor will decide!"

Speaking of this, Xue An's eyes flashed with complex light, there was joy, but there were more deep concerns.

"Mengxue, from then on, you will truly embark on the dark road, and this road is destined to not be so smooth!"

"But don't worry, no matter who it is, if you dare to bully you, I will still stand up for you like I did in the past!"

As if in response to Xue An's words, a meteor passed across the sky.

Xue An raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a faint smile.

When Xue An returned to Beijiang from Europe, everyone was anxiously waiting for him.

Seeing his body fall, An Yan rushed over first.

"How? Did you find Mengxue?"

Xue An shook his head, "No, but don't worry, she's fine!"

An Yan wanted to say something, but seeing Xue An's expression, she finally swallowed back.

At this moment, I saw Xiangxiang and Niannian running out crying.

"Dad! What's wrong with Xiaosha? Why did she become an egg?" Nian-nian almost cried into tears.

"Yes, Dad, they all said Xiaosha is dead! I don't want her to die!" Thinking about it, she couldn't breathe.

The distressed Xue An saw, so he hugged him one by one, softly comforting.

"Okay, okay, stop crying! Who says Xiaosha is dead, even if she is really dead, I can save her back!"

"Really?" Missing Nian stopped crying while looking at Xue An dimly.

Looking at the big watery eyes of his two daughters, Xue An couldn't help but kiss him alone.

"Of course it's true, can Dad lie to you?"

The two little girls broke into laughter, broke free from Xue An's embrace, cheered and rushed to the Octopus standing in the distance, then raised their pink fists and hit them.

"Let you talk nonsense! Hmph, Dad didn't care about Xiaosha!"

"That's right, Dad is not that kind of bad person. He has said that he will save Xiaosha! Let you lie to us and beat you!"

The fists of the two little girls were hammered on Zhang Xiaoyu's body like no money.

Zhang Xiaoyu grinned at Xue An embarrassedly.

"Hey, my lord, I'm sorry, I'm just afraid you won't save Master Xiaosha!"

Xue An naturally saw that it was the two little girls that Zhang Xiaoyu slapped, but this was also to save Xiaosha, so he just smiled non-committal.

Wait until the crowd disperses.

The two little girls went back to their room to sleep.

Now these two little girls have a strong self-awareness, and they have to be independent even when they sleep, which makes An Yan very sad for a while.

But now.

After hearing the sound of sleeping from the two daughters in the bedroom, An Yan walked towards the roof lightly.

Xue An is sitting on the rooftop and drinking slowly.

It was April in the world. Although the flowers were blooming, it was still a bit cold at night.

In the breeze, An Yan walked to Xue An's side, pulled a chair and sat down, and poured himself a glass of red wine.

Xue An turned his head and glanced at her, smiled slightly, and raised his glass.

After the two drank the wine in the glass.

An Yan said softly, "Husband, what happened to Mengxue?"

Xue An did not speak, but quietly looked into the distance.

The rooftop of this villa is the highest point around, sitting on it, and even overlooking the entire Beijiang.

Xue An's gaze seemed to penetrate layers of darkness, looked towards the unknown, and then said lightly.

"She went to a sacred place for the dark ones! There should be a way for her to go!"

An Yan was startled, "You mean..."

Xue An said calmly: "I once told Mengxue that when I chose this path, I chose to walk alone in the dark! She calmly told me that she was willing to bear all costs for it!"

An Yan was silent.

All around was quiet, only the breeze in the night sky was whispering.

After a long time, she whispered: "Will you see it again?"

Xue An smiled, "Yes, of course! Speaking of which, there are my old acquaintances in that place!"

It's just that Xue An's tone became a little weird when he mentioned the three words old acquaintance.

But An Yan didn't notice the slightest strangeness at all, but stared at the night sky blankly, and suddenly sighed, "Actually, I think Mengxue is really pitiful!"

Xue An lowered his head and drank without speaking.

After a while, An Yan whispered: "Husband, what happened to Xiaosha? Isn't it really like Qinger said, has been...dead?"

In the darkness, Xue An was silent for a moment, then nodded gently, "She's right!"

An Yan was shocked. She thought Xiao Sha was just asleep, but she didn't expect even Xue An to say so.

At this moment Xue An said lightly: "That palm directly sealed all the vitality of Xiaosha, and after such a long time, Xiaosha's vitality has indeed been shattered! Even if it was me, it was impossible. Let her be born again!"

An Yan was trembling slightly, and it seemed that the girl with a shameless face was smiling and shouting to herself, Lord Mistress.

For a time, An Yan's heart was like a knife.

"But..." Xue An's eyes shone brightly, "Even if she is really dead, I will let her come alive!"

An Yan was startled, "Husband, what can you do?"

Xue An raised his head and looked at the starry sky, and said lightly: "There are many ways, but the safest and most sure of success is to go to the Dragon Realm and reincubate Xiaosha’s dragon egg in the origin of the Dragon Realm. , Xiaosha can not only live, but even reach the sky in one fell swoop!"

"But...Is Dragon World willing to help?" An Yan said hesitantly.

Xue An smiled, "This is a favor, they have to help, or if they don't! I can't help but they disagree with what I decide!"

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