"This seat, Xia Wuji, has come to settle a cause and effect."

Xia Wuji looked at the three giants and said lightly.

"cause and effect?"

The Supreme Being of the Dark Realm asked: "Dare to ask your Excellency, who is the cause and effect?"

Xia Wuji shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I can find him."

"Oh, by the way, do you want to stop it?"

Xia Wuji looked up at them with interest.

I thought that the three Supremes of the Dark Realm would block, or at least say some face-saving words, after all, these three old guys are the Supremes of the Dark Realm.

Who knew that these three giants all shook their heads and said, "Your Excellency, please."

Don't accept this cause at all.

Xia Wuji was a little disappointed.

Originally, he used this excuse to fight with these three big guys, and he also took a look at the extent of his physical strength, but these three big guys didn't take it at all.

He stood in the void, looked at a place in the dark world, grabbed with a big hand, and a huge figure of 100 feet was caught.

The three giants were stunned.

Level seven?

What are you doing, a ninth-level supreme powerhouse bullying a seventh-level ant?

"Ah? Immortal Venerable!" The seventh-level dark world powerhouse bound in the void looked at Xia Wuji and said in shock.

"Do you still know me?"

Xia Wuji smiled lightly.

"...You are the Immortal King who crossed the battlefield of light and darkness and entered the dark world?" The seventh-level dark world powerhouse was shocked, "Impossible! How could you step into the Immortal Venerable in just a few thousand years?"

what! Thousands of years from the fairy king to the fairy god? And still the pinnacle Immortal Venerable?

The three dark world giants were shocked.

One of the giants looked at the seventh-level dark world powerhouse and asked, "Really?"

The seventh-level dark world powerhouse nodded and said, "Really! I slapped him back then, and I said he passed the border. I didn't expect that he didn't die, and he even became an Immortal Venerable. It's incredible."

The three dark world giants suddenly turned to look at Xia Wuji.

Xia Wuji lightly smiled and said, "That's true."

The eyes of the three giants of the dark world suddenly burst into a monstrous light.

Everyone knows that being able to step into the pinnacle of Immortal Venerable in thousands of years has a huge secret.

And from the time this person walked out of chaos in an understatement just now, it can be seen that this immortal is not simple.

This definitely has something to do with the treasure on him.

And such a treasure is definitely not an ordinary treasure, it is likely to be a Chaos-level treasure.

Immortal Venerable needs to comprehend the Law of Destiny, and even the amazing and brilliant generation needs at least hundreds of millions of years of hard work to fully comprehend the Law of Destiny.

Only in this way can an ordinary Immortal King step into the Peak Immortal Venerable in just a few thousand years.

The three big bosses in the dark world who had no interest in Xia Wuji instantly had a reason to take action.


The three surrounded Xia Wuji in three directions.

Xia Wuji raised his brows, and the corner of his mouth raised a radian.

Originally, these three guys didn't want to have a causal entanglement with him at all, but now they actually took the initiative.

Xia Wuji shook his hand, and the seventh-level dark world powerhouse turned into blood mist, and finally dissipated, leaving no trace behind.

This is the power of Immortal Venerable.

But the same power will not play such a big role for Immortal Venerable.

The mutual laws of fate will cancel each other out, so when you reach the realm of Immortal Venerable, the battle will return to its original state. It is no longer a battle of laws, but a battle of the body of the deity.

Because their laws have been completely integrated into the flesh, and every move contains laws.

As far as the physical body is concerned, it is natural that the powerhouses in the dark world are stronger, which is a recognized fact.

But at the realm of Immortal Venerable, the advantage of the powerful body of the dark world is already very small. After all, the mastery of the body at this stage has reached a quite powerful level.

Without a strong physical body, it is impossible to step into the chaos above the Nine Heavens.

In any case, no matter how small the advantage is, it is still an advantage. Moreover, when three dark world ninth-level supreme bosses deal with a fairy world peak immortal, this advantage is relatively tripled, which is enough to keep Xia Wuji behind.

"Leave the treasure and let you go!"

A Supreme said indifferently.

There are no superfluous words, no need to hide and tuck, straight to the point.

When the cultivation base has reached their realm, it is meaningless to lie.

Xia Wuji smiled, stretched out his hand, and hooked his fingers.

"Hmph, provocation?"

Supreme disdain.


The figure appeared in front of Xia Wuji and punched out.


The edge of chaos exploded.

It was not Xia Wuji who flew out, but the Supreme Being of the Dark Realm, accompanied by the flesh and blood of his broken arm.

But when the Supreme Being of the Dark Realm appeared in front of Xia Wuji again, his arm was intact, but his face was very solemn.


The three Dark Realm Supremes didn't need to speak at all, they directly attacked and killed Xia Wuji in a tacit understanding.

Heaven and earth collapsed, chaos tumbled.

When the three attacks came, Xia Wuji didn't move, and let these three forces that could destroy the sky and the earth bombard him.

He wanted to see how strong the God and Demon Hegemony was when he reached the pinnacle of the ninth floor.

You must know that he will cross the chaos soon, according to what Yun Qingyao said, if the physical strength is not strong enough, it will not be enough to cross, it will be crushed by the endless power of chaos, and then assimilated.

Bang bang bang.

Three muffled sounds.

The violent force rushed over, and Xia Wuji was safe and sound.

But around him, time and space collapsed, becoming a space-time black hole.

Xia Wuji smiled.

He was very satisfied with the God and Demon Hegemony.

He didn't feel the power of these three punches at all, and he couldn't break the defense at all.

Coming and not being indecent, he also punched three times.

The three shocking Dark World Supremes were hit before they had time to dodge.

Three huge figures came and went quickly, flying into chaos one by one.

They are all peak supremes. They can stay in the chaos for a short time, but the time must not be long, because in the chaos, a huge amount of power is consumed every moment, and they must be squeezed by the huge power of chaos anytime, anywhere. .

After three attacks from the Supreme Beings of the Dark Realm, Xia Wuji already knew the strength of his physical body in general.

There is no point in testing.

He stepped into chaos one step at a time...

After a quarter of an hour, he walked out of the chaos, and the three Supremes of the Dark Realm had been captured by him and sent to the Dao Ding.

He will never show the slightest mercy towards the enemy.

If he wasn't strong enough, he would definitely be dead at the moment.

The battle between Immortal Venerables is not like Immortal Sovereigns and Immortal Emperors. Once he makes a move, it is inevitable, and it is a complete death that cannot be reincarnated. He will directly wipe the other party out of this world, because Immortal Venerable cannot leave karma for himself.

According to the memory search of the three Supremes of the Dark World, he knew that there are two more Supremes in the Dark World.

However, these two supreme beings are only in the early stage, and they cannot play a fundamental threat to the fairy world.


The new book "From the Demon Slayer Dungeon to the Immortal King" is the starting point, and you are welcome to taste it.

The new book "From the Demon Slayer Dungeon to the Immortal King" has been released.

Traversing became the eldest son of the Prince's Mansion of the Ming Dynasty, but he was deprived of the position of the prince because he let go of the Saintess of the Demon Realm, and was demoted to the lowest dungeon prisoner of the Demon Slayer Division.

But Jiang Nan didn't care.

Ling Chi Qianmei Banshee, the slaying method is complete!

Slaughter the ghosts, get the essence, and awaken the power of the real dragon!

Decompose the lower half of the incomplete succubus, comprehend the forbidden martial arts...


On that day, the demons of heaven and earth rioted, and the human race was in crisis.

Jiang Nan, dressed in a majestic tendon, walked out of the dungeon——


Pushing horizontally to 900 million miles, I am the king at the end of the fairy road.

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