Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 993: Emperor rally!

   Chapter 993 Heavenly Emperor Gathering!

   "Oh? Is that our Empress of the Great Tang who wants to leave an heir for me?"

  Li Chengqian joked suddenly!

  He also understood what Tang Xueyan meant!

  "The Great"

  Tang Xueyan has something to say, but Li Chengqian’s mouth is blocked

  Then, there was nothing to say all night

  Maybe when Datang will give birth to the princess or prince?

  "What do you think?"

  Just when Li Chengqian returned to the court, here, in a magnificent palace, there are eight great heavenly emperors!

  Every emperor has an ugly face!

  The fate of the Eighteen Emperors is still vividly remembered!

  Now, it's their turn!

  Although the battle is far from overthrowing the Eighteen Emperors!

  However, they dare not care about anything!

  The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

  The prestige of Datang is typed out!

  Said that the eighteenth dynasty was destroyed in March, it will be destroyed in March!

  Now, the time given to them is one year, can they stop it?

  In other words, with their strength, can they escape this disaster?

  Before changing to the Human Race Sacred Mountain League, they still have absolute confidence. It's a mere Tang, why is it true?

   But now, they dare not think so!

  On the sacred mountain of the human race, Datang has a foundation-level powerhouse, sweeping the emperor Jiang clan and the Xuanyuan clan of the human sacred mountain!

  The two tribes are both shameful and took a big oath. The first ancestors of their respective tribes were all hit hard by them!

  Especially the first ancestor of the Xuanyuan clan, it is said that he has not yet recovered!

  This kind of power, as long as they think about it for a moment, they feel shuddering!

  If the foundation-level powerhouse of Datang made a move, would their eight great celestial dynasties be enough for others to fight?

  I'm afraid it's not enough for people to pinch their little fingers, right?

   "Why don't we spell it?"

   "It's just the army led by Zhuge Liang, and we can defeat them in one fell swoop by joining forces of any two of our eight heavenly dynasties!"

   "If the three parties work together, it will be completely annihilated, which can be regarded as a lesson for Datang, letting the Great Tang know that we are not easy to provoke, maybe, then, will Datang take the initiative to retreat?"

  Genshan Tiandi has a hot temper, and the more he thinks, the worse he becomes!

  As the saying goes, don’t break out in silence, just die in silence!

   Genshan Tiandi is probably the kind of person who is willing to break out in silence, right?

   "Yes, Genshan Tiandi is right, I agree!"

  As fierce as the Fierce Fang Tiandi!

  Following the words of Emperor Genshan, he also shouted loudly!

  The sound is sonorous and powerful, loud and loud!

  The determination in his heart can be imagined!

   "I agree with what the Genshan Heavenly Emperor and the Fierce Tooth Heavenly Emperor have said, why don't we fight for it!"

  I have to say that if these individuals can become emperors, they are definitely not ordinary people!

  All of them are dragons and phoenixes among human beings, but when faced with the existence of Li Chengqian, you will only feel unhelpful, right?

  But, for one thing, they all dare to fight!

  It is Baihong Tiandi who speaks!

  His hatred with the Fierce Fang Tiandi is as deep as the sea!

  However, at this moment, I did not hesitate to choose the same answer as the Evil Fang Tiandi, let’s take a fight!

  Fight for it!

   "I also agree to put it together!"

  The Emperor Yanlong has no choice!

  Because of Tang Xueyan, there is no possibility of reconciliation between him and Datang!

  At this time, it happened to stir the emotions of many emperors. No, he still has a chance to stand up?

   "I agree too!"

  Canghai Tiandi, his heavenly background is profound, and he is full of confidence!

  A fight with Datang, he thinks it is impossible to succeed!

   Just as Genshan Tiandi said, once they can frustrate Datang's spirit, they will be much easier to handle the following things!

  At that time, even if Datang forced another attack, did they not have the opportunity to seek foreign aid?

  Human race is not just the three emperors of the human race holy mountain!

  Like the Heavenly Emperor Canghai, who has a long heritage, obviously knows a lot more than the average Heavenly Emperor!

   "I agree!"

  Xuanyun Tiandi thought carefully, and also chose to agree!

   Soon, six of the Eight Heavenly Emperors have reached an agreement!

  The remaining Brahma and Jue Cai Tiandi have their eyes flickering!

   "What are you hesitating about?"

   Seeing that the two great emperors were speechless for a long time, the Emperor Fierce Fang couldn't help but hurriedly asked.

  "Your thoughts are good, but do you know what the consequences will be if you annoy Datang?"

   "Datang's background level exists, but it can kill the terrifying strong man who can kill the first ancestor of the three emperors!"

   "Once you provoke this kind of existence to make a move, do you think that what you call a fight is useful?"

  The emperor Brahma looked gloomy and made a cold voice.

  There are not many words, but they are simple and clear!

   clearly told the six emperors how wrong they were in their thinking!

  Hold resistance, the strength of these six emperors is indeed not bad, but can the level behind the Tang Dynasty exist?

   Brahma is not optimistic at all!

   "So, Brahma, do you want to surrender?"

  Xuanyun Tiandi laughed disdainfully.

  The other five great emperors also gave a cold glance. The irony in their expressions is self-evident!


  "Do you think that if I dare to surrender, will he dare to accept it?"

  "Brahmaism is not comparable to the three emperors!"

  After speaking, Brahma and the emperor left in strides!

   "Brahma, really!"

  The Emperor Yanlong sighed!

  The other great emperors also flashed a strange color in their eyes!

   There have long been rumors that behind the Brahma Emperor is Brahma!

  At this moment, the Brahma Heavenly Emperor is so confident, that is enough to prove everything!

   Brahma, one of the great forces in Kyushu, is really the patron of the Brahma Emperor!

  In this way, it seems that Brahma Heavenly Emperor wants to sit back and relax?

  Vaguely, several emperors showed a hint of envy.

   "The Emperor Jue Cai, how about you?"

  Baihongtiandi looked at Emperor Jue Caitian who was sitting still and asked.


   "I don't plan to act with you!"


  With a relaxed smile, the Emperor Jue Cai also left in a big stride!

   "Who is behind this Jue Caitian Emperor?"

  After a long time, the evil tooth emperor solemnly asked several emperors.

   "Among us, I am afraid that only the Canghai Tiandi knows one or two, right?"

  Baihong Tiandi smiles bitterly!

  Jue Cai Tian Di has always been mysterious!

  It is not like Brahma God at all, others can still guess it!

   But like Jue Cai Tiandi, how do they guess?

  Guess no way to guess!

  I only know that the origin of the Emperor Jue Cai is mysterious, and it is not simple behind it!

  K, which force is behind it, and who can find out?

  Perhaps as Baihong Tiandi said, only the deep and long-standing Canghai Tiandi can know one or two?

  "Have you ever heard that Kyushu has the word ‘cai’?"

  The Emperor Canghai pondered for a long time before he slowly said out!

  In the words, there is quite a bit of obscurity!


  At the same moment, the other five heavenly emperors all exclaimed.

  After a long time, the expressions of the heavenly emperors calmed down, they discussed the arrangements for the next war in detail, and then left one after another.

  At this time, they had to hug each other to keep warm

  (End of this chapter)

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