Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1047: Huo Shuai, use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken

   Chapter 1047 Huo Shuai, kill a chicken with a sledgehammer

  咚! Boom! Boom!

   Just when the Chiki Legion and the Sacred Legion were out to the southwest, the Sacred Legion had already had three imperial dynasties and swept all the way.

   Right now, standing in front of the 狻猊 Legion is an army of nearly ten million.

   is the elite force formed by the four ordinary celestial dynasties, abandoning the dross and uniting them, and their combat power is not weak.

  It’s a pity that both Wei Qing and Huo Qubing were full of disdain.

   "A gang of mobs!"

   "Wei Shuai, wait for me to lead one hundred thousand champion guards to rush for a while, within half a day, the enemy will be defeated!"

  Huo Qubing's eyes are full of determination.

  One hundred thousand champion guards, the existence of half-step gods and demons!

  Facing an enemy of this level, with one block and one hundred, it will be like playing around, there is no pressure at all.

   "Wei Shuai, Huo Shuai, this little guy, just leave it to us?"

  Fan Kui patted his chest and said loudly.

  That voice is really not inferior to Zhang Fei.

   "You guys are too slow to do it, or should you do it yourself?"

  Huo Qubing is not happy anymore.

  He is also a militant person. It doesn't matter if he is not a commander, but if he is not allowed to fight and kill, it will be very uncomfortable.

   "Huo Shuai, your champion guard has taken action against these little guys. Isn't that just a sledgehammer? It's not appropriate."

  Fan Kui's head shook like a rattle.

  While talking, she squinted and squinted at Yingbo and Li Guang, indicating that these two should also try their best to fight for it.

   "Yes, Wei Shuai, you see, this little battle is also laboring Huo Shuai, so don't we have no effect at all?"

   Yingbo should drink out his voice, and a trace of teasing flashed unconsciously at the corner of his mouth.

  It is true that his hands are itchy. If he doesn’t say that, I’m afraid he won’t be able to compete with Huo Qubing.

  Huo Qubing is very domineering.

   "Wei Shuai, look, can you give us a chance?"

  Li Guang couldn't help but whispered.

  "Here, Huo Qubing, look, this little work, just let them do it?"

   Wei Qing faces Huo Qu Bing Tan Tan Shou Dao.

  Fan Kui's three people have said this. As the head of the first army, Wei Qing, if he does not fight for them, it is really too much.

  Furthermore, just as Fan Kui said, if Huo Qubing’s champion guard is to be used in these small battles, why would the 1 million Great Tang Iron Cavaliers of the Legion retain 1 million Great Tang Ruizui?

  Do you eat dry rice?

   "Never mind, you go."

  Wei Qing spoke, and Huo Qubing was not okay. He didn't let go. He waved his hand and said helplessly.

  To tell the truth, he just itched his hands. To be honest, the army on the opposite side is really not worth his shot.

  It's just a group of weak chickens.


  Fan Kui, Yingbu, and Li Guangqi all handed over and ordered all soldiers. Soon, the three of them rushed away with one million Datang sharp soldiers and one million Datang cavalry.

  Yingbo and Li Guang each led 500,000 Datang cavalry to slam the enemy's wings.

  Fan Kui took the lead, leading a million Tang Ruizuo to the center of the enemy.

  "Fill me with arrows, shoot the enemy, hurry!"

  Enemy Center, the four emperors suddenly became calm.

   yelled one by one, screaming red and red, and there was no image of the emperor at all.

boom! boom! boom!

  Suddenly, the sky is overwhelming.

  Fan Kui hurriedly shouted loudly: "Raise the shield and advance quickly."

  Datang Ruizu, everyone is above the sun, and the average cultivation level of the enemy is relatively much worse.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that the Datang Ruizu standing and letting the enemy shoot, with the body protection infuriating, it is difficult for Datang Ruizu to cause any casualties in a short time.

  And now, one by one is even more prepared, holding high the characteristic shield, following Fan Kui's pace, and moving forward quickly.

  It can be said that several rounds of the enemy's arrows rained down, to Datang Ruizu, it was like tickling it, it was simply a painless move.

   "Ready to ride and shoot, let go of arrows!"

   Yingbo and Li Guang on the left and right wings were not idle either.

  As soon as the enemy began to lay down the arrow rain, he was immediately unwilling to fall behind.

   burst out loudly: "Give me an arrow!"

boom! boom! boom!

  The Tang cavalry was moving at high speed, and the enemy had no choice.

  Even if it is shot by a crossbow arrow, it is difficult to cause effective damage to Datang cavalry.

  Instead, it was the rain of archery and arrows between the Tang cavalry rushing, which inflicted heavy losses on the enemy.

  After several rounds of shooting, at least three to five million people were damaged by the enemy's wings.

  This is a terrible number.

  You must know that the total number of enemy troops is only tens of millions. They have been damaged so much before being close by Datang Iron Cavaliers, and they are indeed extremely injured.

   "Kill! Kill this general!"

  Dang Tieqi’s advancing speed was very fast, and it didn’t take long for them to rush to the enemy’s two wings.

  Formally meet with the enemy forces.


  Li Guang and Yingbo are both brave and invincible. The power of the pinnacle of Consummation God swayed freely, and a single blow could take away thousands of enemy troops.

  Enter and exit like no one, invincible all the way.

  Occasionally, a few enemy generals of the Consummation God Realm will appear, and they will be killed by Li Guang and Yingbu within a few moves.

  The advancing speed of the two wings was quite fast. When Fan Kui officially connected with the enemy's army, the two wings of the enemy were close to collapse, and the number of losses exceeded one million.


  The enemy army center, the four heavenly emperors looked at each other. They had imagined countless situations, but only when they really played against Datang would they know how stupid their previous thoughts were.

   is like playing around.

  The tens of thousands of elites they are proud of, under the rush of Datang Tieqi, they are simply vulnerable.

  Not to mention that Datang Ruizu is also killing like a wolf like a tiger. I am afraid that no accident will happen, and the army will also be defeated.

   Silent for a long time, the four heavenly emperors had no blood on their faces, and they lost their yelling thoughts.

  At this moment, time seems to be frozen.

  The four emperors couldn't even stand in a trance.

   After all, they are just ordinary celestial dynasties, and their strength is much worse than that of Yanlong celestial dynasties.

  In this case, these tens of millions of troops, mixed with a dozen generals of the Perfect God, are already the limit of their strength that they can piece together.

   Knowing this would happen, why did they resist?

   Surrendering may still save his life, and it is not without a chance to make a comeback in the future.

   But now, looking at these bloodthirsty Datang troops, they only felt a sense of despair in their hearts.


  Time passed bit by bit, and as expected by the four emperors, with Fan Kui’s strong entry, the enemy army quickly collapsed.

  The two wings attacked again, and the enemy's tens of thousands of troops were almost wiped out in less than an hour.

  This is absolutely unimaginable in previous battles.

   Just kidding, tens of thousands of army, just stand and let you kill, you will kill for a long time.

  But in the face of the army of the Great Tang, all these laws have become nothingness. Under the absolute crush of strength, it was a completely unequal massacre.

  The speed has been accelerating again and again, which is a matter of course

  (End of this chapter)

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