Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1080: Ming Dynasty Spree [Five Watches! 】

  Chapter 1080 The Ming Dynasty Spree [Five Watches! 】

   "Li Xianyuan, I will let you take charge of this daring legion first, and soon there will be a legion coach coming. By then, you must be good at cooperating, understand?"

  Li Chengqian pointed at Li Xianyuan, and solemnly ordered.


  Li Xianyuan agreed quickly.

  Being able to obtain the post of deputy commander, he is already very satisfied.

  He is a very interesting person.

  Knowing that Li Chengqian would definitely not give them the title of head coach of the Dying Corps.

  In this case, his post of deputy commander is obviously the largest official post in the range of options. Fortunately, he is very satisfied!

   "Wei Qing, I will leave this territory to you to guard it. Remember, like Zhou Yu, from the previous count, five years, I need this territory to completely become the territory of the Tang Dynasty, do you understand?"

  After that, Li Chengqian put a burden on Wei Qing, with the same task as Zhou Yu.


  Wei Qing also responded very simply.

  Compared with his previous combat missions, this mission is a bit more cumbersome, but the difficulty is also much lower.

  Especially on his side, there is also the cooperation of the Dying Legion, the difficulty of regaining this large area of ​​territory, and the resistance of the people is much smaller than that of Zhou Yu.

  On this point, Wei Qing is still very clear.

  He knew that in theory, he still took a lot of advantage.

   "Li Xianyuan, you need to cooperate well with Wei Shuai. By the way, these surrender cards are handed to you. Those backgrounds exist, none of them can be missing. Everyone must use them, understand?"

  Although Li Chengqian knew that he was bound by the surrender card, Li Xianyuan would definitely complete the things he explained 100%.

  However, sometimes, it is better to be careful not to make a big mistake.

   solemnly explained.

  Li Chengqian's eyes were deadly intimidating Li Xianyuan.

   "You must not dare to have the trust of the Emperor of Heaven."

  Li Xianyuan and worship again!

   "Very good, I will leave it to you here."

   "I'm now back to the court."

  The two wars took less than two months together. However, the Tang Dynasty, after all, had a vast territory and many things, it was better for Li Chengqian to handle it himself.

  Li Chengqian thought for a while, and decided not to stay outside.

   intends to return to Hua Tianyu as quickly as possible. While dealing with state affairs, he waits for the birth of his heir with peace of mind.

  Unknowingly, the thought of his heirs made Li Chengqian's heart agitated.

   "Send God to the Emperor!"

   Soon, Li Chengqian went to Hua Tianyu under the farewell of Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Li Xianyuan and others.

  Negative 屃 Corps and Pu Lao Corps also returned to Hua Tianyu with the army.

  The main reason is that they are not used here, right?

  "Congratulations to the emperor for his accomplishment: the surrender of more than tens of millions of people at one time, the surrender of more than 100 million troops, and the surrender of more than 3 billion troops."

  On the way, Li Chengqian heard the sound of the destiny monument again.

  The corners of the mouth rise slightly.

  This has been really happy recently.

  So, he will be rewarded again.

  I don’t know what to get this time.

  But, in any case, even if the reward is poor, Li Chengqian doesn't matter, and he will be satisfied.

  Because, this yoga is light, and his gains are really big.

  To a certain extent, this gain has been so great that Li Chengqian himself could not believe it.

  After this battle, Datang’s military strength has been improved by a hundredfold compared to before, right?

  Speaking out, it is simply appalling.

  "Fate Monument, let’s talk about it, what rewards are there?"

   "It is still the old rule to return to the Lord of Destiny. You have two choices. One is to receive the reward separately, and the other is to receive a collection of gift packages.

   "Oh? Is this again?"

  Li Chengqian smiled slightly, and unconsciously, he had already made a choice in his heart.

   "Lord of Destiny, you have ten seconds to make a choice."

  "Nineteen Eight Seven Six Five Four"

   "No need to count down, I choose the package collection."

  Without the slightest hesitation, Li Chengqian directly made a choice.

  The reason why he waited until the third to speak was due to the evil taste in Li Chengqian's heart.

   has no purpose, just to make the destiny monument shout twice.

   "The Lord of Destiny has selected the package collection, do I need to distribute it immediately?"

  The voice of inquiry of the destiny monument came into Li Chengqian's mind again.

   "Distribute immediately."

  Li Chengqian’s eyes are full of curiosity!

  He has to take a good look, what rewards will be waiting for him in this package collection?

   "As you wish!"

  "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny for the reward one: a gift package for civil servants and generals of the Ming Dynasty."

  "The gift package is officially opened."

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny for successfully summoning top-notch people: Qi Jiguang, Li Wenzhong, Lan Yu, Deng Yu."

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny for successfully summoning a first-class person: Zhu Wenzheng."

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny for successfully summoning the Peerless Tianjiao: Yu Qian!"


  Until the last name appeared, Li Chengqian's eyes suddenly lit up.

  Yu Qian, this one left a lime chant, which has been passed down through the ages.

  Li Chengqian himself also admires him a lot.

  It is clean and upright, which is very admirable.

  At the same time, this person is also a person who is capable of culture and military.

  As far as Li Chengqian is concerned, it is also a matter of course that this person can be rated as a peerless talent!

  "Fate Monument, give me a good look at Yu Qian's information."

   Regardless of other things, Li Chengqian directly ordered to speak out.

  He really can’t wait to see Yu Qian’s information.

   "As you wish!"

  "Name: Yu Qian

  Word: Ting Yi

  Dynasty: Ming Dynasty

  Character source: historical facts

  Personal experience: Yu Qian, Zi Tingyi, Haojie'an, a famous official and national hero of the Ming Dynasty.

  In the 19th year of Yongle, Yu Qian was in the rank of Jinshi

  Ming Yingzong did not give gifts to the power official Wang Zhen when he entered Beijing to meet him. He was framed and sent to jail. He was reinstated due to the invitation of the people of the two provinces, officials and even the kings.

  After the civil changes, Yingzong was defeated and taken prisoner. He opposed the proposal of moving to the south, insisting on holding fast and being promoted to the minister of war.

  Ming Dynasty Zong ascended the throne, rectified the military preparations, deployed key points, personally supervised the battle, led a division of 220,000, and lined up outside the nine gates of Beijing to resist the army.

  Wala Taishi also used the Yingzong to force peace first. He insisted that "the society is the most important thing, the ruler is the lighter", and he does not allow it.

   also had no gaps, and was forced to release Yingzong.

  After the peace talks, Yu Qian is still actively preparing for the war

  Because of his upright personality, everyone is hated.

  In the first year of Tianshun, the Yingzong was restored, and the general Shi Heng and others framed the son of King Qianmou Lixiang, causing him to be unjustly killed

   "History of Ming Dynasty" praised him for "loyalty and righteousness, winning glory with the sun and the moon." Together with Yue Fei and Zhang Huangyan, he called them the "Three Masters of the West Lake".

  Level: Peerless Tianjiao

  Potential value: seven and a half stars

  Realm: The third-order peak of the main god. "

  (End of this chapter)

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