Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1109: 15 billion Datang Patrol Army

  Chapter 1109 15 Billion Datang Patrol Army

   "Marshal Zhuge, do you have any arrangements for this battle?"

   Above the sky, Wang Meng and Zhuge Liang stand side by side.

  Slowly speaking, there was a hint of respect in Wang Meng's words.

  The name of Zhuge Wuhou is well-known in later generations, especially the deified version of Zhuge Liang in front of him. Wang Meng can't see through his profound cultivation.

  Vaguely, it is also possible to perceive the huge gap between the two.

   "There is no arrangement! This kind of large-scale battle is nothing more than fighting soldiers!"

   "Look, the enemy forces have already assembled, and we should teach them a lesson!"

  Zhuge Liang shook his head slightly.

  Before, before the Tai Sui League had not reacted, he had killed for a while, killing nearly one billion troops of the Tai Sui League.

   Right now, the Tai Sui League already knew the news that the Tai Sui League leader had died in Hua Tianyu, and each of them took out all their wealth and gathered in front of them in order to survive.

  It looks like an army of 11 billion!

  Faced with this kind of frontal confrontation, as Zhuge Liang said, all calculations are useless.

  The only useful thing is probably the **** bravery of the soldiers.

  "So too."

   smiled and shook his head, Wang Meng also knew that he had asked a stupid question.

  In this case, only the front hard steel, fighting hard is the kingly way!

  "In this way, Marshal Zhuge, in this battle, my army will be in charge of the front battlefield, and the left and right wings will be handed over to you by the Shuhan army to attack?"

  The next moment, there was a hint of playfulness on the corner of Wang Meng's mouth.

   Respect belongs to respect, but he doesn't want to let this main attack position.

  "This is not possible. According to the commander, this frontal battlefield should be the responsibility of our Shuhan Army. After all, our Shuhan Army is large enough to deal with the impact of the frontal enemy."

   "You have a small number of negative legions, or should you be responsible for the offensive of the left and right wings, it is only suitable, you are right, Wang Shuai?"

  Zhuge Liang is not easy to provoke, he immediately confronted each other, and there was no room for discussion between the words.

   "There are many people in the Shuhan Army, this commander may not see it, right?"

  To tell the truth, Wang Meng really felt a little nervous in his heart when he said this.

Before    came, he did not find out the foundation of the Shuhan Army.

  I don’t even know how much power the Shuhan Army has accumulated during this period of time, developing alone.


  Sure enough, this statement immediately caused Zhuge Liang to smile again and again.

   "Why Marshal Zhuge is laughing?"

  Wang Meng couldn't help but feel anxious, his face flushed slightly.

  "Wang Shuai might as well look back and see how the military capacity of my Shuhan Army is?"

   Zhuge Liang couldn't stop smiling.

  Even, between the corners of his eyes, there was a little joking.


  "When did the Shuhan Army have such a scale?"

  The next moment, Wang Meng exclaimed, and the whole person couldn't help being stunned.

  He couldn't believe his eyes.

  What did he see, the elder-like army lineup, endless, as if there is no end.

  The banner of the Shuhan Army is held high!

  The flag of the Datang Patrol Army is flying.

  Roughly estimated, this number is really amazing!

  I am afraid that there will be no less than 6 billion Datang Patrol Army!

   "Marshal Zhuge, does the emperor know if you expand your army like this?"

While asking questions, Wang Meng's expression suddenly became serious.

  This is a very serious question.

  If Zhuge Liang secretly expands his army so much, then the problem is very serious!

   Even if Wang Meng admires Zhuge Liang, he will not shield Zhuge Liang from hiding it for him.

  At that time, once things got to Li Chengqian, Wang Meng guessed that he might not be able to keep the name of the Shuhan Army!

   "Wang Shuai rest assured, this is the order of the Emperor himself to expand his army."

  Zhuge Liang put away his smile immediately, he still has to be cautious about such major events.

  Can't let Wang Meng understand the mistake, then the trouble will be big.

  "This is a handwritten imperial order from the emperor, look at it."

  In order to dispel Wang Meng’s doubts, Zhuge Liang also deliberately took out the imperial order written by Li Chengqian.

   "It turns out that this commander misunderstood Marshal Zhuge!"

   Slightly clasped his fists in a salute, Wang Meng slightly apologized on his face.

   But it turned out that as early as after the large-scale expansion of the Nine Dragons Army, Li Chengqian had no extra destiny for the army to expand.

  So, in order to compensate for the Shuhan Army, Li Chengqian gave a special order so that Zhuge Liang could let go of his hands and feet and expand his army on a large scale without capping it!

  No, Zhuge Liang didn't know what he had done. So many Datang patrol troops had been created all at once.

  Furthermore, looking at this posture, the momentum of each Datang Patrol Army is not weak, and they definitely have properly reached the standards of second-rate arms.

   "I don't know how much Marshal Zhuge is expanding the army?"

  Wang Meng asked curiously.

  To be honest, with so many troops, he looked at him, really a bit greedy.

  If it weren't all belonged to the Shuhan Army, he really wanted to intercept the next batch to fill the negative army.

  "Wang Shuai might as well be bold enough to guess?"

   Zhuge Liang pretends to be mysterious and sells Guan Zidao.

   "Six billion?"

  Wang Meng made a six gesture.

   "More than just."

  Zhuge Liang shook his head.

   "Eight billion?"

  Wang gritted his teeth fiercely, and suddenly he added two billion.

  "More than that!"

  Zhuge Liang still shook his head.

"Ten billion!"

  Wang Meng almost roared, even he himself did not believe that there would be so many.

  It can be said that Wang Meng dared to call out this number because he was shocked.

   "10 billion? Wang Shuai still underestimated my Shuhan Army!"

  Zhuge Liang still smiled and shook his head.

   "Well, this marshal doesn't want to guess, Marshal Zhuge might as well say bluntly, this marshal wants to know the geometry of Marshal Zhuge's expansion."

  Three misses, but still faintly despised.

  Wang Meng couldn't guess anymore.

   directly spread his hands and sighed.

   To be honest, when it comes to 10 billion, he is already crazy with envy.

  This free-developing Shuhan Army is truly terrifying!

   "Hahaha! In this case, this handsome will tell you directly, I hope you will not be surprised!"

   "This handsome man has expanded his army by 15 billion. They are all second-rate arms and well-trained Datang patrol army!"

  After speaking, Zhuge Liang's face was full of pride.

  To be honest, he does have the proud capital.

  Calculating time, since Li Chengqian gave the order, it has only been two or three years, right?

  He can expand his army so much, no matter how he thinks it is a miracle.


   Take a breath.

  Wang Meng opened his mouth wide, and he couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

   "So, this handsome, isn't it actually used to get it?"

  Wang Meng cried and laughed.

   "Indeed, the number of troops under this commander has already surpassed the number of soldiers in the Tai Sui League!"

   "Fighting forward, the Shuhan Army is really not afraid at all!"

   "The reason why he has been dragging is that the Tai Sui leader has been hidden in the dark. This commander is not sure of his cultivation level, so he dare not move.

  Zhuge Liang tells the truth, Wang Meng’s face is a bit ugly, helpless

  He is such a big negative legion, it seems that he is still being rejected

  (End of this chapter)

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