Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1194: Datang Shenting, success!

  Chapter 1194 The Great Tang Palace is complete!

  "The Seal of the Heavenly Emperor is promoted!"

  "Promote the Emperor Dragon Ranking!"


  The next moment, Li Chengqian hit the iron while it was still hot, roaring, above the void, the seal of the law, the dragon list hanging in the air.

   Standing proudly between the heaven and the earth, it will not be calmed for a long time!

boom! boom! boom!

  Heaven and earth roar constantly, as if there is a sense of anger.

  Ran, but under the endless pressure of the French and Indians, and the dragon list is hanging in the air, even the thunder pool can't condense half a point!


  A crowd of onlookers immediately took a breath.

  Looking at Li Chengqian one by one, as if looking up at a supreme god.

   Immortal, immortal, and even the whole world is in fear!

  Datang Li Chengqian!

  What kind of terrifying existence is this?

  It's unspeakable and terrifying!

  "God Lord Dharma Seal, Success!"

  "God Lord Dragon List, success!"

  Suddenly, the sound of the underworld pierced the void of the ten thousand realms.

  The God Lord's Dharma Seal is like the top of Mount Tai, and it is firmly suppressed over the entire Datang.

   Solemn, solemn, and provocative!

  Li Chengqian stepped on the dragon list of the gods, as if he was driving the galaxy, it was vast and profound!

   "God Lord for thousands of years, God Lord is brave and invincible, and the world is respected!"

  In the Ministry of Rites of the Tang Dynasty, three anomalies suddenly emerged!

   Heshen, Fei Zhong, You Hun!

  The three people actually got together.

  The congratulatory voice, in a moment, spread throughout the Tang Dynasty!

   "God Lord for thousands of years, God Lord is brave and invincible, and the world is respected!"

  In the next second, up to the great figures of Tang Dynasty and down to the people of Tang Liming, all bowed and bowed, shouting this paragraph one by one!


   Above the sky, Li Chengqian is overbearing.

  In the long laughter, the faint void trembled, and the thunder between the heaven and the earth felt a tremor.

  It is as if this world is afraid of Li Chengqian.

   "The Great Tang Dynasty is erected, and the gods are crowned with dragon crowns!"

boom! boom! boom!

  At the next moment, there was another murky voice.

   is Li Chengqian's pupils, and there is a faint surprise.

  God's Dragon Crown!

  This is a good thing!

   Needless to say, this must be another supreme treasure after the divine master’s seal, divine master dragon list, and divine master dragon robe!

  At least, so far, Li Chengqian has not fully exerted their power.

Once    is used, Li Chengqian has a hunch, I am afraid that there are many outstanding figures in the Tang Dynasty, and no one can match him!

  This is his confidence!

  His strength as a god!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

  After this sound of the underworld, Datang Qiyun Tianlong suddenly jumped into the sky!

  Sweeping the tail of the dragon, the emptiness is endless!

Between    and Li Chengqian circling and roaring around, they were promoted wantonly!

  At this moment, it seems that Li Chengqian is there, and even the world is evading it!

  This time, Datang Qiyun Tianlong was promoted without a trace!

  Seeing Datang Qiyun Jinlong raises its head and roars again and again, the whole body is constantly changing!

  In an instant, you jumped from the main **** realm to the supreme **** realm!

  Until the Supreme God Realm Eightfold Peak!

  The dragon head is high, and the dragon eye implies invincible power!


   Another terrifying neigh fell!

  Right to see Qiyun Tianlong is undergoing crazy transformation!

  The dragon scales gradually turn yellow, even golden!

  Extremely respected!

   Proudly the world!

  With a grip of nine claws, the void shattered for thousands of miles!

   "Ang! Aung! Aung!"

  The body completely transformed into a golden dragon during the violent shaking.

   traverses the sky for thousands of miles, coercing the entire Datang world!

  "Datang Qiyun Shenlong, mighty!"

  "The ministers, the people of Datang, congratulate the dragon of luck!"

  Seeing Li Chengqian raising his arms and shouting, billions of people are worshipping the Golden Dragon of Tang Qiyun!

  噗! puff! puff!

   Immediately afterwards, the pupils of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon suddenly opened, and between repeated breaths, the entire Tang Dynasty became a vast ocean of dragon power!

  Dragon power is over, the dead are safe, the sick are harmless, and the strong are stronger!

  It is that the heaven and earth power of the entire Datang has risen by more than one dimension at this moment!

   "Thanks to Lord Shenlong!"

  After a while, receiving the blessing of the dragon of luck, countless people bowed down in prayer in an instant.

  Ang! expensive! expensive!

  Along with the roar of the Qi Luck Dragon, the eight divine beasts of Chi Kiss, Negative Qi, Suya, Baxia, Sushou, Pu Lao, Liao Feng, and Yaxu reappeared again, centering on the Qi Luck Golden Dragon with Li Chengqian as the center.

   violently revealed the endless majesty, that terrifying power, along the Datang, radiated toward the surrounding thousands of miles.

  I don’t know how many forces, at this moment, he is completely in endless panic.

   "Datang Shenting, success!"

  Dang, the last murmur fell.

  Qiyun Shenlong disappears, and the eight gods are disdainful.

  Li Chengqian did not know when he left the sky.

  A crowd of people who came to congratulate each other looked at each other, but under the leadership of Datang Renjie, they gave the congratulatory gift, chatted for a while, and then left quickly!

  The changes in Datang, and even the strength of Datang, made them feel unconscious and uncertain in their hearts.

  They are scared!

  Especially one of the three emperors of the human holy mountain!

  At this moment, they knew that before maybe, they still underestimated Datang!

  I’m afraid, Datang’s background is far beyond their imagination!

  At the same time, an ancient prophecy rang in their hearts.

  Perhaps, Datang is destined to be the protagonist of that ancient prophecy!

  They must return to the clan as soon as possible to discuss countermeasures!

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, Datang successfully promoted to the court!"

  "Complete the achievement, Datang Shenting!"

  "The rewards are as follows!"

In the   Royal Study Room, Li Chengqian has already arranged his clothes and is ready to listen to the promotion from the destiny monument with peace of mind!

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, all the Tang Weiguo army will be promoted to the lowest level of the early stage of the upper god!"

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, all of the Tang Shouye army will be raised to the lowest level, the early stage of consummation!"

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, all the Tang Blood Slaughter Army will be promoted to the lowest level of the first stage of the main god!"


  Just these three notification sounds fell, Li Chengqian was shocked!

The   Datang Weiguo Army and the Datang Shouye Army are fortunate. Although both have improved two small levels, there will not be a super qualitative change in overall combat power.

  However, two small realms have also been promoted. Undoubtedly, the Tang Blood Slaughter Army in the early stage of promotion to the main **** realm has already undergone an unspeakable qualitative change!

  Absolute quality change!

  You should know that the Nine Legions of the Datang Dragon each have 5 billion Datang Blood Slaughter Army!

  Now, the eight dragons of the Nine Legions, that is, the 40 billion Tang Blood Slaughter Army, the 40 billion master gods in the early stage of the first order!

  If this were put in the past, Li Chengqian felt that this army alone could sweep the entire Yulong Continent.

  But, even now.

  Li Chengqian believes that even those forces have used a lot of background information, but they have used the power of heaven and earth to make rapid progress.

  Is it extremely limited to be able to contend with such a terrifying Datang army?

  This is undoubtedly a very obvious thing!

  (End of this chapter)

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