Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 881: Time is almost up?

   Chapter 881 Time is almost there?

   "Damn it!"

   With a low cry, the shock in the heart of Emperor Yanlong far exceeds that of Prince Yanlong!

   At the Piaoxue Palace, in order to prevent Wei Zhuang and others from making trouble, he specially sent a high-ranking **** peak existence!

  It is reasonable to say that although Wei Zhuang and others are tough, the upper gods' peak shots should be suppressed immediately by raising their hands. How could such a big move be made?

   But, so what?

   smiled contemptuously, there are just two middle gods on the left and right. With him sitting in the imperial palace, what storms can be revealed?


  Fearing that the Emperor Yanlong would change later, he immediately shouted, and his endless divine power surged down, forming a prison of the gods, enshrouding Tang Xueyan!

"Ha ha!"

  Sneered again and again, Tang Xueyan calmly took out a paper jade charm!

  Suddenly recite the formula, and the jade talisman suddenly rises!

  Only saw a faint golden light enveloping Tang Xueyan!

   Calmly waved his hand, Tang Xueyan regarded the prison of God that was condensed by endless divine power as nothing, and walked straight out!

   "You can't trap this palace!"

  Looking at the Emperor Yanlong contemptuously, Tang Xueyan approached the Emperor Yanlong step by step, without worrying about the possible offensive of Emperor Yanlong!

"How can it be?"

  The Emperor Yanlong can't sit still anymore!

   Straighten up, her face is full of surprise!

  He couldn't imagine how Tang Xueyan's cultivation base of the lower gods in the midst of the district was how to get out of the prison of his gods!

   "Impossible? You think there will be many impossible!"

  Looking at the Emperor Yanlong meaningfully, Tang Xueyan's tone had an indescribable strength!

  The paper jade symbol was one of the cards Li Chengqian left to Tang Xueyan before leaving!

  Once activated, there will be supreme divine power covering the whole body, and within a day, even the first-order power of the main **** can't stand it!

  The main divine realm is divided into thirteen levels, one level and one heavy sky. The gap between them is simply unreasonable!

   "Impossible, it is absolutely impossible!"

  This time it was Tang Xiaolu who made the sound!

  She cannot accept the fact that Tang Xueyan has such a strong hole card!

  She clearly followed Tang Xueyan, so when did Li Chengqian give Tang Xueyan the trump card?

  Yes, you don’t need to think too much, Tang Xiaolu can be sure that this must be Li Chengqian’s trump card for Tang Xueyan!

  After all, Tang Xueyan grew up with her since she was a child, and it is absolutely impossible for Tang Xueyan to have such a powerful thing!

  If there is, there is only one possibility, from Li Chengqian, the mysterious Lord of the Tang Dynasty!

  As everyone knows, for the safety of Tang Xueyan, the only empress of the Tang Dynasty, Li Chengqian paid a lot of money in the destiny exchange platform to get a few powerful hole cards!

   "Impossible? Do you think you are smart?"

   "The emperor has already suspected you. The trump cards prepared for this house will naturally be hidden from you!"

  In fact, just when Tang Xueyan told Li Chengqian that he would return to the Yanlong Heavenly Dynasty, Li Chengqian kept an eye on it, and secretly tried Tang Xiaolu.

   After that, even more suspicious was raised, and she secretly concealed Tang Xiaolu, and gave Tang Xueyan a few trump cards!

   "So, you already suspected me, right?"

   Tang Xiaolu was like an eager rabbit right now, roaring without image, as if Tang Xueyan was sorry for her.

"I do not have!"

  Tang Xueyan did not, even when Li Chengqian told her to be careful of Tang Xiaolu, she calmly said that even if the whole world betrayed her, Xiaolu would never betray her!

  She once believed firmly in the relationship between herself and Xiaolu, but it’s a pity

   "Sophistry, you must have already suspected me, right, you bitch!"

  Tang Xiaolu suddenly yelled and cursed unscrupulously, and his words and deeds were no different from a shrew!

   "What if my palace suspected you?"

  Tang Xueyan pays attention to her image. She is too lazy to argue. She glances at Tang Xiaolu indifferently, as if she is watching a clown!

  "Bitch, you bitch"

  Afterwards, no matter how Tang Xiaolu yelled, Tang Xueyan didn’t bother to refute it!

  In her eyes, Tang Xiaolu was a shrew, quarreling with her, she lost her identity.


  After a long time, the Yanlong Tiandi Xu was bored with hearing, and he screamed, his whole body surged!


  Tang Xiaolu was dumbfounded immediately, and dare not talk more nonsense!

   "Your hole card must have a time limit, but I am curious, how can you escape in this limited time?"

  A few dramas flashed in the eyes of Emperor Yanlong!

  He also wanted to understand. Although Tang Xueyan's card is strong, she is not her own strength after all, there are limits after all!

  As soon as the stay time comes, Tang Xueyan is still the turtle in his urn, and it will not affect his plan, so her tone is much easier.

  No more nervousness!

  "Escape? Why do you want to escape?"

   Tang Xueyan laughed out loud.


  Vaguely, a trace of badness rose in my heart!

   Yanlong Tiandi felt that he seemed to have overlooked something.

  However, he still didn't believe that someone from Datang could show up in this imperial palace to rescue Tang Xueyan!

   "Hmph, put on a pose, and when the time is up, let's see how you escape from my palm!"

   With a light hum, Yanlong Tiandi stared at Tang Xueyan, and his whole body was ready to go. Once Tang Xueyan's golden light dissipated, he immediately shot!

  He knew that with this golden light, he couldn’t help Tang Xueyan!


  Playing out loud, Tang Xueyan is calm and calm, without showing any timidity!

  Yanlong Tiandi's thoughts, did she not know?

  But is she really posing?

How can it be?

   Even with such a powerful defensive hole card, Li Chengqian has prepared Tang Xueyan!

  How could she not give Tang Xueyan the hole cards to escape!

  It can be said that at this moment, as long as Tang Xueyan wants to run, she can leave at any time and return to Datang!

  However, she didn’t want to just leave!

  One piece, the purpose of her trip has not been achieved yet!

  Second, she is not such a magnanimous person. How can she leave easily if Yanlong Heaven is not damaged?

  Three, she has secretly received the news, Cao Cao and the three are coming soon!

  Just now, she also secretly crushed a letter of jade charm!

  If you want to come, the three Cao Cao should come in the shortest time!

  Now, all she needs to do is to wait patiently!

  So, the hall fell into a strange silence!

  Tang Xueyan closed her eyes to rest her mind, the Emperor Yanlong did not dare to relax.

  Tang Xiaolu and the Yanlong prince stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, they were at a loss and at a loss!

boom! boom! boom!

   is just an occasional sound, which still proves that the Piaoxue Palace is still fighting!

   "The time is almost up, hahaha!"

  After a long time, Emperor Yanlong suddenly laughed.

  I saw the golden light of Tang Xueyan's body gradually drifting away!

   is getting thinner!

   "Yeah, it's almost time!"

  Tang Xueyan also raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said the same words, but the two sides seemed to have completely different meanings

  (End of this chapter)

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