Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 922: Desperately protect each other!

  Chapter 922 Fight to the death!

   "Yin Zhengde!"

  Different from the peace on Datang’s side, Jiang Fengliu and King Jinyu exclaimed in exclamation, and a hint of horror reflected in their pupils!

  This Yinzheng Virtue is not simple. According to legend, thousands of years ago, the destruction of a God's Court was related to it!

  There is even more vibe, and Yin Zhengde is still in a dominant position!

  Although it cannot be confirmed, being able to intervene in the destruction of a sacred garden has already explained the horror of Yin Zhengde in disguise!

   "Yin Zhengde, this king really wants to know, why on earth did your Yin family intervene in this matter? The Empress of the Tang Dynasty seems to have nothing to do with your Yin family?"

  King Kim Kwon gave a faint smile, standing side by side with Yin Zhengde.

  He also knows the rumors of Yin Zhengde, but what about?

  The King of Power is not easy!

  Some things, once it comes out, in the eyes of the world, I am afraid that the danger level of King Jin Quan will be higher than Yin Zhengde!

   "The King of Power!"

  If you take a deep look at King Jin Quan, Yin Zhengde’s pupils have changed slightly, but they have quickly returned to their original state!

   Honestly, the Golden Crow God Court actually allowed King Jin Quan to take action, which Yin Zhengde did not expect!

  Otherwise, Yin Zhengde would not choose to do it now!

  At least we have to wait for King Jin Yu to fall, and Datang’s ‘Ancestral Dragon’ is hit hard, right?

   "What? Yin Zhengde, how shameful are the people behind you?"

  King Kwong showed disdain!

  "King Kwong, there are some things that are better not to be said than to say, are they not, the person behind my Yin family, dare I say, do you dare to listen?"

  Yin Zhengde squinted, his tone gradually solemn.

   "Hehe, what do you plan to do? There is only one Empress of Tang Dynasty!"

  King Kwong made a haha, forcibly changed the subject!

   Just as Yin Zhengde said, can he drive the people of Yin in the dark, does he dare to listen?

  King Jinquan is not the original Jinmang, he knows more about the Yin clan, and he has a deeper understanding!

The   Yin clan is so powerful, it really is not inferior to the Golden Crow God's Court at all, even worse!

  Of course, this is what King Jinquan thinks. The facts are still unknown!

   However, King Jin Quan also raised a very realistic question.

  There is really only one Empress of Tang Dynasty!

  The Golden Crow God Court wants it!

  Yin clan wants it!

  I want even the holy mountain of the human race!

   But looking at it right now, there is no doubt that, whether it is Yin Zhengde or King Quan, no one has put Jiang Fengliu in their eyes!

   Jiang Yanghua, who is not even the main god, is even more invisible to them!

   King Jinquan and Yin Zhengde both have a tacit understanding, and it is enough to exclude the Jiang family. There is no need to attack Jiang Fengliu and Jiang Yanghua.

  Plain white enemies, they two can't do this kind of thing!

  "How about you and me making a shot together, how about your ability?"

   "Want to come, you don't want to delay it too long, do you?"

  Yin Zhengde pointed out, King Jin Quan nodded slightly!

  He understands!

  Yin Zhengde is right. If they are too late to take a shot, it will take a long time. Once the human sacred mountain and the masters of the Jiang clan come, then it will become a three-way fight!

  The probability of one-half is better than the probability of one-third, isn't it?

   "Okay, let's shoot together, each by his own ability!"

  King Jinquan is also a decisive person, without procrastination!

  Should drink out loud, the spear hissed, and his body became more and more violent!

   "A good one has his own ability, plus whether the old man can!"

   Suddenly, a harsh voice came.

Both the bodies of Yin Zhengde and King Jin Quan could not help but stop.

  Both are very ugly!

  The master of this voice, if they feel it right, they should come from the Jiang clan, or an existence no less than them!

   "Jiang Feibai, why, this time even you were shocked?"

   Yin Yin smiled, Yin Zhengde was full of Yin wind, covering half of the sky.

  The horrible momentum is pressing towards Jiang Fei with white cover!

  It seems that this Yin Zhengde and Jiang Feibai are still old acquaintances!

  This scene, King Kwong can see it clearly!

  Happy to watch a good show, one moves away, and distances them from the two. King Jinquan does not want to be inexplicably affected by these two!

   "Yin Zhengde, are you going to have a fight with me here?"

   Jiang Feibai's body is full of vigor, and Jiang's imperial spirit is permeated, and he is not afraid!


   hummed heavily, put away his momentum, and Yin Zhengde stopped talking.

  He is not the kind of stunned head, he can still tell which is lighter and heavier!

   After the Emperor Tang’s affairs, he must have a break with Jiang Feibai!

  On weekdays, he wants to find Jiang Feibai, but it is almost impossible!

  This Jiang Feibai is a retreat crazy demon, there is nothing wrong with him, he will definitely stay in the holy mountain of the human race to retreat!

  Yin Zhengde is not stupid, he is not qualified to be presumptuous in the place of the human sacred mountain!

  Go there to settle grievances with Jiang Feibai, it is pure nonsense!

  He will be fortune-telling without being killed!

   "If that's the case, it's up to you!"

  King Jinquan saw that there was no excitement to watch, spread his hands, and said to the two.

  At this time, King Jin Quan couldn’t help but feel a little impatient in his tone!

   Just kidding, this will make Jiang Feibai wait for a while!

  I knew earlier that he stopped talking nonsense with Yin Zhengde just now, how good would he do it directly?

   has now become one-third probability!

  King Kwong doesn’t want to hesitate for a while, becoming a quarter, a fifth

  Of course, that possibility is very low!

  But I have to guard against!

  Emperor Tang Xueyan, Tang Xueyan’s identity is related to many secrets, and there are no longer a few people who want to look at it. It’s not surprising that someone will take action again!


  As soon as King Jin Quan said this, Yin Zhengde and Jiang Feibai responded together!

  After that, the two snorted at the same time!

   "Do it!"

boom! boom! boom!

  The three of them moved together to gain money. It was really a storm, and the world trembled!

  The entire Huatian domain was filled with a frightening atmosphere.

  The great figures of Tang Dynasty above Zhentianguan are all uneasy!

  I feel that something big is going to happen!

  It’s a pity, they don’t know what’s going on now, and the two are surrounded by powerful enemies from the outside, and they dare not move!

  噗! puff! puff!

  Datang geniuses vomit blood again and again!

  The congenital gossip array almost collapsed in an instant!

  Tang Xueyan's complexion turned red, and if it weren’t for the ‘Ancestral Dragon’ to protect her, she would definitely suffer a serious injury!

  Ang! expensive! expensive!

  But, "Zulong" is not easy either!

  Even though, facing the three main gods, the third-tier peak power, the ‘Ancestral Dragon’ is really powerless!

  Even, under the pressure of terror, it is impossible to even counterattack!

  The late third-tier main **** and the third-tier peak of the main **** are themselves a world of difference!

  At the moment, it is the third-tier pinnacle of the three main gods who are shooting together, this power is even more terrifying!

  I didn’t see that King Jinyu, who was also one of the eight kings, had already avoided it far. Obviously, he couldn't bear this coercive center!

   "Da Tang is fighting to death!"

  At this time, after a hard fight, Jiang’s elite has been wiped out!

  Weizhuang, Wei Zhongxian, and Li Ru struggled to get up, leading the few **** Quicksand Guards, Dongchang Factory Guards, and Jinyi Guards to stand up brazenly!

   Keep Tang Xueyan behind her!

  That is the Empress of the Great Tang, the face of the Great Tang!

  They would rather die than protect the Empress of Tang Dynasty!

  (End of this chapter)

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