Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 933: Persecution, no choice!

  Chapter 933: Force, no choice!

   "The emperor is serious, we just want to say, let the emperor move some of the imperial heritage first, so as to resist the invasion of the Tang Dynasty?"

  One of the powerful ministers took a step forward, with his head hanging down, like a loyal minister.

  Low eyebrows are pleasing to the eye, a look of loyalty to the country!

  He can also be regarded as retreating for progress!

  I am a little worried that Emperor Feihe is going crazy, but it does not mean that he is really afraid of Emperor Feihe!

  At this moment, he is advancing with retreat, bowing his head, seeming to retreat, but in fact he is still forcing Emperor Feihe.

   "Yes, everyone, national affairs, I can't just count on the emperor's background, right?"

   "Shall we give some private support to the army together?"

  Another power official took a step forward and took the conversation.

  In fact, just like the purpose of the former official, the purpose of his words is still to force Emperor Feihe!

   Sending out the emperor's heritage is their common aspiration and the only purpose!

  This is the focus of their collaboration!

   "Yes, it is extremely!"

  Speaking, the group of officials spoke together, and each of them pretended to be loyal.

  It looks like the whole court is in harmony, hello, me, hello, everyone!

   are all state loyalists!

  The national crisis is at stake, and one by one voluntarily dispatched private armies of their respective families to help the imperial dynasty fight, this level is simply loyal and good!

  However, in fact, Emperor Feihe saw it very clearly!

  These are just illusions!

  Great Emperor Feihe is sure!

  Once he agreed to the request of the officials, then the officials would frantically urge him to dispatch the imperial heritage.

  And promised a good private army, not waiting, crazy delaying time, or a group of old, weak and sick!

  Of course, Emperor Feihe could think that judging from the cunning and cunning of these powerful officials, I am afraid that at least there will be no more losses!

  In other words, it is very likely that these powerful ministers will dispatch a large number of old, weak, sick and disabled people!

  At that time, even if Emperor Feihe is dissatisfied, it will be useless!

   can only be forced to dispatch the imperial heritage!

  After all, righteousness will appear on the side of the officials!

  Public opinion is not beneficial to him!

  By then, the problem will be big!

  At least, Feihe Emperor Dynasty will no longer be dominated by him, this will definitely become a reality!

   "Enough, old folks, listen!"

   "I don't want to play any more IQ games for you!"

  "I don’t want to play a game of conspiracy!"

   "Enough fun too!"

  Emperor Feihe stepped on it step by step, the superb light, so terrified countless people!

Among the officials, only a few leading officials dare to face the Emperor Feihe **** for tat, and show no weakness!

   "Then I don't know what the emperor wants to do?"

  Several power ministers joined forces to roll up the surging weather, and press towards Emperor Feihe!

   "What do I want to do?"

   "It's very simple. Either each of you will try to get the details out and work with our emperor's background, or everyone is in this hall, waiting for the Great Tang Bingzhou wolf to ride and kill!"

   "I would rather be a king of the country through and through, than be used by you!"

   "Either one shot and two breaks, or everyone does it together, it's that simple!"

  Emperor Feihe is flushed!

   Obviously, he was also very uncomfortable in the face of the joint suppression of several officials!

  But, at this moment, it is a matter of the fate of the emperor, and he has no choice!

  If you can hold it, you have to hold it, if you can't hold it, you have to hold it!

  He knows that he can’t show his timidity now!

  Once you show your timidity, you will definitely give up all your efforts!

  At that time, the entire Feihe Emperor Dynasty will truly step into the land of immortality!

  The only way to be tough to the end is to make a bet!

   Gather the background of the entire Feihe Emperor, only then can you have the opportunity to compete with Bingzhou Wolf!

   "So, the emperor is going to force me to wait?"

  Several officials looked quiet and shouted coldly.

  The imposing storm is upgraded again!

   Above the hall, the wind is surging, and it is possible at any time to stage a scene of a powerful minister killing the emperor!

   "What if I just forced you to wait?"

   "Now, I have given you the right to choose and let you choose by yourself. Isn't that good?"

  The Great Emperor Feihe sneered again and again.

  The reaction of the power minister was already in his expectation.

  But it doesn’t matter!

  At this moment, he has no way to go, he can only go to the dark one way!

  Even if half of this road may cause Feihe Emperor Dynasty to collapse on the spot, he will not hesitate!

"good very good!"

  Several power ministers almost gritted their teeth!

  It is useless to say more, they have been forced to the corner by Feihe!

  At this moment, they knew very well that even if Emperor Feihe was killed, it would have no effect at all!

  In that way, it would only accelerate the demise of the Feihe Emperor. For them, there was no benefit.

  "What do you think?"

   silently stared at Emperor Feihe for a long while, threatening, or shocking, but it was useless!

  In desperation, several powerful officials began to discuss secretly through voice transmission!

  They know that no matter what, this matter must have a result today!

  Otherwise, I'm afraid that the choice will be over!

  "Or surrender to Datang!"

  A power official said quietly.

  He is also the lowest-ranking existence among several powerful officials!

   is also the most timid existence!

  The power of Lu Bu and the power of the state wolf riding have already scared his guts!

   Coupled with the persecution of Emperor Feihe, thinking about it, he thinks how to resist is a dead end.

  Surrender may be the only chance!

   "surrender to Datang and become a slave to the country? I disagree!"

  A powerful official said coldly!

  This official is a military commander, and his concept of family and country is extremely important!

  In his opinion, subjugated slaves are probably the most shameful type of people in the world!

  This type of person is the most disdainful in his life!

  Before, when the Feihe Emperor conquered the major dynasties, he was so humiliated to those subjugated slaves!

  The thought of the humiliation that might have appeared on him made the minister even more excited!

  The will in my heart is also firmer!

   "You can surrender to Datang, but we may not be slaves to the country!"

  "Negotiate the conditions in advance. We are the people of Datang. As Datang people, when the slaves of the country say, where do we start?"

  Another official said.

  It can be seen from his words that he must have already thought about surrendering to Datang!

  Even, it can be seen from his gaze that he has already considered the so-called conditions in his mouth, right?

   "Fart, we are all from the Feihe Emperor's dynasty, how come we become the people of Tang Dynasty?"

  The powerful official who came from a military commander was furious!

  If it weren't for the fact that Emperor Feihe was still on the side, he would really want to shout out to vent his anger!

   "In my opinion, Datang is certainly powerful. If Datang attacked my Feihe Empire with all its strength, then I would definitely surrender without hesitation!"

   "But now, Datang divides its forces into eighteen divisions and wants to simultaneously destroy the eighteenth imperial dynasties within two months, which is too big!"

   "Let’s do it, let’s get the best of our knowledge, let’s get a blog, once we persist for two months, what if there are changes?"

   "At that time, we could still maintain our respective positions and have the name of a loyal minister. Isn't it beautiful?"

  Another power official said.

  (End of this chapter)

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