Chapter 935 Devil!

   "We all need the emperor to give a permanent nobility, inheriting the kind of nobility for all generations!"

   "And enough fiefdom!"

  "Great Emperor, this time we are for the Feihe Emperor, but we have all the details. This is not an excessive requirement, right?"

  Several power ministers, one sentence after another, pressed on!

  Permanent King!

  Feihe Emperor Dynasty, there has never been!

  There is still enough fiefdom!

what does this mean?

  It goes without saying that after this battle, Feihe Emperor Dynasty will surely have several countries within the country!

  And it is conceivable that in a short time, Emperor Feihe still has no choice but to take these countries within the country!

  It’s been a long time, I'm afraid that Feihe Emperor will change ownership!


  After thinking for a long time, Emperor Feihe only spoke slowly.

   His face was cold and silent, and he was sinking to the extreme!

  He knows the consequences of agreeing to it!

  But, just as several powerful officials thought!

  He was betting just now and he finally won the bet!

  He dare not bet anymore!

  He was afraid that he would lose the bet this time, then the entire Feihe Emperor Dynasty would be gone!

   And promised, the worst is that you will have to think about it in the future!

  As long as Emperor Feihe keeps his dynasty, he is confident that he will reorganize the world in the future and take down all these powerful officials!

   "So, the minister will leave for the time being, go back and get ready!"

  Several officials were greatly relieved when they heard this!

   To put it bluntly, didn’t they also bet just now?

  Permanent Lord, this appetite is really bigger!

  Even they didn’t expect that Emperor Feihe would agree so readily!

   "So, retreat!"

  However, now that the overall situation is settled, no one is going to think more about it!

  Emperor Feihe waved his hand with a lack of interest and left first!

  Use the background of the emperor, but he is not alone in the final say!

  He still needs to discuss with the rest of the royal family.

  "Wolves ride and kill!"

  However, no matter how fierce the Feihe emperor’s fighting over the court was, it did not affect Lu Bu in the slightest!

  One hundred thousand wolves riding in the state of the same state galloped horizontally and horizontally, and in a few hours, successively descended the thirty-three cities of Feihe Emperor Dynasty!

  There is almost no resistance at all!

  As many as many cities have already fallen in sight!

  Before the Bingzhou wolf ride arrived, the white flag was already high above the city!

   "For Feihe Emperor Dynasty, soldiers, you will rush to kill!"

  However, in fact, in every country, there will be so many loyal and patriotic people!

  No, there is such a wave right now!

  On the flat avenue, dense crowds swarmed!

  Wear black belts one by one, and the clothes are colorful and different. Many people don't even have armor!

  Weapons are even more uneven. There are those with sharp knives and spears, and there are those with axes and kitchen knives that have long been rotten and dull!

  These people are getting more and more!

   Coming from all directions, endless!

  Hold their heads high, making the most heroic roar!

  They are here, not for fame or fortune, but to defend their homes and nations!

  It seems that there is so much tragic meaning!

   "Courage is commendable, but it's nothing but death!"

  Lu Bu glared at him, and said coldly!

  To be honest, Lu Bu still appreciates these **** warriors!

   But it is a pity that these **** warriors are the enemies of Datang, and even more of his enemies of Lu Bu!

   Therefore, although he appreciates it, he will never tolerate it!

  Red Tuma made a vertical leap, and Lu Bu swept across the gods and ghosts Fang Tianji, and killed a **** warrior!

  Blood light swayed into the sky, with Lu Bu's fiery figure, it was really daunting!

  For a time, many **** warriors stopped and didn't dare to look up!

  " Righteous scholars, for the future of the imperial dynasty, for the sake of all the people, Datang is cruel and inhumane. I should resist with all my strength!"

  The shouting and shouting continued, as if someone was in charge.

  Actually, it was the insightful people of the Feihe Emperor Dynasty, with a **** courage, mixed among the rebels, screaming one by one!

   One by one tried to improve the morale of the rebels, and could block the offensive of the Binzhou wolf ride!

  In just a few hours, and the state wolves ride down thirty-three large and small cities!

  This kind of power has already defeated the psychological defense of the majority of Feihe Emperor!

  These people of insight hope to awaken the will of the entire Feihe Emperor!

  Arouse the blood of the whole people and fight Datang to the end!

  This is what they expect!

  "Wolves riding in the same state, give this general kill, let go of the kill!"

   "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

  As Lu Bu shouted, blood spattered from thousands of miles!

  Bingzhou wolf rides into the rebel army, it will be like a tiger into the flock!

   Killed a whole group of volunteers without resistance!

  In a flash, the bones float for thousands of miles!

  Countless casualties of the rebels!

  Especially those people of insight who shouted so loudly were specially found out by a kind of Bianzhou wolf rider and broke their bodies on the spot!

  In a blink of an eye, the situation has changed dramatically!

  The Rebels have no resistance at all in front of Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry!

Although the rebels behind    fled without turning around, their momentum has been weakened a lot.

  One by one, they moved forward with difficulty as if their legs were filled with lead!

  In this case, Rao Lu Bu had to say, even if these rebels are wriggling, admire their courage!

  Thousands of miles of blood corpses, there are red-eyed Bianzhou wolf riders everywhere, these rebels can dare to move forward, they have proved everything!

  With their hearts and minds, they proved their true belonging!



   "A bunch of demons!"

  After a while, the remaining rebels finally could not bear it!

  They certainly have their own patriotic ideas in their hearts!

  But, unfortunately, under the **** slaughter of Bingzhou wolf riders, their body and mind have collapsed!

  I can no longer care about the concept of family and country

  The rebels are fleeing all over the mountains and plains!

  "Hurry up and kill all the way to Feihe Imperial Capital!"

  Lü Bu burst out and drove the red rabbit horse to kill forward!

  For him, these rebels are nothing more than a bunch of trash. It is not worth wasting time to conquer Feihe Emperor for these trash!

  A dynasty, the most important thing is the great emperor, then the officials, civil and military officials!

  And these people, without a doubt, are all in Feihe Imperial Capital!

  As long as Lv Bu can wipe out all the civil and military officials of the Feihe Emperor Dynasty, including the Great Emperor, then the Feihe Emperor Dynasty will be close!

  Next, Lu Bu only needs to lead Binzhou Langqi to kill all around, eliminate some stubborn rebels, and then frighten the surrounding forces. Then, basically, Lu Bu has completed the task explained by Sun Wu!

  This time, Lu Bu was the first to arrive on the battlefield. He didn’t want to complete the mission after the rest of the army, it would make him feel very embarrassed!

  Proud Lu Bu is never willing to fall behind!

   "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

   Immediately afterwards, the 100,000 Union State wolf rider seemed to be crazy, and charged forward following Lu Bu's footsteps!

  Like a wolf and like a tiger, it is terrifying, along the road, the gods and ghosts are changing!

  (End of this chapter)

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