Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 960: The majesty of Xinxue, nirvana is invisible!

  Chapter 960 The power of heart learning, death is invisible!

  Wang Yangming's brows rose slightly as he looked at the expectant eyes of the crowd!

   "Since you all want to see it so, then I will show my ugliness!"

  Wang Yangming was not hypocritical, and slightly arched his hand and strode towards the enemy!

  If you were to be someone else, facing the tens of millions of troops alone, it would really have a sense of despair and coldness, and the sense of sight of a strong man who is gone forever!

boom! boom! boom!

 It’s a pity that Wang Yangming is not the so-called enemy!

  Step out in one step, the army will retreat!

  Like a **** like a devil!

  The corners of Wang Yangming's mouth rose slightly!

  This is the benefit that he brought in a big killing in the Qing Lei Dynasty, which shocked the world!

  External rumors, there was a Confucian lunatic in Datang, who was transformed from Confucianism into demons and was good at controlling people's hearts. His silent offensive was even more terrifying than the demons of the heart!

  In short, everyone who sees Wang Yangming is like a tiger!

   "Gosh, that Confucian lunatic has appeared again!"

   Seeing Wang Yangming stepping forward step by step, those who saw it immediately exclaimed!

  Hundreds of thousands of enemy troops suddenly felt fear, and even their weapons could not be held steady, and their entire bodies were trembling in the strong wind!


  Slowly, as Wang Yangming's figure continued to approach, the world seemed to be printed backwards behind him!

  An unnamed power stretches for millions of miles!

  Wang Yangming’s offensive is accompanied by a shadow, and there is no trace to be found, everything is as if unknown!

  But the unknown is the biggest fear!

  In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of enemy troops fled to the distance!

  The number of deserters is still increasing!

  Even some generals are backing crazy!

The wave of deserters is surging, and some generals try to scare the military with killing blood, which is useless!

   "Damn it!"

   "Damn it!"

   "Datang, is it true that it is the destiny?"

   "Just one person will scare away our millions of troops!"

   "How terrifying?"

  In the center of the Blue Frost Territory, the eight great emperors looked at each other, melancholy!

  Some people sigh, some sigh, and some are angry!

  But, all these emotions are the most useless colors on the battlefield!

  They are also destined to become Wang Yangming and become the famous backdrop of the Tang Dynasty!

  As people from outsiders have guessed, the outcome of this battle has been decided from the very beginning!

  Datang is destined to win, and these coalition forces are just sitting for the last lingering breath!

  Those dynasties, dynasties, and even the puppets of the eight great dynasties, will be completely destroyed in this battle!

  Among these dynasties and dynasties, there may be coerced, lured, or even speculators, but now, these are not important!

  The important thing is that they have become enemies of Datang!

  Then, we must be ready to disappear!

  Datang, will not leave any enemies!

  Especially this kind of dynasty, dynasty, and imperial dynasty, as the enemy of Datang, there is only one way to perish!

  Some people may say that the Tang Dynasty is not domineering and timid enough to give those dynasties, dynasties, and even imperial dynasties a chance. There is no great country style!

  Of course, for Datang, these are just rumors!

  Give them a chance?

  Wait for their resurgence, do you trouble Datang again?

  Yes, in the eyes of Datang, even if they were given a chance, they would never have a chance to surpass Datang!

  But, if there are too many lice, you will always be upset, right?

  Instead of keeping it, the spring breeze will regenerate, and the wildfire will not burn, it is better to cut all the grass and roots in one fell swoop, saving trouble, right?

   "The way of the heart, death!"

Between   steps, Wang Yangming’s quaint robes gradually rippled, and his robes floated high above the sky!

  Looking around, it seems that a supreme being has stepped out of the long river of fate and descended into the world!

   No sound, no shape, no shape, bursts of light cyan halo turned into bursts of huge waves, roaring towards the enemy!

  The halo passed by the huge waves, the group of enemies fell into the air, and their bodies were unharmed, but their eyes were dull and there was no gleam of light!

  If you die, you die!

  This is also Wang Yangming’s greatest horror!

  No one knows how Wang Yangming’s mind-learning method directly hits the soul through the body, instantly cuts the mind and annihilates the soul!

  The unknown is always the greatest horror!

  "The heart to learn from the great Confucian, lives up to the reputation!"

  Wang Jiang was the first to speak out in awe!

  I want to say, how proud he is as one of the four famous generals in the Warring States period?

  Before, he had the illusion that the way of learning from the heart was a bit fancy, and now, with the heart buried together, Wang Jian no longer had a doubt!

   Completely recognized Wang Yangming's strength!

   also won the heartfelt conviction of Wang Jian, the top star of the Warring States Period!

  This is a military commander, pure and incomparable, as long as he wins his recognition in strength, that's enough!

   is worth a thousand words!

   "Perhaps, one day in the future, Xinxue can truly transcend Confucianism and be completely as famous as Confucianism, right?"

  Undoubtedly, among these outstanding people, the highest evaluation of Wang Yangming is undoubtedly Li Mu!

  The two of them have the best personal relationship, and Li Mu fully recognizes Wang Yangming's potential!

  Who is right about the future, if Wang Yangming is really done, Li Mu will be able to brag about capital in the future, if it doesn’t, it’s nothing!

  Wang Yangming’s current achievements are already dazzling enough!


  Sun Bin, Wei Qing, and Wang Meng did not refute Li Mu's words.

   all smiled faintly, who can say this and other things accurately?

  At the same time, the heads of these five legions also secretly swear in their hearts!

  They must hurry up, increase their own strength, and strive to break through their own bodies and set foot in the world!

  A worldly realm, who don’t want to?

  Wang Yangming is already one step ahead of them, they don’t want to be too far behind!

  Otherwise, where do you look forward to the face of the Nine Legions of the Datang Dragon in the future?

  How can they ask Li Chengqian for someone?

  Yes, now, there are still many generals who are outside of the major legions!

   Among them, especially Lu Bu, in terms of individual combat power, he even surpasses these legion coaches!

   Even if Li Mu and others force Lv Bu to join his subordinates, it’s still dull, isn’t it?

  Of course, this is just an analogy. Like Lv Bu's existence, how high-spirited is, Li Chengqian is very clear in his heart!

  Just waiting for a chance, Li Chengqian will let Lu Bu re-establish his army!

  However, it is a legion independent of the Nine Dragons Legion!

  After all, Li Chengqian already has a general idea in his mind for the Dragon Nine Legion!

  The remaining three army coaches, Li Chengqian has a candidate in his heart!

  Lu Bu is not suitable!

  This is the most true thought in Li Chengqian's heart!

  "Here is a great Confucian, terrifying!"

  And such as Gao Shun, Gongsun Zan and his ilk, looking at Wang Yangming’s back, they all show respect!

  They knew in their hearts that if there were no accidents, it would be a world-class realm, even if it was a height that they would never be able to reach in their lifetime!

  Like Wang Yangming, they can only look up!

  But, they did not get depressed!

  They also have their own pursuits, they are hopeless, peerless?

   Work harder, say you can’t get a chance!

   Thank you bookmates for your "Ode"~



  (End of this chapter)

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