
Chapter 2362: Begin to Transform

Surely this was grandmist holy spiritual aura!

Grandmist holy spiritual aura that was of higher grade than the purple grandmist aura!

Only grandmist holy spiritual aura could trigger this degree of reaction from the grandmist energy in his body.

Immediately propelled by immense joy, Huang Xiaolong shot out like an arrow in the direction he felt an attraction.

Despite his immense joy, Huang Xiaolong did not forget to activate the Darkness Holy Ring's protective boundary to the fullest capacity.

As Huang Xiaolong got closer to the source, the grandmist energy in his body reacted even more strongly, until at one point, the grandmist energy in his body actually ran out from his body, forming a large swarm of tiny purple grandmist dragons.

Huang Xiaolong could sense these grandmist dragons' exhilaration.

Is it possible that there is more than one source of grandmist holy spiritual aura?!

The closer Huang Xiaolong got, the clearer his senses were and there were indeed more than one source of grandmist holy spiritual auras.

Huang Xiaolong's heartbeat quickened. His Grandmist Parasitic Medium cultivation had reached the peak of late-tenth stage long ago, but he had been stuck here, unable to step into the eleventh stage.

Now, with more than one source of grandmist holy spiritual aura, Huang Xiaolong was confident of entering the eleventh stage with no problem. The eleventh stage was the King of Grandmist's long-standing wish.

Once his Grandmist Parasitic Medium entered the eleventh stage, the power of his Grandmist Parasitic Medium would rise by leaps and bounds, and it would be comparable to many of Holy World's holy martial arts.

Several hours later, Huang Xiaolong arrived at the edge of a cliff.

At the bottom of the cliff was a deep rift valley that was darker than night.

"What a strong corrosive energy!" Though Huang Xiaolong was standing on the cliff edge, he still felt the strong corrosive energy flowing out from the dark rift valley below.

Huang Xiaolong suspected that this corrosive energy could even melt a True Saint expert's body if stained, and his heart constricted just thinking about it.

Despite the rift valley's unfathomable darkness, without a sliver of light, as he looked down from the cliff, Huang Xiaolong also strangely sensed rich ice and fire auras.

These two elements' auras were so rich that no other place on this coral mainland could compare to it.

This was unexpected to Huang Xiaolong.

However, the grandmist holy spiritual aura was just within grasp, and no matter how dangerous it was below, Huang Xiaolong was adamant about giving it a try. Hence, he exerted full effort to support the Darkness Holy Ring's protective boundary, and then spurred his Archdevil Complete Dao Saint Godhead's darkness power before ordering the Golden Pig Treasure to slowly descend into the rift valley.

But with every meter Huang Xiaolong descended, the darkness's corrosive energy grew stronger.

Huang Xiaolong found the dark corrosive energy was slowly corroding the Darkness Holy Ring's protective boundary away.

Watching the protective boundary's power lessening with every passing second, Huang Xiaolong's heart was stuck in his throat. He gritted his teeth and expedited his descent, but the faster he descended, the faster the protective boundary was corroding away.

The protective boundary became weaker as time passed, and despite Huang Xiaolong pushing his Archdevil Complete Dao Saint Godhead's darkness power to the limit, he could not completely fend off or reduce the corrosive energy.

By the time Huang Xiaolong was a thousand zhang below, the Darkness Holy Ring's protective boundary collapsed.

Huang Xiaolong swiftly took out another ancient protective talisman to protect himself.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong circulated the Grandmist Parasitic Medium as fast as he could, causing his entire body's grandmist energy to roil vigorously.

He quickly discovered that with the grandmist aura's extra protection over his body, the darkness corrosive energy's effect actually weakened. Though the effect was marginal, it greatly reduced the corrosive energy's effect on the ancient talisman's protective cover.

Huang Xiaolong continued to descend to the rift valley below.

Then again, even with the grandmist energy's extra protection, the ancient talisman grew dimmer and the protective cover over Huang Xiaolong became weaker.

In the end, the ancient talisman turned bleak and the protective cover vanished and Huang Xiaolong was forced to take out another ancient talisman. It didn't take long for the second ancient talisman to give out.

Huang Xiaolong took out the third talisman.

The fourth talisman!

One ancient talisman after another was being consumed rapidly.

If the four Primal Ancestors were here, they would be depressed to death watching how fast Huang Xiaolong was going through the ancient talismans. Each ancient talisman had taken them a lot of effort to refine. Each talisman was equivalent to one extra life. Yet, Huang Xiaolong was using them like running water.

Frankly, Huang Xiaolong's heart was bleeding watching each of the ancient talismans being consumed, but he was getting closer to the grandmist holy spiritual aura. No matter what, he had to take this gamble.

Huang Xiaolong didn't know about others, but he was absolutely certain that once his Grandmist Parasitic Medium entered the eleventh stage, his speed in absorbing any kinds of pills or complete dao saint godhead, saint bloodline, or saint physique would rise exponentially.

After exhausting more than twenty ancient talismans, Huang Xiaolong finally felt the pressure surrounding him disappear, and the extreme darkness also disappeared as Huang Xiaolong entered an almost vacuum like independent space.

A harsh blinding light made Huang Xiaolong close his eyes in pain.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong slowly opened his eyes. In front of him was a floating great golden lake, both the ice element and fire element holy spiritual qi were roiling vigorously on the lake surface. The ice element and fire element holy spiritual qi had actually given birth to manifestations of ice dragons and fire phoenixes!

And high in the air above the golden lake were four great coiling golden dragons.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes went back and forth between the golden lake and the four golden dragons high in the air, and he looked a bit dazed. In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong was laughing loudly, so loud that his voice shook the space.

Those four great golden dragons were exactly four sources of grandmist holy spiritual auras!

Four of them!

What made Huang Xiaolong happier was, other than the four sources of grandmist holy spiritual aura, there was actually a holy lake that was similar to the Lake of Fire and Ice!

Moreover, the amount of ice and fire holy spiritual qi contained in this holy lake was much purer than the Lake of Fire and Ice. This could be seen by manifestations of the ice dragons and fire phoenixes.

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath to adjust his emotions.

The heavens didn't disappoint him.

With this holy lake, his soul could fully transform into a holy soul!

Furthermore, with the four sources of grandmist holy spiritual auras, his Grandmist Parasitic Medium would break through to the eleventh stage!

Huang Xiaolong slowly flew up, towards the center of the golden lake, and then sat cross-legged in the air above the lake surface. He adjusted his mental state and condition, and then began to circulate his godforce according to the Grandmist Parasitic Medium.

As Huang Xiaolong circulated the Grandmist Parasitic Medium, the ice and fire holy spiritual qi below him roared. The ice dragons and fire phoenixes wound around Huang Xiaolong.

Streams of shocking ice and fire holy spiritual qi flowed out from the ice dragons and fire phoenixes into Huang Xiaolong's body. At the same time, the energy from the golden lake also flowed out and gathered around Huang Xiaolong.

The four grandmist holy dragons were now coiling above Huang Xiaolong's head, emitting low dragon growls as streams of grandmist holy spiritual auras fell over Huang Xiaolong.

It didn't take long for Huang Xiaolong's figure to disappear in a collision of fiery rays, as well as white cold rays. Brilliant golden rays of light from the four golden dragons flickered in and out.

Huang Xiaolong's soul resembled Holy World's top-grade crystal jade, emitting a prism of brilliant lights.

A month went by.

Two months, three months...

Under the nourishment of the holy golden lake's ice and fire holy spiritual qi, Huang Xiaolong's soul was even more dazzling, and the rays of light from his soul actually resonated with the entire space's lights. The whole space shone like the brightest crystal.

At the same time, the grandmist energy inside Huang Xiaolong's body also began to change and transform.

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