The history books of civilization, with brilliant spots, record and record countless epic legends of the empire. In front of Chu Yuan, countless epics condensed and turned into a group of shining books.

This is not an ordinary book, but a history of civilization, the epic of countless people in the empire.

A stalwart force swept from the history of civilization. In the empire, as long as you are within the empire, you can appreciate this magnificent history of civilization.

Chu Yuan saw that the history of epic civilization is both offensive and defensive.

He can be used to record the epic civilization of the empire, or it can suddenly display the epic civilization history, shrouded in the tyrannical existence, and make him a part of it.

"The epic is majestic, the vast legend, the civilization is immortal."

At this moment, Chu Yuan deeply understood the power of more attribute eight.

"Time is accelerating faster. Time is about one day outside, five years in the kingdom of the emperor."

Chu Yuan calculated the speed of time acceleration.

This time is terrifying. It is equivalent to someone else practicing outside for a day. Five years have passed since he was inside. During these five years, how many things he can do, how much equipment he can build, and how many pills he can refine.

Those who are strong can also accumulate the power that is familiar with themselves in the human kingdom.

Accelerating to accumulate the embarrassment that the establishment of the empire is too short and insufficient.

After he gathered the power of the civilization epic, Chu Yuan felt that he was closer to the second step of the universe god.

"The last seal of attributes."

Chu Yuan looked forward to the last attribute and looked at the conditions needed to unlock it.

Attribute Nine Unblocking: Have Immortal Realm.

"The realm of immortality!"

Chu Yuan's eyes gathered, "Is it necessary for me to break through to immortality?"

"Only the immortal realm can see the essence of the human emperor sword, create an eternal and immortal splendid humane civilization, immortal and detached from the universe, no matter where in the world, there will be no life-saving trouble."

System Road.

"I understand that only immortal power is qualified to spur the ability of the last attribute."

Chu Yuan knew it.

He knows that the universe is immortal.

Time flew, and another half month passed.

The Shenwu Empire was at the end of the Qing Dynasty. It had captured the territory controlled by the Thunder Empire and naturally had to be digested, but it would take time, but Chu Yuan was not in a hurry. The Empire was very familiar with such things.

He spread the splendid history of humane civilization through the long river of humanity.

"God, what is that?"

"How did I meet a legend!"

"Yes, then every spot of light, and even everyone can become a legend!"

"This is the civilization of the empire!"


Everyone saw this scene with a fanatical expression on their faces, and they all wanted to make themselves a part of civilization.

Yes, countless people have constructed an epic and legendary civilization.

"Your Majesty's strength is getting more and more unfathomable."

The Purple Blood Demon Book shook incomparably. Although he was a universe god, he was still insignificant in front of His Majesty.

"Meet the emperor!"

The Purple Blood Demon Book met Chu Yuan.

"Say." Chu Yuan smiled.

At this moment, he is shrouded in the brilliance of civilization, shining brightly, like a writer of civilization, a legend of civilization, the most brilliant and eternal existence in the history of civilization, making people have to feel a great awe.

"Your Majesty, what the minister is going to tell is about the undead mountain."

The Purple Blood Demon said: "Not long ago, the Emerging Gods opened the Immortal Mountain, and many forces entered one after another, but the minister just got the news that the Immortal Mountain was too miserable. The Emerging Gods calculated everyone, and they caused the danger in the Immortal Mountain. Using the undead corpse to kill too many powerful people, the universe gods have all fallen, and they also got an immortal artifact!"

He was frightened when he heard the news.

The battle of the Undead Mountain was more fierce than they were in the Thunder Empire.

Fortunately, His Majesty Wisdom did not lead the strong into the Immortal Mountain, but captured the Thunder Empire, otherwise they would suffer heavy losses.

"Yuhua Shenchao has gained great benefits this time, and has calculated everyone."

Chu Yuan listened quietly, although surprised but not surprised.

Since the Yuhuashen Dynasty dared to open the immortal time and space, it shows that they are well prepared to deal with the crisis, and other forces also guessed that the Yuhuashen Dynasty will have a back hand.

But this time let Yuhua Shenchao win first.

"Your Majesty, the battle in the Immortal Mountain has not ended here. Immortal time and space is a vast dimension, and more powerful men have entered." The Purple Blood Demon said.

"These forces have suffered a great loss in the hands of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty. They will not give up, and they will not sit and watch the Yuhua Shen Dynasty really sweep all the treasures in the undead mountain. But next time the Yuhua Shen Dynasty wants them to suffer a big loss, there will be no such thing. So easy."

Chu Yuan said indifferently: "There are still battles in the Undead Mountain, and there will be the focus for some time in the future."

"Yes, the Immortal Mountain is left by immortality, and it is not ordinary immortality."

The Purple Blood Demon Book knew the horror there.

He is not enough to see him as a universe god.

"The battle in the Undead Mountain has nothing to do with me for the time being. It is their business that they fight. The Thunder Empire is destroyed, and the next battle will destroy the Ten Thousand Demon Empire. The soldiers of the empire have been rested and reorganized. They will expand their territory and fight in the universe. "

Chu Yuan stood up, infinitely domineering, his eyes gazing at the sky.

"Are you going to fight the Ten Thousand Demon Empire?"

The Purple Blood Demon Book shocked.

His Majesty's plan is to even destroy the Thunder, Ten Thousand Demons, and the Three Empires, and expand the territory of the empire.

In these three empires, he actually had the most dealings with the Ten Thousand Demon Empire, and it was clear that the universe **** of the Ten Thousand Demon Empire was not the only one who greeted the universe.

"The Ten Thousand Demon Empire, the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor, is a powerful demon repair. The Purple Blood Universe God was also the second step back then. He met the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor and his methods were even more weird and cruel than the Thunder Lord."

Purple Blood Demon Book said on the side.

"The interests of the empire are driven by personal will. If the Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons is stubborn, I will directly kill him. The expedition of the empire's army cannot be blocked. This is a national policy. The Shenwu Empire needs to use all means to strengthen itself."

Chu Yuan was very domineering.

Although he hasn't broken through to the second step yet, he devours the Thunder Lord, and the release of the eighth attribute of the human emperor sword makes his strength much stronger than before.

"Go out!"

He stared into the distance, his eyes shattered the towards the direction of the Ten Thousand Demon Empire.

During this period of time, the empire was preparing to attack the Ten Thousand Demons Empire while being in the territory of the Thunder Empire at the end of Qing Dynasty.

He opened the door of the void.

The power that shattered the starry sky affected the infinite dimension. The soldiers of the empire did not speak, and everyone's faces were cold, but their eyes burned with vigorous fighting spirit and crazy fighting spirit.



The small Chaos Universe is placed in the most conspicuous position of the exchange, making them almost crazy. This is a temptation that is impossible to achieve.

His Majesty took out so many good things to motivate them, to make them crazy to earn contributions.

Golden Ge and Iron Horse, the army swallows mountains and rivers with momentum, enters the gate of the void, and the extremely terrifying war momentum is rolling out, pushing everything horizontally and directly expedition to the Ten Thousand Demon Empire.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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