As soon as they heard the word 'comfortable', Hu Yifei, Curry Sauce, and Meijia looked at each other and quickly lay down in the pile of ocean balls.

"Ah~so cool!"

Seeing several girls having a stress-relieving experience in the ocean ball, Chen Yi also looked at Dali:"Why don't you go experience it with them?"

"Since it's our date, of course I have to stay with you."

Zhuge Dali also turned to look at Chen Yi, smiling but saying matter-of-factly.

Seeing this, Chen Yi felt a little warm in his heart.

"Huh......You two, please stop spreading shit in front of me."

Zhang Wei touched the goosebumps on his arms. Now that he and Curry Sauce are single in the apartment, he was immediately heartbroken. Is it okay?...

Just as he was complaining, a man in a brown suit not far away also noticed this.

He was short-sighted, so when he came over and took a look, he was surprised and said:"Lu Ziqiao?"

"Huang Baoqiang? Lu Ziqiao also looked surprised.

Huang Baoqiang looked Zhang Wei, Chen Yi and others up and down:"Why are you?" Are you here to eat and drink again?"

Although Lu Ziqiao was right, she was not embarrassed.

"Teacher Xiaohei is not feeling well today, we came to the party on his behalf"


Huang Baoqiang pretended to be stunned, and then left after politely chatting for a few words.

He was the host of today's party and had to deal with many bosses' entertainment, so he had no time to talk about life ideals with Lu Ziqiao here.

"Lao Bu, who is this guy?"Chen Yi asked Lu Ziqiao.

He always felt that this person looked familiar.

"He was Teacher Zeng’s former radio fan. Later he won the grand prize. Unexpectedly, he became the boss now."

"In this way, we will act separately, Pao'er and I will go find food, and you two will go on a date slowly."

After Lu Ziqiao said that, she took Zhang Wei, who wanted to try the ocean ball, and left. Seeing this, Chen Yi glanced at Zhuge Dali. She instantly understood what Chen Yi meant, smiled and took Chen Yi's arm. This is the current situation between the two of them.

The most intimate contact they had so far. For them, this feeling seemed pretty good.

The two of them took a few small cakes in the self-service area. At this moment, a burst of dance music suddenly came from the corridor of the villa.

Zhuge Dali saw this moment Then something came up.

She looked at Chen Yi:"How about we go dancing?"


Chen Yi was stunned. Just when he was about to say that he didn't know how to do it, the system in his mind suddenly sounded.

【Ask the host to start selecting】

【Option 1: Sing a song for Zhuge Dali at the villa party and be rewarded with the title of 'Kneel with Your Mouth Open' (can be obtained in advance)】

【Option 2: Show off your superb dancing talents at the villa party and be rewarded with the title of 'Dancing Master' (can be obtained in advance)】

【Friendly reminder: When the word"can be obtained in advance" appears after the reward, it means that the host will obtain it temporarily when choosing, and it can be obtained permanently if the task is completed]

Chen Yi swallowed and swallowed what he wanted to say instantly.

Originally, he wanted to say that he couldn't dance, but now that such a choice suddenly appeared, he couldn't even choose 2.

Sure enough, when he completed the selection in his mind, he felt that there were more memories of dance in his memory.

At this time, I heard the dance music coming from the corridor, and my body instantly felt the urge to dance.

It's all muscle memory from 'So You Think You Can Dance'.

But it won't really affect Chen Yi.

The process from when Chen Yi faced the choice to winning the title of 'Dancing Master' took only three seconds.

He looked at Zhuge Dali with confidence:"Let me show you what it means to be a master of dance.""

"I was just trying to see it."Dali pursed her lips and smiled.

Although she was a little surprised why Chen Yi was suddenly so confident, she just liked this kind of confident person.

After all, she herself is also a very confident person.

She silently helped Chen Yi add one point in her heart. , the two of them came to the party dance floor.

There were already many people around here, but the most important ones were the two boys in the center of the dance floor.

They were actually fighting (competing) hip-hop dance, also commonly known as street dance.

(All data is needed during the release of the new book. I hope you can support it by giving some flower reviews. Thank you very much)

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