It has to be said that both Chen Yi and Dali have their own talents in terms of craftsmanship.

After the second attempt, Chen Yi took the lead in completing the production

"Dali, look, does this look like you?"

Chen Yi held a small clay figure and looked at Dali with a smile.

"You made my face look so weird."

As Dali's words came to his lips, he didn't know how to evaluate Chen Yi's little person.

Because how should I put it, the face he made of Zhuge Dali was a bit fat, as if he had two balls of bread stuffed in his mouth?

"You'd better take a look at mine."

Dali also showed the clay he had just finished. Although it is not perfect, it is much better than what Chen Yi made. At least from the face shape, it looks like Chen Yi.


Chen Yi looked at Dali's little man, and then at his own....

Forget it, let’s do it again.

In this way, Chen Yi started his third attempt. Seeing such great strength, he was not anxious and just watched and guided him.

Dali suddenly grabbed Chen Yi's hand and squeezed it for him.

The originally warm atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous, but Dali didn't seem to feel the ambiguous atmosphere.

She was very serious about helping Chen Yi figure out his face shape.

Soon, a little clay figurine that looked like Dali was ready, but half of the credit belongs to Dali.

"How about we glue these two little people together?"Dali suggested.

Hearing this, Chen Yi smiled and nodded.

He thought the suggestion was good, so he glued the two little clay figures together and found the boss, asking him to help bake them.

At this time, Chen Yi looked at Dali's face, Suddenly he burst out laughing.

Dali looked confused:"What are you laughing at?""

"Look at your face."Chen Yi suppressed his laughter and pulled Dali to a mirror.

He saw that Dali's originally delicate and clean little face was covered with clay, which must have been accidentally splashed just now.

Seeing this, Dali suddenly turned around and touched the mud on his hand. Smear it on Chen Yi's face.

Chen Yi didn't expect Dali to have such a naughty side, and couldn't react at all for a moment. He could only let Dali smear mud on his face.

Now both of their faces were dirty. They looked a bit miserable.

The fight between the two quickly attracted customers in the store. Some young lovers felt a little envious and started playing like the two of them.

This is good. , people in the ceramics shop stopped making ceramics and just played with clay. It wasn’t until the boss gave Chen Yi a pair of baked figures that they discovered the situation in the shop.

Upon seeing this, Chen Yi hurriedly paid for the goods. He asked Dali to leave.

Otherwise, if the boss knew that they were responsible for the mud on the ground, he would have to settle the score with them.

The two of them ran all the way back to the apartment. When they stopped, they looked at each other and smiled.

Dali winked. Blinking:"Thank you for letting me experience such an interesting date tonight."

"I also have to thank you for teaching me how to make ceramics."

Chen Yi smiled, and suddenly the atmosphere in the corridor became subtle.

As if he felt something, the two people's faces were slowly approaching, just when they almost touched!

A voice instantly woke them up.

"What are you doing?"

It turned out that Meijia suddenly came out of the elevator at some point and looked at the two of them with suspicion.

"Sister Meijia, why did you come back so late?"

Seeing that the matter was broken, Dali was a little embarrassed. Seeing this, Chen Yi quickly changed the subject to help her out.

Sure enough, after hearing Chen Yi's words, the suspicion in Meijia's eyes disappeared immediately

"I was walking my dog ​​near the community just now. You don’t know that Nambowan saved my life just now."

She was still shaking a little when she spoke, and she was obviously a little shaken.

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