After chatting for a while, Shu Xin took everyone back to the editing area downstairs.

It's still the same as when we first came here, it's chaos in here


A sudden sound of gongs startled both Chen Yi and Dali. Seeing this, they smiled happily and explained:"This is the tradition of the reminder department. As long as an author under the editor submits a manuscript, they will ring the gong to start the work. This celebration."

Sure enough, Chen Yi and Dali saw that everyone quickly put down their work and came to send blessings to the lucky editor.

Chen Yi also discovered at this time that although it looked chaotic, everyone was actually thinking It's still very simple.

It's just for the author to submit the manuscript.

Dali was very interested when he saw this scene. When he saw it, he smiled happily and said:"I will take you to your desk."


The three of them came to Dali's desk and saw a list and phone number on the table.

"Aren't these the authors who need to be updated?"

Chen Yi was a little surprised when he saw the densely packed names here. There were actually so many authors who needed to be updated.

Shu Xin said helplessly:"If these authors updated on time every day like you, we wouldn't need to do this."

Chen Yi felt ashamed after hearing this.

You must know that he was able to update on time only because"Zhu Xian" was rewarded to him by the system and had been completely written.

Otherwise, he might have been urged to update like these authors.

Dali After checking the information, I started calling an author named Nicholas Zhang San.

"Nicholas Zhang San, have you submitted your manuscript today?"

The person facing me was a man who didn't speak very fluently.

He said:"I'm sorry, editor, I just fell down the stairs yesterday and broke my hand. I can't write at all."

"I need to stop updating for three months and ask for leave from the company soon."

After saying that, Nicholas Zhang San hung up the phone, leaving Dali slightly stunned.

At this time, Shu Xin also received a call, saying that there was something that needed to be dealt with, so he said hello and left first.

"No more phone calls?"Chen Yi asked

"Wait a minute for this Nicholas Zhang San, I always feel that he is playing tricks."Dali smiled.

She said:"If an average person has just broken a bone, they will feel a slight pain even if the bandage is good, but Nicholas Zhang San's tone seemed to be a little bit excited. Chen

Yi smiled:"So you think this Zhang San is pretending?""

"That's right!"

Dali gave him a 'bingo' (you got it right) look.

Chen Yi also didn't expect that Dali had the potential to be cute, and his heart beat faster for a moment.

The longer he stayed with Dali, the more he would discover her charm..

However, the relationship is also mutual. How did Chen Yi know that while he was attracted to Dali, Dali also felt that he liked him more and more.

Just when the two expressed their love with their eyes, Nicholas Zhang San, who was about to ask for leave, Finally came in a hurry.

As soon as this guy came, he hugged his bandaged hand and shouted:"Hey, it hurts!"

But there was no expression of pain at all on his face.

At this time, Dali looked at him with a scrutinizing eye.

Sure enough, Zhang San's expression instantly became unnatural, and he sneered:"My hands are real I was injured, and this is the plaster the hospital gave me to bandage."

Something's wrong!

Generally, there will be swelling around the broken arm, and then there will be cyan or purple ecchymosis on the back of the hand.

But this Zhang San's hand doesn't have any at all.

Dali shook his head slightly at Chen Yi, now she can basically confirm this Nicholas was pretending to be sick.

Suddenly Dali took out a hammer from nowhere and hit Zhang San's hand hard.

Seeing this scene, Zhang San was shocked and took his hand back reflexively.

"Didn't you just say that this arm was broken?"

(Please give me monthly votes, please give me flowers, please give me evaluation votes. There have been no flowers at all in the past two days. Is it true that no one has watched it?)

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