"Zhang Wei took my bike away?!"

Chen Yi was stunned. He was planning to go out to deliver food later, but this guy actually took his car away. He is indeed the stingiest man in the love apartment. Even when he goes to the court to sue, he won't take a taxi.

So now Chen Meijia looked at Chen Yi in surprise. At this time, shouldn't his focus be on his boyfriend? Why was Chen Yi's focus on the bicycle?

"Now can we talk about the boyfriend?"

Zhuge Dali blinked at Chen Yi and had to say that he was really shocked this time.

"Can you tell me why you are looking for me? Chen

Yi was still puzzled:"You have also seen that my job is as a delivery boy. If I don't deliver enough food, I might not even be able to take care of myself.""

"I think you are very handsome, and if you have a career, I will have one sooner or later. I can support you even if you don’t have a job."

"I also found a mysterious focus on you, which made me very curious."

Zhuge Dali recalled the first meeting between himself and Chen Yi.

At that time, she was knocked down by Chen Yi's bicycle. According to other people's thoughts, she was definitely Focus on the person who was knocked down first.

But Chen Yi’s focus is on the takeaway.

When she was talking about how she happened to meet Zhang Wei, Chen Yi’s focus was not on how she met Zhang Wei, but on how she met Zhang Wei. At this point, Zhang Wei rode his car away.

This was the first time Zhuge Dali met such an interesting person, and he couldn't help but become a little curious.

Zhuge Dali thought for a while and said,"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Zhuge Dali, he is twenty years old this year, he is a Sagittarius, he is a female-oriented male, he is 162cm and weighs 48cm. He likes to play games and travel. If you want to know more, be my male supporter and get to know me."

"But how do you know I'm single?"Chen Yi asked doubtfully.

At this time, Meijia, who was sitting aside, was almost dying of anxiety. A girl came to your door to be your girlfriend. This guy is good, but he still has so many problems.

If it were Zi Qiao, he would probably take him with him right now. The girl went out on a date.

Ziqiao, who was looking for a job outside, suddenly sneezed. He had no idea what happened in the apartment, let alone that Meijia was cueing him in her heart.

Zhuge Dali smiled and replied:"Lawyer Zhang told me ah."

Chen Yi was speechless secretly. Why does Zhang Wei tell others everything?

When he checked into the apartment yesterday and registered, he told everyone that he was single. Zhang Wei was also there at that time.

【Ask the host to start selecting】

【Choice 1: Become Zhuge Dali’s boyfriend and win the novel"Zhu Xian"》】

【Option 2: Refuse to be Zhuge Dali’s male support and be rewarded with an alien laptop】

【Choice 3: Match Zhang Wei and Zhuge Dali and reward them with the title of Gold Medal Matchmaker】

"In fact, you can think about it first."Zhuge Dali stood up and was about to leave.

"No need to think about it, I choose 1.......Ah, I can promise you that."

Chen Yi slipped away and almost said the wrong thing.

But Zhuge Dali didn't care. When she heard Chen Yi agreed, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She thought she was going to leave empty-handed today.

【The host completes the selection and is rewarded with the novel"Zhu Xian"]

Suddenly Chen Yi felt that there was something extra in his pocket. When he took it out, it turned out to be a USB flash drive. He thought it should be the"Zhu Xian" rewarded by the system.

"Hey, sister Yifei, are you back?"

Chen Meijia's voice brought Chen Yi back to his senses. It turned out that it was Hu Yifei who had returned from class.

"Sister Yifei, you didn’t know what happened here just now, it was so exciting!"

"what happened? Hu

Yifei asked curiously, and suddenly saw Zhuge Dali and said in surprise:"Dali?" Why are you here?"

"Teacher Hu."Zhuge Dali also quickly said hello.

"Do you know Sister Yifei?"

"She is my student"

"Then she is not only your student now, but also Chen Yi's girlfriend"

"girlfriend?! When did this happen?"

"Just now."Meijia blinked and showed a gossipy smile.

After she told all the things, Hu Yifei patted her head, which was a bit headache.

"Are you young people today too hasty in dating?"

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