Iron Dynasty

Chapter 917: Naotsu incident

"Fight first, then make peace?"

The samurai exclaimed in unison.

Yamada Nobunaga picked up the tea on the low table and took a sip, feeling the elegant fragrance in the tea. For a long time, he explained: "If you don't fight, you can make peace. Other famous names must be blamed on my cowardice. If they lose, they have nothing to say. At this time, they can see clearly the disparity in strength between the country of Japan and the country of Da Yu. Of course, if they win, there is no need to worry.

After a pause, he continued: “As for peace, it’s a courageous strategy. The navy of Great Yu is too large. Our warships are not rivals at all. The land we grow on is surrounded by sea. If foreign trade is impossible, It will never develop, not to mention that there were Dutch first, then British, and now the country of Great Yu was added. All these indicate that we have been left behind by them in the weapon. If we no longer think of progress, the future result will be Just like Goryeo, it would be worthwhile to exchange the temporary humiliation for the country’s industrial contribution from the country. After all, decades ago, we paid tribute to the country every year.

"Da Ming, I am afraid that the purpose of Day Yu this time is to prepare to annex us. It is not like the previous punishment. Ever since the prince named Xiao Ming became the emperor, Day Yu has changed its general appearance." The samurai said worriedly.

Yamada Nobunaga looked at the talking samurai. This was the most trusted samurai around him. His name was Hideyoshi Sato. He had a flexible mind and a keen sense of intrigue.

It is with his assistance that he can have the status he is today, and Sato Hideyoshi is from the Sato family, the eldest son of Daimyo Sato in China.

"So this time we have to show our belief that we are determined to join the great Yu country. Unlike Goryeo, our firearms and population are several times that of Goryeo. It is not so easy to conquer us thoroughly!" Nobunaga Yamada sternly said. Said.

"Yes!" a group of samurai bowed their heads in response.


After getting together with Ye Qingyun in Busan City, Yue Yun did not stay in the Flower Street and Liu Lane of Busan City, but returned to his flagship. He had his own lounge in the battleship.

Scanning the map, Yue Yun's gaze stayed focused on the Nazhijin Bay, which would be their first step to attack the Japanese Kingdom.

The next morning, he ordered the warship to move to Naotsu. The distance of four hundred miles from the sea was only a day's journey for the warship.

At the same time, Yamada Nobunaga is also mobilizing the remaining Japanese warships. In fact, in order to keep the only 200 warships left these days, he ordered all the house boats to escape in the inland river and installed artillery to deal with Taiyu. country.

Now the news of the full-scale attack of the Da Yu State Navy is conclusive. He can only fight his back against the water according to his own plan and work hard to reach his current position. He doesn't want to be dared by other big names.

In addition to the Anzhai ship, he also mobilized 80,000 musketeers, 200 iron cannons, and 8,000 cavalry. Like the Battle of Goryeo, this time he still recruited soldiers of various famous names, which also coincided with his purpose.

In the tense atmosphere, Yue Yun's fleet arrived at Nazhijin Bay at dusk that evening, and he looked at the empty dock with an inexplicable smile.

Like countless fleet inspections, every time they arrived outside of Nanotsu, the place was empty. He knew very well that there had been Japanese boats cruising in the nearby waters.

These ships are small in size and fast. They can't keep up with sailing warships. They can only catch up with steamships. There are no fewer than ten Japanese boats that they have sunk.

But they couldn't keep chasing these Japanese pirates who pretended to be fishermen. After all, attacking Naojin was their goal.

As the saying goes, if you can run, the monk can’t run to the temple. The merchant ships at the Nanotsu Wharf are gone, but the wharf is there, and the city is also there.

"General, do you want to enter the inland river?" Liu Chen asked, Nazhijin was built on the bank of an inland river, through which the city can be directly bombarded.

"You can't take this risk. As soon as the warships of the country of Japan may be hidden in the inland river, the surface of this inland river is narrow, and the artillery of the country can shoot directly at the surface of the river, which will be troublesome."

Before he came, Yue Yun had already planned, "War is no longer the way he used to play. Now the final thing is landing. You lead the soldiers ashore to build a position immediately."

After all, he picked up the binoculars and looked at the dock. At this time, many Japanese soldiers had arrived on the dock. Some of these soldiers were armed with matchlocks, some with flintlocks, and even a few imitating golden tents. Artillery shaped like the Khanate.

"The artillery is ready!"

Yue Yun said lightly, the army's tactics are changing, and the navy's tactics are also changing at the same time. Since the deployment of bombs, the navy now has the ability to carry out saturated artillery bombardment on land.

After all, there are even hundreds of artillery pieces on a battleship, and even on one side, there are about fifty artillery pieces. More than twenty battleships can fire thousands of artillery pieces at the same time.

But such a high-density shelling can only be described as But Yue Yun doesn't feel sorry for the shells at all today, because for him, he will definitely find someone to pay for the shells.

Despite the hatred in his heart, he still did not forget his true duty.

"Send someone to send the treaty over and limit them to reply within two days, otherwise we will start a full-scale war!" With everything ready, Yue Yun handed a prepared treaty document to the adjutant on the flagship.

After a while, a small boat was put down, and the soldiers holding the documents of the treaty went down to the small boat and rowed towards the dock. When they arrived at the dock, the soldiers handed the treaty to the Japanese general.

Only the Japanese general took a look and threw the treaty to the soldier, and drew his sword to threaten the soldier who sent the letter. As a last resort, the soldier had to row back.

"General, what exactly did you write that made the generals of the Wa country so angry." Liu Chen said with interest.

"It's very simple. Let the Japanese country admit defeat, cede land and pay compensation, give Great Yu country the most preferential treatment, and pay 40 million taels of silver for war expenses. Of course this is only a rough idea."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled helplessly, which is exactly the same as the original Korean treaty.

"No wonder he was so angry." Liu Chen curled his lips.

"The opportunity has already been given to them. If that's the case, then we can only fight." Yue Yun said excitedly. This treaty is indeed unequal, but the country has never talked about equality with the country of Da Yu. Now the country is not compromising. In his arms.

And this is what the emperor meant. For him, an island country like Japan must have the ability to attack their homeland to contain them.

So, after pondering for a while, he finally shouted: "Fire!"

With an order, six warships fired at the pier at the same time, and more than 300 shells covered the pier in an instant. The flames burst into the sky and the explosion sounded endlessly.

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