Iron Dynasty

Chapter 922: Fight again!


Yamada Nobunaga quickly got a reply. Looking at Da Yuguo's additional conditions, his heart sank a little bit.

"Receive the military power and add one hundred million taels of silver." Sato gently read the content of the letter, his voice fell, and an angry roar suddenly broke out in the hall.

"The country of Da Yu deceived people too much. We have tolerated it to such a situation, but they pressed on every step of the way. If this is the case, we will fight with them!"

"Yes, now we will recruit soldiers!"

"Kill them all!"


The samurai and daimyo screamed angrily, one by one like crazy.

Yamada Nobunaga was also extremely angry. He could accept an additional one hundred million taels of silver, but Da Yuguo tried to control the military power of the Wa country, which was simply a dream.

Now, he completely gave up the peace talks and prepared to continue to fight against the Great Yu State. After thinking for a while, he said: "Now you immediately summon all the soldiers. We must tell the Great Yu State that we will never compromise!"

"Yes! Yamada Daimyo!"

The samurai and the daimyo shouted loudly.

Yamada Nobunaga nodded, and at the same time sent someone to contact the daimyos in the north, hoping to unite all the daimyos in attacking the country.

The change in Nagasaki quickly made the secret guards who had been in Nagasaki discovered that they calmly passed the news to Nanotsu.

"General, this is interesting, Yamada Nobunaga turned down our additional terms."

Liu Chen took the intelligence sent by the secret guard and found Yue Yun who was studying the map of the country in the room. After the two argued yesterday, they also bet whether Yamada Nobunaga would give up.

The facts now proved that he lost, and Yamada Nobunaga refused.

The look of Yue Yun Gu Jing is not waved, it can be said that they are prepared for all the actions taken by the Japanese country now, including Nobunaga Yamada's refusal to add conditions, and the two sides are again in war.

"I hope they won't accept it, so that we can fight them more miserably." Yue Yun smiled and said, "Let the soldiers rest for a few days. We still have battles to fight next. This time we have to let them The Japanese people feel desperate."

"Hahaha... yes." Liu Chen nodded excitedly.

Seven days later.

Twenty-six steam battleships in the port of Nanotsu slowly left the port towards Nagasaki, and at the same time Liu Chen completed the reinforcement of the wall of Nanotsu.

This time there were 14,000 soldiers stationed in the city, and another 6,000 soldiers went to Nagasaki with the warship. According to the plan, they would blow up Nagasaki in a mess.

At the same time, the Daimyo from the north arrived near Nanotsu with the feudal soldiers, and soldiers from Nagasaki also gathered near Nanotsu, and the war was about to start.

July 30th.

After half a month of the truce, a joint army composed of many magnates from the Japanese nation launched an offensive against Naozu.

The soldiers of Great Yu, who took advantage of the defense of the city, took advantage of their condescending advantages to launch a fierce counterattack against the soldiers of the Republic of Japan, and the fighting was extremely fierce.

"Remember! The Battle of Nanotsu is the first battle of our Marines. If we can't win, we will always be the laughing stock of the army. Even if we fight to the last person this time, we will have to win!"

Liu Chen walked back and forth on the city wall, and the sound of soldiers firing rifles and artillery filled his ears.

He is not nervous now. Although there are more soldiers besieging Nanotsu this time than the first time, he can see that most of these soldiers are the soldiers of the daimyos. The real elite have been killed in the first battle. They are wiped out.

Therefore, the Japanese army with flags outside the city of Nazhijin seems to be huge, but in fact, its combat effectiveness is much weaker, not to mention that they are defending the city and they are attacking the city.

Just the grenade dropped from the wall is enough for them to drink a pot.

This time, it was Sato who was in charge of contacting and commanding the daimyo. All the 260,000 troops gathered by the daimyo are now facing a very embarrassing situation. Facing the fierce firepower of the great Yu country, they are now suffering heavy losses.

The traditional siege ladder is a joke in front of the country.

The soldiers of Dayu State would drop something that could explode from the city, and this kind of thing caused a lot of casualties to the soldiers gathered under the city.

The siege only lasted an hour, and now at least 8,000 soldiers have fallen under the city.

The most important thing is that some big names who have never been exposed to this mode of war are frightened, and they are unwilling to continue to die in vain.

While Nazhijin was in a bitter battle, the fleet led by Yue Yun suddenly appeared in Nagasaki.

This time the Wa country concentrated its forces to attack Naotsu. This Nagasaki must be weak, and it is a good time to attack.

"The battleship of Great Yu Kingdom is here!"

"The battleship of Great Yu Kingdom is here!"


The Japanese soldiers stationed on the Nagasaki Wharf quickly spotted the Great Yuguo battleship that was smoky, but it was too late for Nagasaki.

Ordering the warship to enter the dock, Yue Yun immediately ordered shelling.

Nagasaki was built along the sea, with dense buildings along the This is also a symbol of Nagasaki’s prosperity. In order to completely destroy the will of the Japanese country, he decided to take revenge on the Japanese country this time, not to mention this country originally It means that the house is not broken for three days.

"Boom boom boom..."

A huge roar sounded on the sea, and artillery shells shot from the battleship straight to the quaint buildings along the coast.

In the light of the fire, these buildings immediately turned into dust. For a time, the streets of Nagasaki were extremely chaotic, and there were escaping Japanese people everywhere.

At this moment, there is fear in their eyes. For thousands of years, no country has been able to attack the mainland of the country of Japan, so they were unscrupulous when looting outside.

Because every time their countrymen return home with a full load, they feel the joy of a bumper harvest, never considering that they will suffer revenge.

Now Nagasaki has become a battlefield of blood and fire. For them, this is a kind of shock, a kind of fear. They realize that their enemies can easily destroy themselves.

Nobunaga Yamada didn't expect the Dayu Congress to be so bold. After learning the news, he came out of the daimyo mansion and saw a raging fire.

At this moment, his heart trembled, and the fear that had disappeared in his heart for many years came to his heart again.

It was just that when he saw the battleship of Dayu State starting to put down the boat, he suddenly realized that Dayu State was not only for shelling Nagasaki this time, they had already prepared soldiers to land.

"Daimyo, it's still too late to escape." A samurai said anxiously. Now Nagasaki's forces are weak, and once the soldiers of the Great Yu country get ashore, they will have no way to escape.

"Escape? Where to escape?" Yamada Nobunaga said hoarsely.

At this time, the samurai lowered their heads. They lost this time, and they lost thoroughly. They finally realized that no matter what they did now, they couldn't undo the defeat.

This time, it was only the navy of Da Yu State who had attacked the country. If other troops arrived, they would have no chance of winning.

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