Iron Dynasty

Chapter 929: Metal bullet

The faint smell of smoke permeated the royal study room.

The Kanto map in the Imperial Study Room was quietly hung on the wall, but at this time the red dot marked by Xiao Ming seemed to be enlarged in the eyes of Niu Ben and Luo Quan.

There is no doubt that this place will become the powder keg of the next war, and this time they are going to deal with a European power and a dead but not stiff steppe tribe.

Having agreed on this, the three discussed the details of the war in front of the map.

From the perspective of the three of them, it is not difficult to deal with Tsarist Russia, because the current Dayu team not only has a higher firearm than Tsarist Russia, but also fights at home, with obvious advantages.

The only variable is the Golden Horde, which is shrinking in the grasslands waiting for an opportunity. These cavalry are still the real threat to Great Yu, and the main force of Tsarist Russia’s eastward expansion is also an advance team dominated by the Cossats, they and the Golden Horde. All countries are nomads living on the grasslands.

After ten years of development, the Great Yu Kingdom has now developed into what it is today. He is very confident in the Great Yu Kingdom, but this confidence is not blind. In the cavalry, he admits that he is inferior to the Golden Horde and the Cossats.

But since the cavalry is not his advantage, he will crush the enemy's advantage, and the weapon to crush the enemy's advantage is the machine gun that killed countless people during World War I.

In the past, he could only think about this kind of war weapon, but now that electricity is applied in Qingzhou, Qingzhou's industry can be fully improved, which gives him hope.

This industrial upgrade will give him the ability to make more sophisticated weapons.

After deciding on the basic strategy, Xiao Ming asked Niu Ben and Luo Quan to go back. He settled down to sort out the scientific and technological materials of the 19th century. Now that he has electricity, he can unlock more technology.

At the same time, with the improvement of science and technology, the required technical knowledge becomes more and more complex. After the emergence of electric power, he needs to participate more deeply in industrial construction.

After ten years of hard work, the industry of Dayu State has grown from scratch and now has a complete foundation. Now it is time to show the true advantages of the technology spar. After all, even if he wanted to realize the technology, he had no foundation before. Now this is no longer a problem.

After a busy morning, Xiao Ming went to Qingzhou University in the afternoon.

In the past two years of war, he has never stopped lecturing at Qingzhou University. Through his own practice, Qingzhou University has given birth to many talents in science and technology. After graduation, these talents have entered all walks of life in the country. Technical backbone.

Among them, the elite of them entered the various research rooms to complete the scientific and technological tasks he delivered one by one. Generally speaking, he is generally involved in the current most cutting-edge technology, and does not need to spend energy on ordinary technology, because Naturally someone will do it.

When he arrived at the school, Xiao Ming glanced at the people sitting below, Lin Wentao, Lu Tong, Song Changping, Chen Qi, Zhang Liu, etc. Basically, the people at the core of the industry in the country were all there.

He glanced at the crowd and said straightforwardly: "What I want to tell you today is the manufacture of metal bullets. Generally speaking, the process of manufacturing metal bullets is very complicated. At least more than one hundred times are required. With twenty to thirty procedures, it is much more difficult to build a metal bullet production line than to build a firearms production line, so the development of metal bullets in military factories requires everyone to work together."

"Metal bullets." Song Changping's eyes couldn't help but brighten. Xiao Ming had already mentioned this concept to him, but it was limited to the fact that it could not be completed without corresponding machinery.

Now that the emperor mentioned it, he saw hope.

Like Song Changping, the others looked excited, because they knew that the production of metal bullets contained too many things and they also needed their participation.

Xiao Ming noticed the expressions of the people. He was very satisfied with Lin Wentao and others' tireless spirit of seeking knowledge. Perhaps the role of technology spar has had a huge impact on them over the years, but their own attitude is also extremely important.

Because of the combination of the two, they are able to surpass the talents of any scientist in Europe.

Nodding slightly, Xiao Ming turned on the technology spar. This is something he must do before each lecture, so that they can remember what he said in more detail, and they can also see a machine as if they were on the scene. The production process and structure.

In just ten years, he allowed the country to develop from a country without any industrial foundation to a level equivalent to the mid and late eighteenth century. The technology spar is very important.

The emergence of electricity will make it easier for Xiao Ming to realize the technology in the technology spar, and this is why he is so excited after generating electricity.

"In general, the structure of metal fixed-load bullets is the same as that of paper-shell bullets. It is divided into four parts: warhead, bullet case, and primer. Naturally, the production of bullets should start from four aspects. Now I will introduce you to the production of metal. The punch needed for bullets." Xiao Ming said slowly.

Because of the existence of the technological spar, Xiao Ming has detailed necessary machinery and procedures for bullet production in his mind. It can be said that the production of metal bullets is a difficult task.

If you want to produce metal bullets, one of the most basic things is a mechanical punching machine, also called a punching machine. The punching bowl required in the production of metal bullets must use this.

Because the function of the mechanical punch is for the plate, through the mold, the punch can make blanking, punching, forming, drawing, trimming, fine blanking, shaping, riveting and extrusion parts, of which the bullet primer needs to be on the copper plate Stamping production on the material.

When Xiao Ming was speaking, a clear picture appeared in everyone's This is a crank-connecting rod mechanism driven by a motor-driven flywheel through a clutch and transmission gear to move the slider up and down.

During the movement, one by one copper plates were punched out, and then the picture turned, they saw some precision molds, which were installed on complex lathes, and the different structures of bullets were constantly shaped by these complex lathes. forming.

In one afternoon, Xiao Ming systematically introduced the entire production process of bullets, and assigned different tasks to different people.

Among them, Lu Tong is naturally responsible for the priming, Lin Wentao is responsible for the production of punching machines and other machinery, and Zhang Liu is responsible for the manufacture of molds. Song Changping and Chen Qi cooperate with Lin Wentao to check the caliber of the current firearms in the country and verify the fit of bullets and rifling degree.

"The emperor, are you sure to use steel shells for metal bullets this time?"

After generally mastering the knowledge of metal bullets, Song Changping raised questions. Judging from his knowledge, the advantages of copper shells are much greater.

"Yes, it is a steel shell. After all, the copper of the country is not rich." Xiao Ming regrets that the copper of the country is not rich, and he now needs to use copper for electricity.

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