Iron Dynasty

Chapter 943: blackmail

The cold wind blushed Zhu Sansi's face, and he raised his leg and kicked Gao Yingfeng's ass. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

"The railway is a matter for the Railway Department, and the war is a matter for the army. If Yaxa cannot be defeated, or if the casualties are too heavy, let me take care of you!"

Gao Yingfeng uttered "Ouch" and grinned with teeth. He said, "I'm just nagging, nagging, it's really boring to deal with woods and snow as a whole."

Seeing that Zhu Sansi's face was drawn very long, Gao Yingfeng "hehe" fired again.

Seeing that Gao Yingfeng had been honest, Zhu Sansi snorted softly. He glanced around at the Tsarist stronghold, with mixed feelings in his heart. He was not angry with Gao Fengfeng just now, but was angry for thousands of years. The poisoning of the people of the great Yu country, even the rulers and the people of the Li people lack offensiveness and like to fight in their nests. Although Neo-Confucianism is now turning chaos, this deep-rooted inertia of thinking cannot be changed overnight.

In contrast, Tsarist Russia, a European country that is thousands of miles away, can extend its sphere of influence to Asia. British and French warships can cruise in the oceans of Asia. The internal factors are enough to cause him to think.

But the only thing to be thankful for is that the sage of the year seems to be completely out of this list. Because of his influence, the country of Da Yu has only established its present great achievements in just ten years.

Thinking of this, blood surged in his heart, what a glory it is to follow such an emperor.

While he was thinking, Gao Yingfeng had already selected a group of soldiers. The remaining soldiers will be responsible for operating the stronghold on this snowy field, and in the future will be responsible for managing the Daur people and other tribes in this place.

After disposing of the occupied strongholds, Zhu Sansi and Gao Yingfeng led 1,000 soldiers to continue northward along the mountain road. In more than 20 days, they conquered five strongholds and annihilated more than 300 Russian soldiers. .

On the twenty-fourth day, after arduously climbing snow-capped mountains, traversing mountains and forests, and stepping on snow, they finally arrived at Yaksa City.

"Yaksa, finally... finally arrived." Gao Yingfeng shed tears almost excitedly under the city of Yaxa. This nearly one-month trek was simply too difficult.

If it weren’t for the soldiers who had been trained and had a firm will, it’s estimated that there would be almost everyone running along the way.

Zhu Sansi also breathed a sigh of relief. The most difficult part of this march was the transportation of artillery and ammunition, because the road was rough, which slowed their marching speed.

But while being happy, they will face another problem next, which is how to attack Yaksa.

Because the city of Yaksa was actually built on Jiangxin Island, the Heilongjiang water is divided into two here, bypassing Jiangxin Island and then combining into one.

The city on Jiangxin Island is Yaksa City.

"This is our Daur city. This group of robbers took our place and drove all the people in the city to extinction." Guda's eyes are red, and he can't wait to rush to the island now.

"Since we are here, none of these murderers want to run." Zhu Sansi picked up the binoculars and looked at Yaksa City.

At this time, the Tsarist soldiers in the city apparently also found them. The soldiers in the city immediately rushed towards the wall on their side, and he also saw the artillery on the wall.

"Master, it is estimated that it is fifty meters away from the riverside to the city of Yaksa. We have to build some rafts first." Gao Yingfeng said after observing.

Zhu Sansi put down the binoculars in his hand, and had to say that the location of the city of Yaksa was good, but using this city to deal with the Daur tribes who stayed in the Cold Weapon Age was quite effective.

But for Da Yu, who has mastered artillery and firearm technology, the fifty meters is not a problem at all.

"I don't think it is necessary. You see that a thick layer of ice has formed along the river. It is estimated that the river center will be completely frozen in a few days. Then the river surface will no longer be an obstacle, and we will attack. The people in the stronghold have not yet returned. There are less than two thousand Russian soldiers in this city. In short, it is not the best time to attack." Zhu Sansi analyzed.

On the way, the getting colder and colder weather was annoying, but now he was a little lucky.

Guda was a little surprised. He just wanted to remind Zhu Sansi about this matter. He didn't even think about this general. So he added: "Yes, according to this time, the river surface should be frozen. The Russians used to be too. It struck Yaksa when the river was freezing."

Zhu Sansi nodded slightly, which confirmed his judgment even more.

Gao Yingfeng shouted: "Stay on the spot, and then attack the city after meeting."


The soldiers responded and quickly began camping in Anzhai.

At the same time, a Tsarist general in the city of Yaksa was also observing the Dayu team on the opposite side. His name was Barov and he was the commander-in-chief sent from Yakutsk to occupy Yaksa.

Yaxa and the surrounding strongholds are under his command.

"Damn, what are these people?" Barov put down the single-scope telescope in his hand and asked rudely.

"Look at their skin color, they should be from the country of Da Yu." A middle-aged man stood beside Barov.

The middle-aged man has a rough face, yellow skin and dark eyes.

"Ghat, these are the people of Great Chongqing who beat up your Golden Horde." Barov suddenly laughed heartlessly, which made Ghat's face a little ugly and even a little angry.

If it were not for the failure of the Kanto, which greatly damaged the vitality of the Golden Horde, and Dolgo went crazy because of the loss of his son, they would not take refuge in Tsarist Russia and give the name of Tian Khan to the female czar of Tsarist Russia. She is all a bitch.

Barov saw that Ghat was a little He laughed randomly and patted Ghat on the shoulder. He understood that it would be unwise to offend the people of the Golden Horde, after all, this nomadic tribe just They belong to Tsarist Russia, and they need the Golden Horde to help them expand their territories and preserve the achievements of Tsarist Russia in the Far East over the years.

"This is just a joke." Barov advised, "Since they are the army of the Great Yu Kingdom, this time I will mention you and kill them all."

"Thank you for your kindness, but the soldiers of Day Yu are not as easy to deal with as the Daur people." Gubat reminded.

Undetected disdain flashed in Barov's eyes. Cossat was easily conquered by them. In his opinion, the Golden Horde was inferior to Cossat, so he had never looked down upon the fighting power of the Golden Horde.

"For us Russians, there is no enemy that can't be conquered. You just need to watch this battle." Barov was very confident.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a movement on the other side. More than 30 Russian soldiers were pushed to the shore, and he recognized one of them at a glance.

"Vasily!" Barov was shocked.

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