Iron Dynasty

Chapter 953: Guards

"Come on, let's try Chinese rifles and artillery.? WwW.suimeng.lā."

After the ammunition problem was skipped, everyone's attention once again focused on the Han-style rifle and Chen Qi's artillery.

The two were already ready and led the group to the school grounds.

"The emperor, let the future come." Niu licked his lips and was a little excited. What he said just now does not mean that he does not like Chinese rifles.

In fact, these military generals like new weapons most, but sometimes they have to consider the increasing military expenditure.

Luo Quan picked up another Han-style rifle and said aggressively: "Niu, today we will try it in front of the emperor and see who has the best marksmanship."

"Okay, if any of you wins today, I will give him a tricycle." He was busy with government affairs all day, and when Xiao Ming had little leisure time, he was also here for fun.

When the two heard this, their eyes flashed green. Although Xiao Ming gave them a bicycle each, the tricycle was just made by Qingzhou Machinery Factory.

They have already seen this thing, and the **** in the palace is riding this thing outside the palace to purchase what the palace needs.

Although they don't need to ride a tricycle to buy things, it also saves face for the servants in the house. The last time he was the first to get a bicycle, he envied many people.

"This tricycle is mine." Niu took the steel shell bullet from Song Changping's hand and pulled the gun to reveal the barrel.

Put the bullet in, the cow reset the bolt, and then aimed at the target 200 meters away.


After only three seconds of aiming time, the cow pulled the trigger.

"Hey, this metal bullet is really powerful." Niu said loudly, "Obviously the recoil of the Falcon rifle is much stronger."

Song Changping explained: "Of course, this bullet contains smokeless gunpowder, and its air tightness is much stronger than that of a Falcon rifle."

Luo Quan said in surprise: "This bullet has hit the mountain."

When he was observing just now, the bullet shot by the cow passed through the target and hit a cloud of smoke on the mountain behind.

"Han-style rifles use metal bullets with a maximum range of 1,200 meters and an effective range of 600 meters." Song Changping added again.

"Compared with the Falcon rifle, it is indeed a great improvement." Xiao Ming showed satisfaction. Judging from the history of the development of firearms, the barrel of the rifle is getting shorter and shorter, and the effective range is getting shorter and shorter.

The effective range of many modern firearms is only three or four hundred meters, and only in this era of lack of long-range power, the barrel of a rifle can be so long and powerful.

"It's my turn." Luo Quan Baobao glanced at the Han-style rifle in his hand, looking very fond of it.

Like the bull, he aimed for three seconds, then pulled the trigger.

Soon, the result was reported, and Luo Quan lost the first ring.

"Hahaha, what Niu said back then was a hundred steps through Yang. Now that he is old, his arm strength is not good, but his eyes are not weak." Niu laughed.

Luo Quan was not upset either. He said: "If you lose, you will lose, but this Chinese rifle is really a good thing. If the army can be equipped as soon as possible, the British and French will have to cry for their fathers and mothers."

After a pause, he said to Chen Qi: "This Han-style rifle is powerful, I don't know how this artillery is?"

Chen Qi smiled mysteriously, then walked to a cannon covered with a black cloth, pulled the black cloth, and an annoying silver-white metallic cannon appeared in front of everyone.

The appearance of this artillery is very different from the traditional front-mounted smoothbore gun, because the artillery is pierced from beginning to end, and the muzzle can be seen from the **** of the artillery, and it is 30 centimeters away from the rear of the artillery. A square hole also has a corresponding square opening on the right side, which looks like a slot.

"How to fight this artillery?" Niu and Luo Quan were immediately dumbfounded.

Chen Qi laughed "hehe". He took out a thick metal object with a square cylinder from the box on one side like a baby. Half of the metal object was a round hole as large as the caliber of the artillery, and half was as large as the caliber of the artillery. "The emperor, the two generals, this is the biggest secret of the breech gun, the wedge-type breech block, as long as the round hole part of the breech block is inserted into the artillery, it can be loaded through the through hole, and the loading is complete. Then continue to slide the breech bolt to the right, and the metal mirror will seal the bottom of the gun."

Having said that, he stuffed the breech block in his hand into the artillery. At this moment, an artilleryman picked up the cone-shaped shell and stuffed it into the artillery, and then stuffed a cylindrical propellant into the barrel.

At this time, Chen Qi fully pushed in the exposed breech block, and the whole artillery was integrated. The artillery put the fire tube into the artillery through the fire door of the artillery which was plugged with arquebus, and integrated the propellant. Pull the rope in one hand.

"Horizontal wedge breech bolt." Niu and Luo Quan didn't know how to do it, but Xiao Ming was a wise man.

Chen Qi now uses the typical horizontal wedge type breech block in the breech gun. In contemporary times, the famous Krupp cannon used this type of breech block from the beginning.

Seeing this structure, Xiao Ming felt relieved, and Chen Qi's hard work for several years was not in vain. It could be said that it was nothing but a blockbuster. It directly brought the artillery to the same era level as the Han style rifle.

"Come on, let me try it myself." Xiao Ming took the rope from the artillery.

The rope is very long. To ensure safety, he walked five meters away before pulling the rope.


Pulled by the rope, the fire tube exploded in the barrel, and the flame instantly ignited the propellant, pushing the entire shell out of the barrel.

" An explosion sounded from a distance, flames and smoke lit up the mountain a kilometer away, smoke and debris flying.

At this moment, two artillerymen immediately stepped forward. One artilleryman pulled the breech bolt, the other soldier continued to reload, and another artillery shell was fired ten seconds later.

Within one minute, the artillery fired six rounds in a row.

Originally, Niu and Luo Quan wanted to say that the power of the shells was about the same, but they were stunned here. Six shells were fired per minute. Now the smoothbore gun used by Dayu State can only fire one round per minute, and the veteran is only two. hair.

On the battlefield, long-range firepower is the key to victory, and artillery is also the primary target of local artillery offensive. They are very clear about what changes this minute will bring to the war.

"Awesome, really amazing." Niu looked around the artillery circle and circle, and he said: "The emperor, we should give this type of artillery a loud name."

Chen Qi showed expectation. Song Changping's rifle is very loud for a Chinese style. I don't know what his artillery is called?

"It's better to call the Guard Artillery." Xiao Ming said with a smile.

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