Iron Dynasty

Chapter 957: Sweep

With tears in his mouth, Yu Yongliang gritted his teeth and rowed the boat desperately. The beach was right in front of his eyes. As long as they were given two more minutes, they would be able to land and kill Spain without leaving behind.

The soldiers on the same boat as him are from three regiments and nine companies. They are very familiar with each other. They have lived and trained together for a long time, which made them cooperate very well. In the last battle against the Japanese country, they were also awarded for their outstanding performance. .

"Brothers, cheer up and check your bullets and grenades. After landing, I will kill these red-haired devils severely! Don't let the brothers of Jiulian die in white!" Yu Yongliang's eyes were red.

He was the company commander of the ninth company. Just now, the troop carrier with them was hit by a shell, and the soldiers of a ship were buried on the bottom of the sea. This scene made his company commander very sad.

Hatred is slowly growing in his heart. "Yes, company commander!" The soldiers gritted their teeth and looked firm. They looked at the Spaniards on the shore, and the flames of revenge were burning.

"Boom boom boom..."

As they rushed to the beach with all their strength, a dense wave of shells flew towards the Spanish artillery positions on the beach.

In an instant, the Spanish field artillery position was covered by shells, and the Spanish artillery suffered heavy losses in the explosion.

In this round of bombardment, the landing troop carrier suddenly felt that the opponent's firepower had been reduced a lot. Yu Yongliang looked behind him and found that General Yue Yun's flagship was risking being hit by the enemy shore artillery to support them with artillery.

This scene made the soldiers on the troop carrier cheer.

Then more warships aimed their muzzles at the supporting Spanish soldiers, and at this time, their suppression was suddenly reduced. "Hurry up now!"

Yu Yongliang shouted, now that this round of shelling has obviously disrupted Spain's deployment, this is a good time to land.

Like his thoughts, other troop carriers also accelerated at this time, and they immediately slumped to the shore.

Two minutes later, their boat entered shallow water.


With the resounding charge sounded, Yu Yongliang led the twenty people on the boat to jump out of the boat, and the sea submerged their knees.

While holding the guns and shooting, they rushed to the shore while the soldiers of the other nine companies were also approaching him.

On the shore, Miel's face suddenly became lighter, because he found that the soldiers of the Great Yu State who came ashore did not immediately form an array to attack them, but scattered like sand.

"Hahaha, Joseph, can you see that, after all, Dayu Country is a group of stupid aboriginals. In that case, let them learn about our Spanish phalanx."

Joseph's nervousness has also been relieved. Just like Emile's statement, these soldiers of Great Chongqing are too stupid.

The skirmish line simply cannot withstand the intensive shooting of the soldiers in the formation, which is something that a child in Europe understands.

"Your Excellency, let's watch my performance next."

Joseph walked confidently to his soldiers and shouted: "Let these natives see what war is."

As soon as his voice fell, the drums sounded in the array of Spanish soldiers. The Spanish soldiers stepped on the rhythm of the drums and walked towards the landing of the Great Chongqing Army.

At this time, there were more and more soldiers from the country of Da Yu on the beach. In a short period of time, thousands of people were distributed on the long beach.

The soldiers of the Marine Corps wear a little different from the Army. Their uniforms are not green, but a mixture of white and blue.

The same goes for a long gown to the knee and a steel helmet on the head.

Facing the Spanish array in a dense formation, they did not rush to find a favorable position and started shooting.

"Boom boom..."

Intensive gunfire sounded by the sea, and Spanish soldiers in progress fell one after another.

"These idiots, do you think we are using flintlocks with inaccurate heads?" Yu Yongliang finished a shot, took out another bullet and loaded it on the breech, and then aimed at the crowded Spanish soldiers with another shot .

Now the intensive Spanish soldiers have become their targets. After all, the Falcon rifle has a high accuracy at a distance of about 300 meters.

The soldiers fell one by one, and the density of death was higher than that of the two armies. Joseph soon discovered the problem.

The more they go forward, the more casualties their soldiers have, and they have not collapsed yet relying on strict training in the usual days.

But even so, the continuous and large number of casualties caused the soldiers to begin to feel a little emotionally broken.

When they reached the enemy 100 meters, there were only more than 400 soldiers left in the densely packed soldiers, but when they set off there were a thousand.

Facing the unscathed army of Great Chongqing, the Spanish soldiers finally broke up at this moment, and some soldiers ran backwards frantically.

Joseph swallowed.

In this very short period of time, more soldiers of the Kingdom of Da Yu came ashore, and at this time, only the bright muzzle flame was left in his eyes.

Each time these flames flickered, they took away the lives of a group of Spanish soldiers.

Watching the soldiers around him fall one by one, he finally couldn't continue to support him, his will collapsed instantly.

On the coast, Emil witnessed all this, and the scene in the telescope made him horrified. Only then did he realize that the soldiers of the Dayu Kingdom were not stupid, but adopted a combat method they had never seen before.

And the precise firearms in their hands are the key to supporting them in such a battle.

"Go back! Go back all!"

Emil went into madness. He has nowhere to go now. Although he realizes the gap between the two, he can only fight to the end.

Even if the country of Great Yu took away their colony, he would have to make the country of Great Yu pay a heavy price here.

It's just that the soldiers who came back from the front only wanted to escape, and no one wanted to stay for half a step. At this moment, Miel suddenly took out the saber around his waist and killed an attempt to escape.

The other soldiers were shocked by Miel's behavior.

Looking at Miel, the soldiers who had fled back were at a Between Miel's saber and the soldiers of the country, he chose to attack again.

Because dying in the hands of the Emir is a deserter, and dying in the hands of the enemy is an honor, at least their family members can get a large pension.

"Continue to attack!"

Emil decided to go to battle himself, "Grenadier forward, others follow me!"


Drums sounded again, and Spanish soldiers in red-brown uniforms attacked again on the white beach.

At this time, a tactful trumpet sounded on the beach, and the soldiers of the Great Yu State who heard the trumpet quickly assembled. They also formed a horizontal line, and the soldiers stepped on the rhythm to walk towards the Spanish soldiers.

Yu Yongliang is on the outside of the 9th Company's formation. In his opinion, Liu Chen's choice is right. Although the breech can attack on the skirmish line, there is no doubt that they have more advantages on the array line.

This time, they will send the Spaniards to **** in a wave.

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