Iron Dynasty

Chapter 962: Sling


The quiet sea surface was broken by Li Wei's loud command. Under his command, all the warships rushed out from behind the mountain that was in the sea with full horsepower.

At this time, twenty warships full of British soldiers were sailing towards them. They were the British warships looking for a chance to land.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the battleships of the Kingdom of Chongqing, these British warships were obviously frightened, and they immediately ordered the warships to adjust their hulls to fight along the wind.

"Da Yu's battleships are going downwind, which is very beneficial to us, kill them!" On the leading British battleship, the battleship captain issued a combat order.

As a warship, he is very familiar with ocean currents and wind directions on the sea. They chose this time to go north this time because both ocean currents and wind directions are very beneficial to them.

In the battle, they will definitely have the upper hand, which in turn is conducive to their fight for T.

Like him, other warships reacted quickly. They adjusted their hulls in the direction of the wind, and the wind gradually turned their straight forward hull into sideways, so that their muzzles could be aimed at the enemy.

It's just that the previous step-by-step steps accidentally happened during their turn. They thought that their 20 warships could smoothly become a "one" and form a confrontation with the warships of the country.

However, the Da Yuguo warships that originally appeared in the "one" formation turned to the east at an astonishing speed. As a result, their "two" shooting concept was completely broken.

Soon, they will fall into the wind and turn into a horizontal T, which is fatal to them, because they can't fight back, they can only be beaten for nothing.

When the British battleship was in chaos, Li Wei showed a confident smile on his face.

There is no doubt that the British warships are very clumsy, and he would not be so stupid that he would use twelve warships to shoot at an enemy far more than his own.

After all, the British who had the guts to attack them now were probably also equipped with explosive bombs that could explode, so they shot them unskilledly. They were only fighting for whose battleship was sunk first.

Therefore, if they fight like this, they will lose and they will not be able to take advantage of the steam engine power.

So Li Wei ordered to avoid direct shooting with British warships, instead using his mobility and flexibility to go around the sea to grab T.

His strategy worked very well, and soon the sailing warships, which relied solely on wind and ocean currents, were defeated in this kind of trade. Twelve warships quickly seized the upper wind from north to south.

Not far away, Wilson was desperately rushing to support. He witnessed the whole process of the agile maneuvering of the Great Yu State battleship. This scene completely lost his composure.

For hundreds of years, with their wealth of experience, they have always been able to occupy a favorable position in naval battles to eliminate their opponents, but now the young navy of Dayu State can easily occupy a favorable shooting position only with these smoky warships.

It's just that his battleship was too slow. Before they arrived, the deafening sound of guns suddenly sounded, and the battleship of Great Yu Kingdom was shaking, and the water surface was shaken by layers of ripples.

White smoke floated from the battleship of the Great Chongqing, and the British battleship that had been chasing the battleship of the Great Chongqing became a vertical line of T at this moment.

"Boom boom boom..." Twelve battleships opened fire at the same time.

In an instant, the British warship that was the first to bear the brunt was hit by a cannonball fired by the country. With a huge explosion, the planks of the British warship flew horizontally and flames rose into the sky.

"Boom boom boom..."

After the first round of firing, the battleship of Dayu State quickly fired a second time. Twelve battleships tilted more than 700 rounds on the British battleship.

The explosion was as dense as a drum, and the flames formed a long dragon on the sea. The battleship of the Great Yu State was sailing fast on the sea while firing guns at the British battleship.

The British warships kept chasing the battleships of the Great Chongqing for bombardment opportunities, but they were always unable to catch up with the warships of the Great Chongqing.

"Hit me fiercely." Li Wei called. In two volleys, 20 British warships were generally hit by artillery shells and burned into fireballs.

Under his order, the gunners of the battleship continued to load shells, and the third, fourth, and fifth rounds of shelling began.

"Boom boom boom..."

Under the heavy bullet rain, the British warship was hit hard again.

However, the British who fell into extreme passiveness seemed to be aroused. They stopped fighting as a whole, but suddenly became free fighting.

The remaining British warships no longer line up in an array, but suddenly changed their course. The six warships have different directions. In this way, one of them always faces the warship of the Great Yu Kingdom.

"Boom boom boom..."

Soon, a British battleship found the shooting position. The battleship had been hit by the artillery shells of the country, braving the flames, but still fighting hard.

"Boom boom boom..."

Sixty rounds of shells swept across the sea, and a moving battleship of the Great Yu State could not dodge as much as seven shells in a row.

As these shells exploded on the outside of the ship, Li Wei finally got first-hand information, and the British are now using open shells.

Seven holes were exploded on the side of the Da Yu warship that was hit. Flames burned in the hole. The most terrible thing was that the explosion of a shell was where the steam engine was located, which caused damage to the steam engine.


Li Wei discovered this situation, and he immediately asked the semaphore on the mast to send an order to request the damaged warship to switch to sails, and then wind to exit the battlefield.

Because the damaged warship will only become a living target of the enemy, and it will also affect other warships. "Continue to fight." After giving the order, Li Wei continued to command the fleet to shell the remaining British warships.

When they lost the second they completely wiped out 20 British battleships. The British soldiers wearing sequoias on the battleship suffered heavy casualties, and the living soldiers could only struggle in the sea.

"Captain, the British support fleet is here."

After packing up the twenty warships, the warships led by Wilson were about to enter their range.

"There are so many people who are not afraid of death." Li Wei spat.

The 20 warships just now were not simply British, but also mixed with French warships, because some warships were flying French flags.

In addition to France and Britain, he also saw the Spanish flag. "Even if there is only one warship left in the battle, we must protect the naval port and the shipyard so that these Westerners who think they are superior will understand our power." Li Wei shouted to the soldiers on board.

"Damn it," the soldiers shouted.

Now they are all stimulated to be bloody, they have lost the fear of death in their brains, and they are all focused on killing the enemy.

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