Iron Dynasty

Chapter 971: Vest 6

With the torch swaying brightly, Yue Yun looked at the map intently.

The name of the area they are about to conquer is called "Lion City" in Malay. It used to belong to the Malacca Sultanate. After the British came here thirty years ago, they occupied this place and controlled the throat of the Asian route. At the same time, they gave This place has a new name, Xinjiapo, also known as Xingcheng or Xingzhou.

"General, the Strait of Johor has been blocked by us. This has become an isolated island, ready to attack." Liu Chen said.

In the northern part of Singapore, there is a strait that runs through. This strait completely isolates the state of Johor from Singapore. Strictly speaking, this is an independent island on the sea. Before the attack, they analyzed the city of Singapore in detail. Situation, and learned some news from the Chinese here.

Under comprehensive consideration, they decided to land from the south bank of the Johor Strait, from south to north all the way to the Singapore Strait, completely controlling here, because it may be because of their confidence in the state of Johor, the British sons arranged the shore on the side of Johor. There is very little anti-cannon.

"Offensive, take this place before dawn."

Yue Yun said coldly, in order to control this important waterway, they had traversed nearly 2,000 kilometers and had suffered enough at sea.

"Yes, General." Liu Chen answered.

Following his order, the soldiers of the Marine Corps charged towards the city of New Gap, located in the middle of the island.

Similar to the Kingdom of Dayu, the dynasties around Nanyang also used cities as their settlements. The environment here is primitive, with numerous miasma insects and beasts, and scattered living is a very dangerous behavior.

It is also because of this characteristic that colonists can easily looting and control the land here.

"Boom boom boom..."

With the roar of cannons, the Marine Corps’ field artillery made a deafening and terrifying sound in the dark. Then, sparks sprang up on the walls of Singapore City.

Under the fierce bombardment of artillery, the city gate of Xinjiapo City was first blown open, and the soldiers of Dayu State took the opportunity to rush in.

What surprised them was that the defense against the enemy in this new Jiapo city was too sparse, and it seemed that they did not think they would be attacked.

The Governor's Mansion in Singapore.

Ferreon suddenly woke up from the bed, looking at the fire outside the window from head to toe.

"What the **** is going on? Did the French fight over?" Ferreone asked himself in his heart, and then he shook his head to deny this possibility.

The joint fleet has just been established, and the French will not launch sneak attacks. After all, France and Britain now have the same interests in Asia.

Looking for possible enemies quickly in his mind, Ferion put on his clothes and went outside the governor's palace.

Because of the huge movement, chaos is now in the city, and soldiers are running out of the barracks to gather.

"Governor Ferion, the enemy came from the north. I have mobilized soldiers to deal with it." A British officer saluted Ferion.

"Who is the enemy?" Ferreon asked anxiously.

"I'm afraid, they are soldiers from the country of Da Yu, because each of them has black hair and yellow skin. Only they have this ability in Asia." The officer said solemnly.

"Damn it, when we were about to kill them, I didn't expect that they were also sure to kill us!" Ferreone was furious. Originally, the defense of this new city would not be so weak. After all, they used to be wary of France.

But the alliance with France gave them a complete peace of mind and greatly relaxed their spirits, and this oversight was fatal enough tonight.

"How many of them are there?" Ferreone asked again.

"I don't know, but what is certain is that there are more than us. We have only four thousand troops here." The officer worried.

Ferreone squinted his eyes, "It is true, but we have two thousand soldiers equipped with Downton muskets, let them go!"

"Yes, Governor." The officer turned and left.

The Downton muskets that Ferreon said were new muskets shipped from the UK. These muskets used a steam engine to make rifling in the manufacturing process and matched with tapered bullets.

The combination of the two advantages has greatly improved the range, power, and accuracy of this rifle. After equipped with this rifle, he has already experimented with its effects, which made them very satisfied.


Soon after the officer disappeared, there was a neat footstep. The red shirts carrying the Downton musket trot and moved towards the city gate. After a while, intensive gunfire sounded in the city, and the red shirts' counter-attack artillery sounded. .

Fei Leong breathed a sigh of relief at this time. For him, the Red Shirts' combat effectiveness was outstanding, and the Downton's musket would be even more invincible.

He was confident that the army of Great Chongqing, who did not know where it came from, would soon be wiped out, just as they defeated other countries in Europe.

North City.

The Marine Corps' unpredictable offensive suffered a setback as it advanced to the middle of the North City. The unprepared Marines were caught off guard by the Red Shirts equipped with Downton's muskets. The soldiers who attacked directly suffered heavy casualties.

"This is a cone-shaped bullet!"

Liu Chen solemnly picked up a bullet that hit the wall and fell. This bullet was not much different from the bullet in their paper shell.

"Oops, it seems that the British are already partly equipped with rifled rifles similar to captive rifles." Yu Yongliang followed Liu Chen to protect his safety.

Liu Chen nodded solemnly. They know the performance of this rifle very well. It can be said that this rifle cannot shoot in any posture except for its slow reloading speed. Its power, accuracy, and range are not too far behind the current Falcon rifle.

In the three-hundred-meter shot, they have the advantage, but the advantage will not show a one-sided crush.

"Let the soldiers stop the frontal charge, use obstacles to shoot, and advance forward in the skirmish line. Pay attention to tactical actions to avoid danger."

Liu Chen decisively ordered the adoption of a strategy suitable for the Falcon rifle, UU reading www.uukanshu. Since com is equipped with a Falcon rifle, tactical actions for the use of this breech have appeared in the subjects they have trained.

Creeping, kneeling shooting, prone shooting, these are shooting positions adapted to the appearance of breech rifles. Using these shooting positions, they will gain an advantage in war.

Yu Yongliang responded, and immediately took his soldiers to shuttle between the buildings, while conveying Liu Chen's orders one by one.

At the same time, they began to fight the red shirts as they moved.

Because it was in the city, the red shirts were unable to open a large column. They scattered the soldiers and confronted them in groups of fifty.

Knowing the weapons currently used by the Red Shirts, they are naturally not stupid enough to fight it hard. Using obstacles and gaps, they shoot in the direction of the Red Shirts from time to time.

When some soldiers saw a group of red shirts coming, they directly searched for obstacles and squatted on the ground to shoot at the red shirts. This made the red shirts accustomed to queuing to shoot in chaos.

The balance of war tilted to them again.

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