Iron Dynasty

Chapter 973: Tributary system

The raging fire burns on the sea like a blooming flower of fire.

In the harbor, Liu Chen and the soldiers witnessed the sinking of all three warships and a stone falling to the ground. After this war, they wiped out all the British soldiers on the island and successfully controlled Malacca.

In the future, any ship passing through Malacca will have to go through the approval of the country.

After cheering for a while, Liu Chen left some soldiers to garrison the fort, and others returned to Xinjiapo. At this time, Yue Yun had taken control of the city. The British flag fell from the Governor's Mansion, and the dragon flag of Dayu State rose to the top of the flagpole , Fluttering in the wind.

"General, the British soldiers have been wiped out!" In front of Yue Yun, Liu Chen gave a military salute.

"Very good!" Yue Yun returned to the military salute and continued; "Immediately send someone to report the results of this trip to the sage, and wait for the sage's order."

"Yes, General." Liu Chen replied. On that day, a warship set off from Xinjiapo Harbour to Dengzhou.

On December 20th, the battleship arrived in Tengzhou, and the battle of Bohol Island and the battle of Singapore were reported to Xiao Ming.

"The emperor, it is gratifying to congratulate you, in this way, the territory of the country will be expanded again."

Qian Dafu's eyebrows were grinning. At this time, the master and servant were drawing the map of Nanyang. Xiao Ming held the battle report in his hand, and Qian Dafu was in charge of unfolding the map.

"It's not that simple. Now we only control the Spanish city of Bohol and Singapore. Whether the indigenous people of these two places agree with our occupation is still unknown."

Xiao Ming squinted his eyes to outline the locations of the Spanish city and Xinjiapo. Unlike the contemporary historical process, the maps in some technological spars can only be used as reference. The specific locations of these cities still need to be explored and determined. "

"Indigenous?" Qian Dafu rarely shows disdain. Now the strong national power of Dayu makes everyone feel confident. "The emperor, these indigenous people are not British and Spanish opponents, so how can they be our opponents? "

"The reason is this. It's just that both the Spanish and the British have made agreements with these indigenous peoples. Now that we have driven them away, we naturally have to sign new agreements with them. Moreover, the centuries-old rule has gradually brought these indigenous dynasties. Having accepted the Spaniards and the British, I am worried that they will be irritated and war with them is inevitable." Xiao Ming said slowly.

In contemporary colonial history, people tend to ignore these Southeast Asian countries, and only focus on which colonist occupied the colony.

But in fact, these Nanyang dynasties were very important to the colonies, because most of the output of the colonies was provided by these indigenous dynasties.

According to the demographic statistics of some data in the technology spar, the current population of the Nanyang dynasty is a very objective figure.

For example, the population of the Philippines in the middle and late eighteenth century was about 3 million, Indonesia had a population of 8 million, Malaysia had a population of 350,000, and Myanmar had a population of about 5 million.

Thailand, the country of Siam in this era, has a population of 3 million.

The total population of Indochina occupied by France is about 10 million, of which only the population of Annan has 7 million.

It is precisely because of these data that Xiao Ming cannot ignore these indigenous countries. After all, the colonists acted as the suzerain of these countries during their rule, and did not adopt a policy of killing them.

But despite this, he is not afraid of these natives. If necessary, he can only defeat them once like the Spanish and the British. After all, in this era, power is the truth.

Qian Dafu recalled, he said: "What the emperor said is that the old slaves are confused. In fact, our country was once the sovereign state of these Southeast Asian countries. They always send people to send all kinds of strange treasures every year during the New Year. Bao in exchange for their protection, and now the hateful Europeans have taken our suzerain status and forcibly acted as the suzerain of these countries."

"Well, that's it. It seems that you have made some progress." Xiao Ming laughed. "Actually, what I am fighting for is the status of the suzerain state, restoring the tributary system of the Great Yu State, and driving the Europeans out of the Great Yu State. In the back garden, they have Africa, South America, and North America. It is a dream to want to make a splash in Asia."

Qian Dafu looked like he was angry with the enemy, "The whole world is about to be occupied by them. It's really not greedy, and the fight this time is really fun."

Xiao Ming has long been accustomed to the flattery of Qian Dafu, he smiled, and then wrote a number on Xinjiapo, which is the current population of Xinjiapo, 20,000.

Xiao Ming is not surprised at this number. Before the arrival of the British, Xinjiapo was just a barren land. Now this number is quite a lot.

Moreover, according to the data provided by Yue Yun, there are three thousand people of Chinese descent. After occupying Singapore, the local Chinese welcomed the Marine Corps and took the initiative to act as the guide for the Marine Cooperate with the Marines to take over the British industry in Singapore.

Xiao Ming naturally welcomes this situation. In this era, the standard for distinguishing people is skin color. The Chinese cannot escape the bloodline carved in their bones by the great Yu Kingdom. Using these Chinese to assist them in managing Xinjiapo is better than using the local indigenous people. Be at ease.

In addition to reporting the situation in Xinjiapo in the battle report, Yue Yun was still asking for the next order.

After hesitating, Xiao Ming hand-written an edict to Yue Yun.

For him, there is no plan to continue westward for the time being. The Strait of Malacca, Indochina in France, part of the British-occupied Indonesia, and Australia will all be in his pocket.

Moreover, for the present Dayu State, it is only to digest these places, and it will take some time to establish its sovereign state system and establish trade relations.

Western powers have spent two to three hundred years running these places, and he cannot be fattened by one bite.

As for the British, Spanish or French, after the naval battle, he believes that the three countries will realize the difficulties they are facing now and will not fight him to the end.

After all, challenging an industrial country in such a remote colony would be a disaster.

This is a good thing and a hidden danger for Great Chongqing. The good thing is that Great Chongqing can use the resources and market on these land to accelerate the industrial revolution.

The hidden danger is that such a humiliating failure will further stimulate Europe to devote more energy to scientific research and development and weapon manufacturing.

Xiao Ming believed that they would not be willing to fail, and when they found an opportunity in the secret, they would definitely come back again.

Thinking of this, he quickly completed the writing of the edict and sent him back. In order to completely control Malacca, he will station 10,000 armies in Singapore all year round, and at the same time make it the outer naval port of Great Chongqing, leaving Thirty warships protected the channel and cruised in the South China Sea.

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