Iron Dynasty

Chapter 991: Qianlong Zaiyuan

Outside the window, dusk gradually fell, and the street lights in the palace began to light up.


Looking at the dim light of the street lamp, Xiao Ming said: "Pang Shoufu said to my heart. I changed the name of the Great Yu Kingdom to the Chinese Empire. It is precisely to condense the power of China against the Western powers. Remember, these Europeans It is a group of wolf bandits. They started by plundering. The bandit nature in their bones will not be obliterated. Once they find an opportunity, they will definitely come and bite us. Because of this, we don’t need a weak dynasty, but a tough one. The emperor confronts it."


   Pang Yukun and Fiji nodded at the same time. If it hadn’t been for the emperor who had started the road to ZTE since ten years ago, the Great Yu Kingdom would either live under the iron feet of the barbarians or be colonized by these Western colonists.


   At this point, they all admire everything Xiao Ming did from the bottom of their hearts.


   "The ministers will remember the emperor's entrustment." The two said.


"Well, in that case, the matter of changing the name of the country will be discussed tomorrow morning. After the approval, the country will be officially renamed the Chinese Empire through the newspapers, and I am the first emperor of the Chinese Empire." Xiao Ming Unfolding his sleeves, he looks firm.


   He doesn't worry about anything wrong with the issue of the country title, because he is basically a dictatorial or dictatorship now.


   Ministers will basically not hold any objections to the policy he put forward, unless this policy is really harmful to the Great Chongqing.


   But he doesn't think there is anything wrong with this dictatorship. Under such a complicated situation, the Great Yu country needs a highly centralized emperor to lead them to build this country.


   If building roads like the contemporary West takes three years to discuss, how can this country develop?


   And he is confident that he can lead Da Yu Guo on this path now. Only by following the path he designed can Da Yu Guo be truly strong.


   "Yes, the emperor." Pang Yukun and Fiji bowed and said.


   The next day, the early morning was held as scheduled. According to the plan, Pang Yukun and Fiji both made the paper at the same time. After a long discussion, the two expressed the same meaning, that is, to change the title of the country.


   And Xiao Ming followed the two and threw the name of the Chinese Empire.


   For this kind of double reed among the officials, other ministers naturally knew it well, and after a call of "long live", the name of the Chinese Empire was officially established.


   Then the newspapers in Qingzhou began to overwhelmingly promote the name of the Chinese Empire. For a time, Qingzhou was in the fur, and after these two major events, there was an extra after-dinner talk.


   And this news also reached Raozhou with the roar of the steam locomotive.


   "The emperor of China is really a domineering and revealing national title. From this national title, we can see the emperor's ambitions."


   Qi Guangyi's heart is full of enthusiasm, and he can feel the strength of this country from this country title. He likes this country title too much.


   Niu Ben said with a smile: "For the sake of the Chinese Empire, this time we must fight a beautiful battle to end the Great Yu Kingdom. No, the border troubles in the north of the Chinese Empire!"


"This is natural. Let us Lancers carry out this first battle." Qi Guangyi is full of confidence. During this period of training, the soldiers of the Lancers almost vomited, but this kind of high-intensity training also allowed us. They quickly mastered various combat skills.


Luo Quan pointed to an area on the drawing and said: "According to the news from the cavalry, the barbarians have learned about the movement of Raozhou. Now the three tribes in the eastern grassland are gathering forces, and the place where they gathered is in the Zhungeer tribe. In the ranch, there are estimated to be 60,000 cavalry here waiting to fight us."


   Qi Guangyi nodded. This Zhungeer tribe is about 300 miles away from Raozhou City, and is the barbarian tribe closest to Raozhou City.


  Dolgo put them here just to stare at them.


  After driving away the barbarians from Kanto, they have been fighting against these three tribes, each winning or losing.


But this time with the Lancers, Qi Guangyi's confidence greatly increased. He said, "The two generals, the Lancers are an amazing soldier. With him, the general will be able to disrupt the barbarian rear. This frontal battle will be commanded by two generals. Will be willing to take charge of surprise attacks on the barbarian tribes."


   "It won't work for you to make a surprise attack by a legion commander. If you have a shortcoming, the emperor will ask me for someone." Niu Ben shook his head.


Qi Guangyi said anxiously when he heard the words: "General, I am not as good as you in combat with this multi-armed corps. I am also very useful here. On the contrary, I have been studying surprise operations on the grasslands over the years, and this time I am leading the Lancers. There will be no danger, and if you want to eliminate the barbarians this time, you will have to anger them to fight against us, otherwise the barbarian tribe will probably continue to retreat westward, which will be in trouble at that time."


"This..." Luo Quan looked at Niu Ben. "I think Qi Guangyi made sense. This Northern Expedition must drive the barbarians to extinction. Think about Zhu Sansi in Yaksa. If the barbarians continue to fight with Tsarist Russia, we will treat Siberia. The strategy will be more passive."


   Niu Ben thought for a while and finally nodded. He said to Qi Guangyi: "Don't be in love with you, come back alive."


   "Yes, General." Qi Guangyi was happy.


   made a plan to attack the barbarians, Qi Guangyi left the camp, assembled the Lancers to bring enough canned food, and 8,000 Lancers entered the grassland in the dark.




   Zhungeer tribe.


   Sixty thousand cavalry from the three major tribes are gathering here. After their scouts discovered the changes in Raozhou City, the news was sent back in time.


And they also sent cavalry to send the news to the Golden The news from Dolgo is that they will fight against the Great Yu Kingdom, and the Golden Tent will send 100,000 cavalry to cooperate with them in the grassland. The army of Great Yu was annihilated.


   "This great Yu country's army is really troublesome in the war. Up to now, there is no movement at all. I really don't know what they are thinking!"


   The heads of the three tribes in the camp are sitting together drinking.


   "No matter what it is, as long as they dare to step into the grassland, our cavalry will be able to let them come back and forth, hum, here is a flat river, the most suitable for our cavalry fight." A flag leader grabbed the lamb and ate it.


  The middle-aged man sitting in the middle is Zhungeer's head of the banner Pangdo. Compared to the optimism of the other two flag heads, he frowned.


   "The Great Yu Country is here prepared this time, and according to the news from the scouts, this month, the Great Yu Country has been rehearsing the cooperation of infantry and cavalry, which shows that they are coming this time."


"So what? In recent years, we haven't gone to the border to rob in winter, and their cavalry can't do anything with us. It can be seen that these people of Da Yu are only good at attacking cities, and they are not **** on the grassland, hahaha... ")!!

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