Iron Dynasty

Chapter 993: Encounter

"Da da da……"


"Da da da……"


   The muzzle was sprayed with flames, and bullets spurted out from the muzzle at high speed. The mountain on the front of the machine gun was shot by the bullets. In a short while, under the continuous shooting of the machine gun, a small hole appeared in the mountain.


When the machine gun was fired, the shell of the metal bullet was quickly ejected from the combination of the trigger and the barrel, and the canvas with the bullet was quickly swallowed by the machine gun. In one minute, three hundred and fifty rounds of bullets, seven meters in length The band was completely beaten.


   This is the premise that the machine gunner can slow down the shooting speed.


Xiao Ming’s eardrums were a little numb. Looking at the long flat machine gun in front of him, his face showed a relieved smile. Although the industrial state of the rest of the country was still in the 18th century, there is no doubt that Qingzhou’s industry has already To the end of the nineteenth century.


   After a long time of accumulation of technology, the perfect industrial system has reached the explosive period of technological products. Song Changping used the current industrial base to produce a machine gun similar to Maxim, which proves the strong strength of Qingzhou's industry.




   A perfect belt was beaten up, and Xiao Ming gave a thumbs up.


   After a pause, he said to Song Changping: "Now the war in the north is about to break out. It is when you need this kind of cavalry restraint weapon. I will give you one month, how many long flat machine guns you can make."


"At present, the military factory does not have a special production line for machine guns. Some parts of these machine guns are grinded by the workers of the military factory with a lathe. They cannot be bought in other factories. If the emperor urgently needs them, the official can provide 30 machine guns a month. "Song Changping said.


   "Thirty is enough. This machine gun is a big consumer of bullets. This time the bullets we reserve seem to be bottoming out." Xiao Ming said helplessly.


   "I'm afraid so, but fortunately we have no war in other places. It should be enough to concentrate in one place." Song Changping estimated the number of bullets and said.


   Xiao Ming nodded, "Then do it, as long as the Golden Horde can be completely destroyed, the consumption of these bullets is also worth it."


   After making a decision, Xiao Ming made another round of inspections in the military factory before returning to the palace. At the same time, he dispatched three hundred soldiers to the military factory to train them how to use machine guns.


   After finishing these things, Xiao Ming lay in the chair and breathed a sigh of relief.


   Qian Dafu smiled when he saw it: "The emperor has always worried that Europe has learned our gun technology. Now that we have the weapon of this country, those Europeans may not have time to cry."


   "It is true. With this thing, we can completely suppress them in firepower, and the era of queuing to shoot will be officially a thing of the past." Xiao Ming said with squinting eyes. ,


   In contemporary history, this type of combat method of queuing for shooting continued until the Maxim machine gun appeared and officially died out during World War I.


   was slaughtered because of the dense formation facing machine guns.


"Hey, if this is the case, it doesn't seem to be a problem to occupy Nanyang." Qian Dafu laughed. When he was in the Department of Minerals, he knew that Nanyang is rich in mineral resources, and the climate here is also very suitable for farming. If you occupy here , They will get a lot of food and minerals.


   Xiao Ming's eyes showed a look of yearning. The appearance of the machine gun meant that he could control a large area with a small amount of force, so he didn't need to worry about the issue of force. ...




   Under the starlight, Qi Guangyi led eight thousand Lancers on the ground. During the period when he was stationed in Raozhou, he basically knew the grassland clearly. Even with his eyes closed, he could find the barbarian tribe.


   This time he led eight thousand Lancers as a surprise soldier to harass the three tribes now gathered together.


   Compared to ten years ago, the barbarians are now a lot more careful. In order to prevent their tribe from being attacked during the war, they gathered the three tribes together, built fences around, and set up artillery to prevent their sneak attacks.


   It would be difficult to directly attack the tribe as before, and the price would be high.


   Therefore, Qi Guangyi led the 8,000 Lancers this time not to attack the three tribes, but to directly attack the barbarian cavalry supporting the three tribes.


   This time they put up such a big battle in Raozhou, relying on the three tribes itself can not fight against them, so Qi Guangyi calculated that Dolgo would send other tribes to support them.


   Then they have a chance.


  Because the tribes on the grassland are of different sizes, the cavalry who came to support must also be wave after wave.


   And just as he thought, after bypassing the three tribes, they soon encountered a barbarian cavalry who came to support them.


   When they were about to cross a hill, a barbarian cavalry with a number of 10,000 or so faced them, and the teams of both sides stretched a long way on the vast grassland.


   "Military commander, they belong to the Goshawk tribe." The guard beside Qi Guangyi said, "The pasture of their tribe is closest to Zhungeer's department."


   Qi Guangyi nodded, as he thought, the barbarian cavalry on the grassland would never see them and run away. On the contrary, they would chase after them. What's more, the current situation is that their numbers are dominant.


   "Let the soldiers prepare!"


   Qi Guangyi said in a cold voice, now the distance between the two armies is only more than 500 meters. Through the telescope, he saw a barbarian general also using the telescope to look at him.


   "The Tsarist Russians treated them well and gave them the telescope." Qi Guangyi frowned.


  While he was talking to the trumpeter blew the trumpet, and the Lancers immediately moved, riding horses in three rows, each with a carbine in his hand.


   While the Lancers were moving, the barbarian cavalry directly opposite also moved, and they rushed down the hills with their machete.


   Qi Guangyi looked serious. This is the first battle of the Lancers. If they can fight a beautiful battle, it shows that the Lancers can deal with ordinary cavalry.


   On the hills, a barbarian general is coldly watching Qi Guangyi and the eight thousand cavalry soldiers of Yu State.


  He is Zach, the head of the Goshawk tribe.


Beside him was a tall, bald-headed man, looking at the cavalry rushing down, he grinned and said: "Tian Khan is really a magical calculation. He guessed that the Great Yu Congress attacked us supporting cavalry. The cavalry of each tribe marched ten miles apart, so that once we encounter the cavalry of Great Yu, we can kill them by surprise."


   Zach laughed when he heard the words, "These big Yu countries are really stupid, do they think they are our opponents on the grassland? This time our Goshawk tribe won this first achievement!") Download the free reader!!

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