Iron Germany

Chapter 1100 The War Begins

In the Kremlin, when Molotov arrived at Joseph's office, he found that Joseph had already gotten up. Beria, member of the NKVD, is already reporting the situation to Joseph.

"Comrade Molotov, please sit down!" Joseph couldn't see any joy or anger on his face.

"Comrade Joseph, the German representative in our country just submitted the declaration of war to our country!" Molotov said.

Joseph nodded: "Just now the Kaiser has delivered a radio speech, declaring war on us!"

"Then do we need to declare war on them right away?" Molotov asked.

"Of course, since the Germans have declared war, it means that the war has begun. Naturally, we don't need to wait any longer. In the name of the Bu-Russian government, officially declare war on Germany!" Joseph ordered.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph!" Molotov immediately got up and left.

"Let Voroshilov and Shaposhnikov see me right away!" Joseph ordered.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph. However, the Germans are declaring war on us at this point in time. They must want to sneak attack on us. We must keep the frontline troops on alert," Beria said.

Joseph nodded: "In my name, send a telegram to the front line and let the ministries stay on alert! If the Germans dare to cross the border and invade us, they must be taught a lesson!"

"Yes, Comrade Joseph." Beria replied.

Voroshilov and Shaposhnikov rushed to Joseph's office soon.

"Comrade Voroshilov, Comrade Shaposhnikov, you should know that the war has already begun?" Joseph asked.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph. We already know that the war has begun," Voroshilov replied.

"The troops on the front line, are you ready?" Joseph asked.

"Comrade Joseph, please rest assured that our troops are ready. Once the Germans launch an attack, our troops will definitely be able to severely defeat the German conspiracy." Shaposhnikov said.

Joseph nodded, but in his heart he did not believe that Bu Russia's army could withstand the German attack. Had the Germans been so easily defeated, they would not have become world powers.

"We need to speed up our mobilization. The German attack will definitely be very violent. Therefore, we need more troops." Joseph said solemnly. He knew that their only advantage might be their strength. If a large number of troops cannot be mobilized in the shortest time to resist the German attack, then the consequences will be disastrous.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph. However, we have a big gap in weapons and equipment." Voroshilov said.

"I will contact the Americans. Now, it's time for them to fulfill their promise!" Joseph said. He believes that the Americans will fully support Bu Russia. Because, if Bu Russia loses the war, it will be of no benefit to the Americans. At that time, the pressure of the Germans will be all on them.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph." Since the problem of weapons and equipment can be solved, there is no major problem. After all, Bu Russia has always had no shortage of soldiers. As long as they have enough weapons, they can easily arm tens of millions of troops, or even more. Of course, if the restrictions on conscription are relaxed, this number can be further increased.

At this moment, Joseph's secretary walked in with a panicked expression.

"Comrade Joseph, the front line reports that our front line airport has been attacked by the Germans. Our air force suffered heavy losses!" the secretary said with a pale face.

"What?" Joseph's face suddenly became very ugly.

Voroshilov and Shaposhnikov were even paler. They just assured Joseph that their army was ready. As a result, it was attacked by the Germans.

"Immediately find out the relevant situation and resist the German attack!" Joseph said viciously.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph." Voroshilov and Shaposhnikov hurriedly fled Joseph's office.

Joseph looked at the backs of the two fleeing, and shook his head involuntarily. He knew that the German onslaught had already begun. Whether Bu Russia can withstand the German attack will soon be revealed.

Across the ocean, America, Washington. It was 9 p.m. on September 16 when Kaiser Wilhelm III made his televised and radio speech. President Roosevelt was informed of this while he was still on official business.

A few minutes later, the top leaders of the United States gathered in President Roosevelt's office. A radio was used to play Qin Tian's speech, and there was an interpreter, who was translating word for word for them.

When the speech was over, President Roosevelt looked up at everyone.

"Gentlemen, as we expected, the Germans really couldn't bear it and took the lead. The Germans chose to start war on Bu Russia at this point in time. Presumably their army also launched an attack when the Kaiser was speaking. I don’t know if Bu Russia can withstand the German attack this time.” President Roosevelt was a little worried. They hope to use Bu Russia to consume Germany's strength. If Bu Russia is defeated soon, then this goal will not be achieved.

"Your Excellency, the army of Bu Russia is naturally difficult to resist the German attack. However, Bu Russia's advantage lies in its strategic depth and population. Even if they could not resist at the beginning of the war, as the war progressed, Germany The human front will get longer and longer. By that time, Bu Russia will gradually gain the upper hand." War Secretary Woodling said.

"The prerequisite is that Russia must be able to persist until then. We need to provide the Russians with a large amount of weapons and equipment, otherwise, their industry will not last long at all." Secretary of State Hull said.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Secretary of State is right. The war has broken out, and we have the same interests as Bu Russia. Although we have not been involved in the war yet, we can't just ignore everything. Otherwise , Bu Russia will be defeated soon. Once Bu Russia is defeated, the Germans will dominate Europe. They have no worries, and they can attack us at any time. At that time, it will be more difficult for us to defeat the Germans. The support we promised to the Russian government before will be delivered to them as soon as possible!" President Roosevelt said.

"Yes, Your Excellency," Woodling replied.

"In addition, from now on, our war preparations need to be further strengthened. Perhaps, it won't be long before it's our turn to play!" President Roosevelt reminded.

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