Iron Germany

Chapter 1103 The Germans Are Coming

In September, the dawn time is still relatively early. When it was less than six o'clock, the sky was already bright.

In the sky, a large number of planes of the German Air Force are flying to the territory of Bu Russia in a neat formation. Because there are more than 30 targets to attack, these fleets are also separated.

The fighter jets were high in the air, escorting the dive bombers, ground attack aircraft and medium bombers below.

"Attention, attention! We have entered the Russian airspace. All fighters, pay attention to vigilance. Once you find a Russian fighter, shoot it down immediately!" The commander leading the team communicated the order to every pilot's ear through the radio.

"Understood!" the pilots all replied.

"Boss, do you need to be so serious? With the Russian I-16 fighter or I-15 fighter, how could it be our opponent?" A pilot said with a smile, looking very relaxed, and there was no take-off at all. Take the fight down to heart.

The commander smiled, but said nothing. Although, he didn't think in his heart that Bu Russia's air force could pose any threat to them. However, he did not want to contribute to the arrogance of these pilots.

"Shut up! Russian planes are not good, but there are a lot of them. Be careful of being besieged. In addition, their ground anti-aircraft firepower is also very powerful. If you don't pay attention and get shot down, then wait to be shot down by the Russians." Hang people!" said the commander.

The other pilots also laughed. Although, before the battle started, everyone was a little nervous. But between talking and joking, the tension eased somewhat.

After the fleet entered the Russian airspace, it did not intercept it. The current Bu Russia is not equipped with radar. The way they find the enemy is mostly by observation posts on the ground. It is too early now, so the Russian side knows nothing about the actions of the Luftwaffe.

Mogilev in eastern Belarus is an important defense node for Bu Russia. Outside the city, Bue built an airport. Most of the fighters deployed by the Russian Air Force at the front-line airports are fighter jets. Their tactics are also very clear, that is to focus on defense. Bu Russia is very clear that once war breaks out, the first thing they have to do is to defend against German attacks.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the ground staff at the airport were already busy. They began to fuel and load the fighter planes on duty. Every day, fighter planes take off from this airport to cruise, patrol the airspace of Russia and prevent German planes from crossing the border for reconnaissance.

Although the fighter planes of the Luftwaffe had crossed the border many times before and went deep into the airspace of the Bu-Russia side for reconnaissance, the Bu-Russia Air Force had nothing to do about it. Their fighters simply cannot drive away the fighters of the Luftwaffe. In chasing and fighting, they are often suppressed. This also made the pilots of the Russian Air Force very desperate for the upcoming war. Because they know that once war breaks out, they will definitely not be the opponents of the Luftwaffe.

Some Air Force officers also demanded to be equipped with more advanced aircraft as soon as possible in order to fight against the advanced fighters of the Germans. However, with the technical conditions of Russia and Russia, as well as their efficiency, it is not so easy to achieve the goals of the Air Force. This made the Russian Air Force still use the backward I-16 fighter jets and the old I-15 fighter jets as the main force before the war broke out. Now the aircraft factory in Bu Russia is fully producing I-16 fighter jets.

"Squad 132, prepare to take off for patrol in 15 minutes!" An order came from the radio.

Several pilots left the dining table and prepared to go to their respective planes.

"I really don't know when we will be able to equip fighters that can compete with the German BF-109 fighter jets. I always feel that in front of the German BF-109 fighter jets, we will become their targets after we lift off !” A Bu-Russian pilot complained.

"Who knows when those bureaucratic gentlemen will change our outfits." Another pilot also said.

"Okay, shut up! No matter what plane we are flying, as long as the Germans dare to violate our airspace, we have to shoot them down!" said the squad leader.

The other pilots couldn't help but curl their lips. They wanted to shoot down the German plane, but only with that ability! Otherwise, they will only become the targets of the Germans and be shot down by the Germans.

Suddenly, there was a shrill siren on the radio.

The pilots and other officers and soldiers in the airport were all awakened.

"What's going on? Has war broke out?"

"Is it a drill, or are the Germans really coming?"

Many Russian pilots looked at each other in blank dismay, and many of them were pale. Because they know that if the Germans really come, their situation will be very bad.

"Attention everyone, Germany has officially declared war on the Empire! From now on, the two countries are at war. Everyone, prepare for battle!" The voice of the base commander came from the loudspeaker.

"My God! The Germans have really declared war on us, what should we do?"

"Are we going to fight the Germans soon? Are we going to be shot down by the Germans?"

For a while, the pilots of the Russian Air Force seemed to be frightened.

But even so, under the orders of their superiors, these pilots can only obey the orders. Because, Buer's punishment for those who disobeyed orders was very severe. The lightest is to send them to Siberia to dig potatoes, or even shoot them in serious cases!

The entire airport became busy. The pilots who were awakened started to have breakfast and solve their physical problems. They knew that they might have to fight next.

The ground crew is busy refueling and loading ammunition for other aircraft. Although the Germans have not come yet, they have to prepare in advance.

It's just that these officers and soldiers of the Russian Air Force still didn't expect that the attack of the Luftwaffe would soon come to them.

"Attention all pilots, we will reach the sky over the target in ten minutes!" The commander of the Luftwaffe ordered.

"Yes, sir!" the pilots answered loudly. They began to check the condition of the aircraft to ensure that the performance of the aircraft could be fully utilized in the ensuing battle.

At this time, the observation post of the Russian Air Force on the ground finally discovered the German Air Force fleet flying in the clouds.

They immediately reported the situation to their superiors.

However, precious time has been wasted by the time it is conveyed to the airport level by level.

"The fighter planes take off immediately, the Germans are coming!" With the command of the commander, the shrill siren sounded again over the airport. And the German fleet is already close at hand.

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