Iron Germany

Chapter 1111 One-sided massacre

"Comrade Commander, the sighting equipment of the German tanks is probably much more advanced than our tanks. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for them to hit our tanks at such a long distance!" The Russian army approached Colonel Karnovsky, commander of the 1st Division of the Guards Motorized Infantry, said with an ugly face.

Major General Chekov nodded, although before putting the troops into battle, they had already expected that they might not be the opponents of the German armored forces. However, it now appears that the German armored forces are stronger than they expected! This is undoubtedly very bad news for them. This also means that it may be difficult for them to defeat the German army in this battle. Or rather, they are about to lose.

On the battlefield, the German Tiger and Leopard tanks were still slaughtering Russian tanks.


The 75mm tank gun of a "Panther" tank fired, and a fast-moving Russian BT-7 tank was shot into a fireball. The BT-7 fast tank with a frontal armor of only 15 mm cannot even compare with the German armored vehicles.

"God! These Russian tanks, don't they have only a thin layer of iron? This is really incredible!"

"Who knows! I really feel sad for those Russian armored soldiers. This war is really unfair to them."

During the battle, the driver and the electromechanical operator of a "Black Panther" tank were chatting.

"Okay, shut up, this is in the midst of a battle!" the captain scolded.

Although, the commander also believes that these Russian tanks are vulnerable. However, on the battlefield, there is no room for negligence. If the tank is penetrated by the enemy's armor-piercing projectile, then the entire crew may be reimbursed.

The commander sticks his head out of the tank, uses the binoculars to search for a suitable target, and then orders the target to attack. Although, a periscope has been installed in the tank, and the enemy can be searched inside the tank. However, the viewing angle would be limited that way. Therefore, the tank commanders of the German army still prefer to poke their heads and bodies out of the tank to command the battle.

Of course, this is also more dangerous. No one knows whether the enemy's bullets have eyes or not, so they can be easily hit.

Although, the German armored forces have expressly prohibited these car commanders from joking about their own lives. However, during the battle, some tank commanders repeatedly violated the ban.

"At 3 o'clock, there is a Russian tank, a T-28!" the commander ordered.

"Okay, boss!"

The turret began to rotate rapidly, and the 75mm tank gun aimed at the opponent.


At the command of the commander, the driver stepped on the brakes and the gunner pressed the fire button. The whole process, in one go, is completed in just a few seconds.

After the shell flew out of the barrel, it started immediately.

In such a melee of hundreds of tanks on both sides, it would be very dangerous to stop. Only by starting, the danger will be minimized.

The shells they fired accurately hit the Russian T-28 tank. The shell easily penetrated its thin armor, killing the tank crew inside, and then hit the ammunition rack. The shells stacked on the ammunition rack exploded. During the explosion, the turret of the tank was blown away, and the whole tank burned up and became a fireball.

"Good job!"

Major General Heinrich, who was watching the battle from behind, had a smile on his face. Although the battle has just begun, the rhythm of the entire battlefield is already under the control of the German armored soldiers. The Russian tanks have already lost a lot. It is foreseeable that as time goes by, they will soon be eliminated by the German armored forces.

"No, we have to get closer. Only in that way can our tanks hit German tanks, and tank guns can penetrate the armor of German tanks!" Major General Chekhov said.

He immediately issued an order to require the Russian tank troops to advance quickly in an attempt to reverse the situation in this way.

The speed of the BT-7 fast tanks is relatively fast. After they received the order, they began to charge at full speed. The slower T-28 medium tanks and T-26 light tanks were left behind.

"Hmph! Do the Russians think they can defeat us in this way? It's just delusional. Order the troops to get rid of the fast Russian tanks first!" Major General Heinrich immediately issued an order.

Every tank in the German army is equipped with radio communication settings, which makes it easy for orders to be issued to each tank. Unlike the tank units of the Russian army, if you want to convey orders, you have to rely on flare guns or soldiers riding motorcycles to issue them.

After receiving the order, the German tanks began to adjust their targets one after another, focusing on those BT-7 fast tanks.

"Boom! Boom!"

One after another, the BT-7 fast tanks were hit. These small tanks of more than ten tons were easily destroyed in front of the German "Black Panther" tanks and "Tiger" tanks, just like small beans. It is simply vulnerable.

The German tanks have been controlling the speed, and even started to reverse, preventing the Russian tanks from closing the distance. And in the process, the Russian tanks were constantly shot and killed with tank guns.

During the melee, Russian tanks also hit German tanks many times. It's just that their tank guns seem to be a little weaker, and there's nothing they can do about the thick armor of German tanks. The armor-piercing projectiles hit the armor of the tank, leaving at most a little dent.

Of course, when the tank was hit, the dull sound would scare the German armored soldiers inside. If the armor is penetrated, then they will die.

Fortunately, the armor of the German tanks is very thick, and they are often near misses.

"Comrade General, there is no way to continue this battle. The German tanks are far ahead of ours. Our tanks are powerless in front of their tanks. This battle is no longer It can be called a battle again, and it is undoubtedly more appropriate to describe it as a massacre." Colonel Karnovsky looked desperate.

Major General Chekov also had a very ugly expression on his face. Seeing his own tanks being destroyed one after another made his heart feel like bleeding. Similarly, his confidence in this battle is rapidly disappearing.

"Send a telegram to Comrade Commander and tell him that the German armored force is too powerful. We have almost lost half of our tanks by now, and request to retreat! If we cannot retreat, all our tanks will be destroyed by the Germans!" Qi At this time, Major General Kefu was already thinking of retiring.

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