Iron Germany

Chapter 1142 Joseph's Wrath

Moscow, Kremlin, Joseph's office.

In Moscow in October, the temperature has begun to drop. Because of his old age, Joseph couldn't stand the cold weather. Therefore, there is a dedicated fireplace in the office, which is already burning.

But even so, the temperature in the office at this moment still seemed to be below freezing point.


In the radio, the sound of electric current is coming, and the content broadcast in German can be heard intermittently. A specially hired high-level translator is translating the content broadcast on the radio.

"The surrender ceremony of the Western Front of the Russian Army officially began. General Timoshenko, the commander of the Western Front of the Russian Army, handed over his guns to General Guderian, the commander of Army Group B of the German Imperial Army.

A large number of Russian soldiers, lined up neatly, handed over their weapons to the German army one after another. Their mental outlook is very good, and you can even see the joyful expressions on their faces. Perhaps, they are rejoicing that they don't have to fight! "

Joseph and a group of high-ranking Russian military and political officials were as dark as the bottom of a pot. General Timoshenko is undoubtedly the senior leader of the Russian military. Joseph personally issued an order, asking Timoshenko to lead the Russian army to fight in Smolensk until the last soldier, and resist to the end. But now, General Timoshenko surrendered to the Germans in the blink of an eye. This is undoubtedly a shame for Buer. Especially Joseph, he felt as if he had been slapped severely.

"Damn guy, I will never let him go!" Joseph said through gritted teeth.

None of the other high-ranking officials of the Russian Party, the government and the army said a word. They could feel how angry Joseph was now. Everyone didn't want to speak at this time, so as not to arouse Joseph's dissatisfaction, and thus bring Chi Yu into trouble.

The surrender ceremony in the broadcast is not over yet. No one dared to turn off the radio when Joseph was silent.

"Next, General Guderian, commander of Army Group B of the German Imperial Army, will speak!"

Then, a middle-aged man's voice came.

"The German Empire welcomes General Timoshenko to lead the Russian officers and soldiers to surrender to us at this time. This is undoubtedly a very correct choice. This war is an evil war launched by Bu Russia. The German Empire is extremely ally , will have the strength to defeat Bu Russia and win the war. I advise all Bu Russia troops and people not to pay for Joseph’s personal ambitions, but to recognize his essence. He is bringing Bu Russia to The bottomless abyss is leading to the brink of destruction. We hope that more and more Russian generals will, like General Timoshenko, turn from darkness to light.”

After listening to the content translated by the translator, Joseph's face became even more ugly. Even a fool can see that he is trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

Admiral Guderian's speech continued.

"Next, I announce the appointment of His Majesty the Emperor of the German Empire. General Timoshenko is appointed Commander of the Russian Liberation Army with the rank of General of the Imperial Army! Appointment of Korobkov is the Commander of the 1st Army of the Russian Liberation Army with the rank of Central Army of the Imperial Army. General. Appoint Golubev as the commander of the 2nd Army of the Russian Liberation Army, with the rank of Lieutenant General of the Imperial Army. The Russian Liberation Army will recruit soldiers from the vast number of officers and soldiers who have defected to the Russian Army. They will fight for the liberation of Russia and liberate Russia from Save them from the brutal rule of the Buddang and Joseph, so that they can live in happiness and peace!"

Then came Timoshenko's speech. This time, without a translator, Joseph and those senior military and political officials in Russia could understand it. After all, Timoshenko spoke in Russian.

"Thanks to His Majesty the Great Emperor of the German Empire for appointing me. I swear to God that I will do my best in my life to lead the Russian Liberation Army, overthrow the tyranny of Joseph and the Bu Party, and rescue the oppressed Russian people."

Next, Timoshenko said a lot of allegiance to the Kaiser and slandering Joseph, the Budapest and Bu Russia. These words made Joseph's face even more ugly.

"Turn off the radio!" Joseph ordered.

The secretary, who was already terrified, hastily turned off the radio. Everyone in the office lowered their heads and said nothing. Everyone knows that the current Joseph is undoubtedly on the verge of rage. It never occurred to them that Timoshenko would not only betray, but also say such things. You know, with Joseph's character, it is undoubtedly absolutely unbearable.

"Comrades, I want to admit a mistake to everyone!" Joseph said.

The senior officials of Bu Russia looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why Joseph would say such a thing.

"I didn't recognize Timoshenko as a despicable conspirator. I have always regarded him as our loyal soldier, a loyal member of the Burundi Party, and believed that he would serve our party, our country and our cause. , dedicated his life. However, he did not expect that at the critical moment of the war, he would take the initiative to defect to the Germans and even serve as the commander of the puppet army organized by the Germans! This is undoubtedly a betrayal of our party and country, and a betrayal of all the people. Betrayal! For this, I have to pay a great deal of responsibility!" Joseph said.

"No, Comrade Joseph, it's not your fault. It's Timoshenko, an ambitious man who hides too deeply. Not only you, but all of us have been deceived by him!" Khrushchev said .

"Yes, Comrade Joseph. This is a conspiracy of the Germans. The Germans hope to use this to attack the influence of you and the Burundi Party. We must not be fooled." Molotov also said.

Other senior leaders of the cloth party and the army have also expressed their views. They denounced the despicable and shameless behavior of Germany and Timoshenko, and believed that Joseph was wise, but he was only temporarily deceived.

After listening to what they said, Joseph's face looked a lot better.

"For Timoshenko, Korobkov, Golubev, etc., we must not let them go easily! Their families are all hanged for treason! Tell the army below that if they can be arrested on the battlefield or If you kill these people, you will be upgraded to three levels in a row!" Joseph ordered. He undoubtedly hated Timoshenko and the others to the core.

No one dared to question Joseph at this time, although some people would think that it was too cruel to execute Timoshenko and other family members. However, for their own benefit, they chose to ignore this rationally.

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