Iron Germany

Chapter 1165 Prepare to fight back

On the morning of November 10, Admiral Lundstedt, commander of the German Army Group E, rushed to the port of Kuwait. Today is the day when the leading troops of the 21st Army Group arrive. Admiral Lundstedt, the commander of the Army Group, of course wants to see his troops. As the only general who was not appointed as the commander of the army group by the commander of the army group, Admiral Lundstedt was also under a lot of pressure.

Admiral Lundstedt hoped that his order could observe the troops below without reservation, which required the full cooperation of those army commanders. Therefore, he hopes to have a good relationship with these army commanders.

Not long after Admiral Lundstedt arrived, Ahmed Jaber Sabah, the Emir of the Kingdom of Kuwait, arrived at the port.

As the monarch of the protectorate of the German Empire, Ahmed Jaber Sabah seemed very humble. After all, the monarch of a small country like Kuwait undoubtedly has nothing to be arrogant in front of the senior generals of the German army. Although, Kuwait has developed rapidly and is very rich because of oil exploitation over the years. But in front of the German generals, this is nothing.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I learned that the powerful army of the Empire will arrive today. I take the liberty to come here to see the majesty of the Imperial Army. You won't disturb me?" Ahmed Jabir Sabah said with a serious look on his face. smile.

"His Majesty the Emir, welcome! Thank you for the preparatory work done by the Kingdom of Kuwait." Admiral Lundstedt said.

Before the German 21st Army and 22nd Army arrived, the Kingdom of Kuwait was ready. They prepared a large enough barracks to allow the German army to adapt to the climate and environment here in Kuwait before heading to the front. However, because of the urgency of the war, the German army could not stay in Kuwait for long, and had to go to the front line after a short rest. But even so, the Kingdom of Kuwait will prepare a lot of supplies for this, and it will cost a lot.

But even so, Ahmed Jaber Sabah had a smile on his face, and he didn't feel that there was any disadvantage. In his opinion, money and the like are not important, but hugging Germany's thigh tightly is the most important thing. Only in that way can they maintain their throne and gain more benefits.

The Kuwaiti people were also very worried when they learned that the Russian-Caucasian Front Army was attacking southward violently, and neither the Turks nor the Iranians could resist it and suffered heavy losses. They were afraid that Buu would fight all the way to Kuwait. In that case, they will be miserable. It was not easy for them to live a prosperous life now. If the Russians call, they'll lose everything. Now, before the Russians came to fight, the Germans came one step ahead, and their crisis was finally resolved.

At nine o'clock in the morning, a huge transport ship sailed into the port.

When the gangway was lowered, the officers and soldiers of the 211th Mechanized Infantry Division of the German 21st Army walked down the gangway. At the same time, the port's lifting equipment began to hoist tanks and armored vehicles.

The powerful tanks and armored vehicles, as well as the good spirit of the German soldiers, left a deep impression on the king and senior officials of the Kingdom of Kuwait present. They believed that with such a strong German army, the Russians would definitely be defeated, and it would be impossible for them to reach Kuwait.

At the same time, Lieutenant General Kurt von Hammerstein, commander of the German 21st Army, also arrived.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the 21st Army is reporting to you!" Lieutenant General Eckert saluted General Lundstedt.

"Lieutenant General Eckert, you have worked hard all the way!" Admiral Lundstedt returned the salute.

"This is His Majesty the Emir of Kuwait." Admiral Lundstedt introduced.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Emir!"

"Hello, General Eckert. It's a pleasure to meet you. If you and your army can arrive, our safety will be guaranteed." Ahmed Jaber Sabah's face was full of smiles.

After some pleasantries, Admiral Lundstedt and Lieutenant General Eckert took a car to the barracks.

"General Eckert, when will the follow-up troops of the 21st Army arrive?" Admiral Lundstedt asked.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the follow-up troops of the 21st Army will arrive one after another today and tomorrow. However, there are a total of more than 200,000 people. Even if Kuwait Port has complete facilities, it will take a lot of time to go ashore. It is estimated that They will not be able to disembark until the 13th or 14th," Lieutenant General Eckert said.

Admiral Rundstedt nodded. It would take a lot of time for a huge army to land. This is still the case when there are complete port facilities. It takes too much time to lift and disembark the heavy weapons of the German army.

"The 22nd Army will arrive the day after tomorrow. If we calculate this, if the two armies want to disembark, I'm afraid they will have to wait until the 16th and 7th." Admiral Lundstedt said.

"Your Excellency, is the situation on the front line very dangerous?" Lieutenant General Eckert asked.

"The Russian army is still attacking violently. However, under our air strikes and the blocking of the Iraqi army, the progress is not fast. It will take a little time to hit Baghdad. However, in order to ensure the safety of these oil fields in the south , We can't let the Russians beat Baghdad!" Admiral Lundstedt said.

Lieutenant General Eckert nodded.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the 21st Armored Division, the 211th Mechanized Infantry Division, and other units that arrived first can take a short rest after disembarking and then go to the front line. In this way, even if the situation on the front line is critical, we can contain it." Eco Lieutenant General Special said.

The German 21st Army still has one armored division and two mechanized infantry divisions. The remaining 8 divisions are also highly motorized. This makes them very fast when they march on the road. It only takes two days to travel from Kuwait City to Baghdad.

"Well, so be it!" Admiral Lundstedt said.

He also believed that if one armored division and two mechanized infantry divisions rushed to the front line, it would be enough to contain the Russian attack.

The 47th Army and the 51st Army under the Russian Caucasus Front have already suffered a lot after fighting all the way to northern Iraq. One armored division and two mechanized infantry divisions of the German army can completely defeat them head-on.

"However, our actions must be accelerated. In this way, the Russian army can be wiped out before they flee to the north of the Zagros Mountains. Otherwise, the terrain in northern Iran will limit the combat effectiveness of our armored forces Play it!" Admiral Lundstedt was already thinking about a counterattack, eating up the two Russian armies.

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