Iron Germany

Chapter 1187 Winter Offensive

"Comrade Voroshilov, is the Western Front capable of completing this attack plan?" Joseph asked.

"Comrade Joseph, the Western Front is fully capable of completing an offensive that will make the Germans pay a heavy price on our land!" Marshal Voroshilov immediately replied.

Although he knew that Joseph's request was completely unreasonable and would cause the Russian army to pay extremely heavy losses during the attack. However, he really didn't have the courage to refuse Joseph's request. He didn't want to be transferred from his current post by Joseph just picking up a name, go to Qingshui Yamen for the elderly, or even kill him directly. After all, Joseph has done this more than once over the years.

Joseph nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, Comrade Voroshilov, you go and prepare! Before the end of the month, I hope that the Western Front will be able to win a victory!"

"Yes, Comrade Joseph," replied Marshal Voroshilov.

Walking out of Joseph's office, Voroshilov had a weeping expression on his face. He was really depressed, and he didn't know why he was so unlucky.

"Comrade Voroshilov, I'm sorry. Comrade Joseph made this decision after he learned that the entire navy was wiped out. I didn't expect that he would make such a decision!" Shaposhnikov A face of apology. Apparently he also knew the plight of Marshal Voroshilov. He knew that if the Western Army launched an attack, there was a high possibility that they would lose. At that time, Marshal Voroshilov's life may be difficult.

Marshal Voroshilov nodded. He also understood Joseph's character and knew that this was a decision made by Joseph's headstrong and conceited. He and Shaposhnikov, although they also have competition, generally speaking, cooperation is greater than competition. After all, the two of them were the lieutenant generals that Joseph valued the most. Together, they were able to rank the others and ensure that Joseph always valued and trusted them.

"Comrade Shaposhnikov, time is urgent now. I hope you can mobilize enough winter supplies and weapons and ammunition for the Western Front as much as possible. I don't want my soldiers to wear thin autumn clothes and go bare-handed and armed to the teeth Germans to fight. In that case, it is completely to let them die." Marshal Voroshilov said.

Shaposhnikov nodded heavily: "Comrade Voroshilov, I will try my best to prepare these supplies for the Western Front!"

Although the supplies of the Russian army are limited, if a large amount of supplies are transferred to the Western Front Army, other troops will get less supplies. But Shaposhnikov has no other way, he can't conjure more supplies out of thin air. Now the Western Front is going to attack the German army at the request of Joseph, so it can only give priority to meeting the requirements of the Western Front.

"Thank you, Comrade Shaposhnikov. May God bless us!" Voroshilov thanked and left the Kremlin immediately. He needs to return to the Western Front Command as soon as possible, get ready, and come up with a battle plan. Only in this way can Joseph be satisfied.

Voroshilov only hoped that his troops would not suffer too much loss in this attack. In that case, it might be able to continue. Otherwise, next year's war will be even more detrimental to Bu Russia.

After Marshal Voroshilov returned to the headquarters, he convened a meeting of the commanders and political commissars of the subordinate armies. At the meeting, Marshal Voroshilov informed everyone of Joseph's request. Suddenly, this caused an uproar among the senior generals of the Russian army. Everyone seemed to have no idea that Joseph would actually issue such an order at this time. War is not a child's play. Didn't Joseph give such an order to send their army to die?

However, many people dare not speak out. Because, among the political commissars present, almost most of them have fanaticism on their faces. They believed that everything Comrade Joseph said was correct, and all Joseph's decisions were wise. Anyone who dares to question Joseph is an anti-party and anti-state element. Even the top ranks in these armies are the same.

Subsequently, Marshal Voroshilov asked the armies to prepare. After the battle plan is drawn up, it will be distributed to each group army. Many army commanders couldn't help but pray to God in their hearts, praying that their troops would not appear in the offensive plan. After all, the Germans are already terrifying enough, and now they want to launch an attack in the ice and snow, what is the difference between that and courting death?

The Western Front has more than 20 group armies, and it is certain that all the troops will not be allowed to participate in the attack.

Marshal Voroshilov asked the staff officers of the headquarters to draw up a battle plan. He asked that half of the troops of the front army participate in it.

The staff officers dawdled for two days before drawing up a battle plan. Marshal Voroshilov immediately went to the Kremlin to report to Joseph after reading the battle plan.

"Comrade Joseph, this is the battle plan drawn up by the Front Army Command. Please read it over. If there are no problems, we will implement it according to this battle plan!" Marshal Voroshilov reported.

Joseph opened the battle plan and read it page by page. The Western Front now has a full 24 infantry armies and two tank armies. In a world of ice and snow, it is difficult for tanks to come in handy. Therefore, this attack by the Western Front will dispatch as many as 12 groups with 1.5 million people. Such an attack can be regarded as a large-scale attack. Joseph is undoubtedly very satisfied with this.

"Comrade Joseph, after the Germans occupied Smolensk, they built a line of defense to the east of Smolensk. The entire line of defense was hundreds of kilometers long. The troops are relatively scarce. Therefore, we plan to focus on attacking the north of Smolensk. There is the defense zone of the Belarusian 1st Army. If we can eliminate them, we will be able to break through the German defense line, and even sweep the German defense line in the north. The Poles and some of the Germans defending there are also wiped out!" Marshal Voroshilov explained.

Joseph nodded: "Comrade Voroshilov, I agree with your battle plan in principle. I hope that you can severely damage the Germans and their servants in this attack. Eliminate them and create favorable conditions for the final and complete defeat of them!"

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