Iron Germany

Chapter 1192 Massacre

"Come on! Great Russian soldiers, charge! The enemy will definitely be defeated by us! Comrade Joseph is watching us in the Kremlin, waiting for the news of our victory!" A political worker shouted loudly.

Under his encouragement, countless Russian soldiers bravely charged. At this moment, their faces were full of enthusiasm, as if they had forgotten the cold and ignored the hail of bullets around them.


A bullet hit the political worker, who fell onto the snow, clutching his chest. However, this not only did not frighten the Russian soldiers, but further inspired their courage.

The thick snow made the charging speed of these Russian soldiers very slow. The distance that could have been rushed in a few minutes now took at least two or three times longer. And this also made it easier for these Russian soldiers to be hit by Allied fire during the charge.

Most of the Russian soldiers fell before rushing to the front of the Allied positions. Their bodies fell to the ground, covered in thick snowflakes. Even the Russian soldiers who were lucky enough to rush to the front of the Allied line of defense failed to break through their line of defense. They were very tired from running in the snow for a long time. Allied soldiers were able to kill them easily.

The Russian 19th Army, 20th Army, 21st Army, and 22nd Army dispatched more than 100,000 people, attacking only the two infantry divisions of the Belarusian 1st Army and the two Polish 3rd Army infantry divisions. But they didn't achieve any results at all. Apart from wasting the enemy's ammunition, they left a lot of corpses.

Even if the Russian army has an absolute advantage in military strength, it still cannot reverse this situation. After all, the defense line of the Allied forces was carefully constructed, and the stored war materials were also very sufficient, and they would not be exhausted even if they were consumed by the Russian army.

"Comrade Commander, what should we do now?" Lieutenant General Konev really couldn't bear to continue watching such a battle. Those soldiers who lost were all their elites! They should have been able to play a greater role on the battlefield. But now it is so wasted in vain, it is really a pity.

Zhukov hesitated, but still did not give the order to stop the attack. If he ordered to stop the attack, it would undoubtedly have an impact on the morale of the troops. In addition, those political workers will certainly not agree.

Although there were many casualties, those political workers were full of fighting spirit, and they are still desperately encouraging those soldiers to fight bravely. Or to be brave enough to die.

At this time, the snowflakes in the sky became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped slowly.

General Zhukov and Lieutenant General Konev couldn't help but change their expressions.

"Damn it, didn't those meteorologists say that the heavy snow would continue for two or three days? Why did it stop now? They lied about the military and must be shot!" General Zhukov's face was livid.

The reason why today was chosen as the time for the attack was that the Luftwaffe fighter planes could not take off because of the heavy snow. Originally thought that this was a rare opportunity to break through the enemy's line of defense without the threat of German fighter planes. But unexpectedly, the heavy snow has stopped now. You don't need to think about it, the Luftwaffe will never waste this good opportunity.

In fact, on the Luftwaffe airfield in the rear, the runway had already been cleared. Fighters filled with fuel and loaded with bombs are already taking off.

FW-190 fighter jets, BF-109 warships, Stuka dive bombers and Predator ground attack aircraft took off from the airport and flew to the front line. The front-line airport of the German army is not far from the front-line positions, only more than 100 kilometers away. For these fast fighters, they can fly to the battlefield in less than ten minutes.

After the fastest FW-190 fighter jets and BF-109 fighter jets flew to the battlefield, they immediately launched an attack on the attacking Russian army.

The fighter plane passed over the heads of the Russian army, and the bombs hanging under the wings had already been dropped. The bomb exploded in the queue of the Russian army, and many Russian soldiers were blown away.

The most powerful weapon for fighter jets to deal with soft targets such as people on the ground is still aviation machine guns.

After dropping the bomb, the fighter plane began to shoot at the Russian soldiers on the ground with aviation machine guns.

"Da da da!"

A plane swooped down, and the aviation machine guns on its wings fired wildly, leaving deep bullet holes on the ground. When the bullets shot into the Soviet queue, more than a dozen Soviet soldiers were torn to pieces. The aviation machine gun of the fighter plane is very powerful. If it hits the human body, it can easily split the human body into two parts.

Those Russian soldiers who were shot dead by aviation machine guns had a miserable death. They were broken into pieces one by one, with intestines and internal organs everywhere, and the blood on the ground dyed the snow on the ground red.

"Haha! These Russians are really easy to kill. In such a cold day, they would still launch an attack. It's almost death!" A German pilot laughed.

"I don't want to just deal with these infantry. It would be great if there are Russian pilots to shoot me down!" Another pilot said.

It's just that it is almost very difficult to shoot down the Russian aircraft. At the beginning of the war, the Russian Air Force suffered a heavy blow. A large number of fighter planes were destroyed on the airport, and a large number of pilots were killed. This has made the Russian Air Force try its best to avoid war with the German Air Force during this period. They are now hiding behind and licking their wounds, hoping to slowly recover their strength!

"Long live! Long live the Luftwaffe!"

"Nice job, kill those Russians!"

The soldiers of the Polish Army and the Belarusian Army on the ground couldn't help shouting loudly when they saw the Russian army being shot by the Luftwaffe fighter planes and suffered heavy casualties.

Soon, the German dive bombers and ground attack aircraft also joined in and began to attack the Russian army.

With a sharp whistle, the Stuka dive bomber launched an attack at a nearly vertical angle, dropping bombs where the crowd was densest. Every heavy aerial bomb explosion will leave a huge crater on the ground, exposing the black soil layer under the snow. Many Russian soldiers on the ground were killed.

And those Predator ground attack aircraft are more like aerial fortresses, they hover in the air, machine guns and aviation machine guns, crazily strafing the ground, countless Russian soldiers fell under the intensive firepower of these ground attack aircraft.

The addition of the German Air Force caused the casualties of the Russian army to soar further.

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