Iron Germany

Chapter 1207 Panic (Thirteenth)

The top brass of the German Air Force attached great importance to this strategic bombing. Marshal Albert Kesselring has been guarding the office, waiting for the result of this bombing. This is the first round of strategic bombing launched by the Luftwaffe during the war. If successful, it will greatly promote the influence and status of the Luftwaffe. Even for him, it is of great benefit.

Although, Marshal Albert? Kesselring is already a Marshal of the Air Force. However, he also wanted to be promoted again. It would be great if he could be promoted to Marshal of the Empire. Marshal Albert Kesselring believed that if the Imperial Air Force could make enough contributions in this war, then he would be able to get his wish.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the fleet has already taken off. It will soon fly over our control area and enter the Russian control area." A major general officer reported to Marshal Albert Kesselring.

"Well! Are the escorting fighter planes ready?" Marshal Albert Kesselring asked.

"In addition to 500 long-range fighter jets, Marshal Milch also dispatched a FW-190 fighter brigade from the 2nd Aviation Group and the 3rd Aviation Group to be responsible for the initial escort." The major general reported.

"Looking at it this way, there shouldn't be any major problems. After the bombing is over, report the results to me!" Marshal Albert Kesselring said.

"Yes, Marshal." The major general immediately left the office.

"Attention, attention, we are about to enter the Russian-controlled area. The bomber is kept at an altitude of 10,000 meters. The fighter jets pay attention to the surrounding area and are responsible for cover!" The voice of the commander in charge of directing this operation came from the headset.

The huge fleet is flying at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters. Although they are above the clouds, the huge noise can still be transmitted to the ground. In particular, the routes passed by some fleets are not covered by clouds, which allows Russian soldiers on the ground to easily spot the huge fleet flying overhead.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, one hundred H-21 bombers and more than thirty BF-110 fighter jets and twenty FW-190 fighter jets escorted from an airport in Belarus flew over the outskirts of Tula. The Russian soldiers stationed here were awakened by the noise.

Some Russian soldiers raised their heads and looked at the overwhelming aircraft fleet in horror, all of them were frightened stupid.

"My God! What a huge plane! What a huge fleet! All of them are German planes. Where are they going, are they going to Moscow?" A Russian officer put down the binoculars in his hand and murmured . This scene was too difficult for him to accept. Through the telescope in his hand, he could clearly see how huge those planes were. A fleet of hundreds of such huge fighter planes almost covered the sky.

"Come on, call your superiors immediately. We found a huge German Air Force fleet flying over our heads. I suspect that these Germans are heading for Moscow." The officer ordered.

As a result, the news was immediately reported to the General Staff.

The Russian army not only discovered this fleet, but the other fleets of the Luftwaffe were also more or less discovered by Russian soldiers on the ground after flying into the Russian-controlled area. As a result, a large amount of news has been aggregated up. For a while, after Shaposhnikov heard the news, his scalp went numb.

General Astakhov, Commander of the Russian Air Force, and General Zavoronkov, Chief of Staff, also rushed to Shaposhnikov's office. They also learned that a large number of Luftwaffe fleets were coming. This worried them even more. If the Germans really dropped bombs in Moscow as they had guessed, the consequences would be very serious. I am afraid that the two of them will be dismissed immediately by the angry Joseph and sent to Siberia to dig potatoes.

"What's going on? Is there any problem with Moscow's air defense?" Shaposhnikov asked viciously.

"Comrade Chief of Staff, according to the information we have received, the Germans dispatched thousands of large bombers to launch an air strike against us this time. But please rest assured, Comrade Chief of Staff, the airports around Moscow are ready. Our fighter jets It is about to take off, and the Germans will never let the bombs drop on Moscow!" Admiral Astakhov assured.

"Remember your promise, you must not let the German bombs fall on Moscow. Otherwise, you can't afford the consequences!" Shaposhnikov said with a dark face.

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff," replied both Astakhov and Zavoronkov.


The shrill air defense sirens sounded over Moscow, and countless people watched all this in horror. Many even ran to the air-raid shelter in a panic.

Although the German Air Force has not launched an air strike on Moscow before, this does not prevent the Russian side from knowing the strength of the German Air Force. Especially since Moscow is still the capital of Russia, they have to strengthen their air defense preparations here.

A large number of bomb shelters filled the city to ensure that people could hide inside in case of German air raids. At the same time, there are still many air defense positions inside and outside the city. A large number of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns are deployed on these air defense positions. Once the Luftwaffe really dared to launch an air strike on Moscow, the intensive anti-aircraft firepower on the ground would be enough to cause the Luftwaffe to pay heavy losses.

"The air defense siren sounded?" Shaposhnikov's face suddenly became very ugly.

Because, this means that if you want to hide it, you can't hide it anymore. Joseph must have known about it already. In addition, the whole of Moscow must be in chaos.

Indeed, as Shaposhnikov expected, the whole of Moscow was in a panic. There were people fleeing to the air-raid shelters with their families. In previous exercises, people living in Moscow knew how to avoid enemy air strikes. It's just that experiencing this for the first time made those people panic.

Inside the Kremlin, Joseph, who was handling official duties in his office, was surrounded by several secretaries and headed to the sturdy air-raid shelter. In order to ensure Joseph's safety, a strong anti-blasting hole was also specially dug inside the Kremlin. However, in such a situation, even Joseph felt a little panic in his heart. Although he is the supreme leader of Bu Russia, if the German aerial bombs fall, it doesn't matter who he is. Once hit, it will also be blown to pieces.

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