Iron Germany

Chapter 1377 Torpedo Warfare

Not far from the light cruiser 'Kitakami', the light cruiser 'Oi' was also being besieged by several German light cruisers and destroyers. However, several German warships were hit one after another, and both sides on the entire battlefield were stunned for a moment.

"God! What happened? Why were our two light cruisers and two destroyers sunk?" the captain of a light cruiser asked in surprise.

Of course, the German Navy often lost warships in naval battles. However, it is absolutely impossible to lose several warships at the same time like this.

"Torpedoes, the islanders launched torpedoes. Those warships were all sunk by torpedoes! Otherwise, they would never have been damaged at the same time."

"How many torpedoes can that island country light cruiser launch at one time? It's so powerful."

The officers and soldiers of the German Navy were all shocked by the strength of the light cruiser 'Kitakami'. Obviously, none of them expected that the other party could launch dozens of torpedoes at one time, directly sinking two light cruisers and two destroyers of the German fleet.

"Sir, the 'Kitagami' launched a lightning strike and sank two German light cruisers and two destroyers in one fell swoop!" An officer reported to the captain of the light cruiser 'Oi' Maotai Nishioka.

"Yo Xi! Order the torpedoes to launch. The Germans have too many light cruisers and destroyers! After sinking them, go after the German main fleet!" Commander Nishioka Maotai ordered.

Although, reloading after a torpedo is fired can be time consuming. However, it is better than being sunk by the German fleet.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Captain!" The orderly immediately conveyed the order.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ten quadruple 610mm torpedo tubes of the light cruiser 'Oi' also launched an attack. Forty torpedoes were fired at several light cruisers and destroyers of the German Navy in a fan shape.

These heavy torpedoes advanced at high speed, leaving water marks on the sea surface. It's easy to spot if it's daylight. However, at night, everything is under the cover of night, and the German fleet simply cannot detect these deadly threats in the first place.

However, because of the previous lightning strike of the light cruiser "Kitakami", the German fleet has already suffered a lot of losses. Other German warships have also become vigilant.

Although they didn't know that the light cruiser 'Oi' had launched a torpedo, they all increased their speed and performed snake-like maneuvers. In this way, most of the torpedoes launched by the light cruiser "Oi" missed, and only a very small number of torpedoes hit the target. Of course, even so, it also caused a lot of damage to the German fleet.

In this round of attacks by the torpedo of the "Oi", a light cruiser and a destroyer in the German fleet were sunk. Although it was less than half of the German warships sunk by the previous light cruiser "Kitakami". But such a loss is still unacceptable to the German fleet.

"Damn! The torpedoes of the islanders are too powerful. We must sink every one of their warships! Otherwise, we will be sunk by them if we don't pay attention."

"Sir, request to launch a lightning strike against the island fleet. Although our 533mm heavy torpedoes are not as powerful as the 610mm heavy torpedoes of the islanders, they are still not something the light cruisers and destroyers of the islanders can withstand." An officer suggested.

The 610mm heavy torpedoes of the island navy are mainly aimed at large surface warships. Whether it is a battleship or an aircraft carrier, as long as it is hit, it will at least be severely damaged.

The 533mm heavy torpedoes of the German Navy are relatively weaker. But at the same time, the defensive power of those light cruisers and destroyers is still unable to resist this type of torpedo.

"Launch torpedoes! Tackle the warships of the islanders!" the captain ordered.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A destroyer of the German fleet fired a torpedo at the light cruiser 'Oi'. The three double-mounted 533 mm heavy-duty torpedo tubes on the bow fired a total of six torpedoes.

Six torpedoes quickly shot towards the light cruiser 'Oi'. Although the rate of fire of these torpedoes is not as fast as that of spear torpedoes, they can also soar to more than 45. It's just that the charge is not as much as the spear torpedo, and the range is far less terrifying than the spear torpedo.

After the light cruiser 'Oi' launched the torpedo, it was loading the torpedo. At the same time, the battleship is also accelerating.

Captain Maotai Nishioka was not satisfied with this shooting. Only forty torpedoes were exchanged for a light cruiser and a destroyer in the German fleet. Although, judging from the cost, they still made a lot of money. However, General Maotai Nishioka did not think so. After all, the light cruiser "Kitakami" sank two light cruisers and two destroyers of the German fleet in the previous shooting.

"Order the soldiers, speed up the reloading! If the Germans dare to intercept again, then fire again and finish them off!" Commander Nishioka Maotai ordered.

"Hi, Your Excellency Captain!"

"By the way, what about the 'Kitakami'?" asked Colonel Maotai Nishioka.

"Your Excellency, Captain, the light cruiser 'Kitakami' has taken the opportunity to break through the interception of the German fleet, and led two destroyers to pursue the German main fleet."

"Baga! Let the battleship accelerate further, we can't fall behind the 'Kitakami'!" Colonel Nishioka Maotai ordered.

"Hi, Your Excellency Captain!"


Suddenly, an explosion sounded. The light cruiser 'Oi' shook violently. General Maotai Nishioka lost his footing and fell directly on the deck. His face at this moment has turned pale. Because he obviously knew what had happened.

"Your Excellency, we have been hit by a German torpedo!"

A 533 mm heavy torpedo hit the light cruiser 'Oi'. Although the light cruiser "Oi" has been refitted, its displacement has risen to more than 6,000 tons. However, it is still unable to resist heavy torpedoes. A 533 mm heavy torpedo is enough to cause it to be severely damaged. Even if it didn't sink, it was lying on the sea like a dead fish.

In the ensuing battle, other warships of the German fleet also fired torpedoes or fired at the light cruiser 'Oi', and quickly sank the heavy mine-equipped cruiser.

On the battlefield, other warships also started to launch lightning strikes one after another. The 610mm heavy torpedoes of the Japanese fleet and the 533mm heavy torpedoes of the German fleet all started firing. Warships were constantly being hit and then sank, making this naval battle very tragic.

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