Iron Germany

Chapter 1379 Bushido

The light cruiser "Kitakami" of the Japanese navy is currently chasing the German capital ship formation with two destroyers. Their speed has increased to 34 knots. This is already the maximum speed of the light cruiser 'Kitakami'.

The ten quadruple 610mm torpedo tubes of the light cruiser 'Kitakami' have been reloaded and can be launched again. It's just that Masao Ueno is not going to launch casually this time. He would not waste any more ammunition until he caught up with the German fleet. Because he knew that maybe they only had such a chance this time. If you miss it, you will never get another chance. The German fleet would definitely have sunk them all before they could finish their next reload.

"Your Excellency Captain, a telegram from your Excellency Commander!" a communications officer reported.

Masao Ueno took a look at the telegram, and his face became serious.

Putting down the telegram, Masao Ueno glanced at the naval officers of the island nation in the command tower, and then said: "Masters, the lightning strike formation is over. Apart from us, only the destroyer 'Asagiri' and 'Amagiri' are left." 'The destroyer. The rest of the warships have all been sunk!"

The faces of all the officers became serious. Everyone knows that this time they are probably close to death.

"However, when the other battleships were sunk, they killed four light cruisers and five destroyers. This has already caused huge losses to the Germans. Judging from the exchange ratio, we even made a profit. The only regret is that we have not been able to complete the goal so far. That is to sink the German capital ship! In this naval battle, we have already sunk two capital ships. If we can’t do it in the next battle If we sink the German capital ship, then we will lose completely! This naval battle is of great importance, and we must defeat the Germans! So, now we can only rely on us." Masao Ueno continued.

"Although the German fleet is very powerful, their capital ships are protected by many cruisers and destroyers. However, even if we try our best this time, we must completely defeat the Germans! Only in this way can we provide The empire brought victory. Maybe we will be killed by the Germans in this attack. However, as warriors of the empire, it is our honor to sacrifice our lives for the future of the empire!" Masao Ueno looked enthusiastic . At this moment, he is completely a person who has been poisoned by the spirit of Bushido.

"For the sake of the empire, sink the German capital ship!" The other officers also shouted.

"Very good, send a telegram to the destroyer 'Amagiri' and the destroyer 'Amagiri' and let them charge with us!" Masao Ueno ordered. Although weak, they were too weak in the face of the German fleet. However, Masao Ueno and others are extremely confident. Anyway, they have put their own life and death aside. As long as they can sink the capital ship of the German fleet, they don't care even if they are killed.

"The Empire will win! His Majesty the Emperor onboard!"

Shouting slogans, the remaining light cruiser 'Kitakami', destroyer 'Asagiri' and destroyer 'Amagiri' of the island nation's lightning strike formation began to accelerate their charge. When the battleship was charging at a high speed of 34 knots, the distance between them and the capital ship formation of the German fleet was constantly getting closer.

On the battlecruiser 'Blücher', Lieutenant General Otto Schneewendt and Major General Abraham were discussing whether to continue to pursue the island fleet. Although they avoided the lightning strikes of the island nation's fleet, it also made them farther away from the island nation's fleet. Although the battlecruisers of the German fleet are relatively fast, there is no problem in catching up with the island nation's fleet. However, that also takes a lot of time. By then, by the time they catch up, it may already be dawn.

Once dawn, I am afraid that it will have to face the attack of the island navy's carrier-based aircraft or the army aviation aircraft. Although the German fleet has a strong air defense capability. But no one can guarantee whether it will be sunk under the attack of planes all over the sky. Therefore, it is better not to take such a risk.

In addition, the lightning strike strength of the island nation's fleet also left the German fleet with lingering fears. If the attack is launched again and the island nation's fleet seizes the opportunity to launch a large-scale lightning strike, the problem will be serious.

In the end, Lieutenant General Otto Schneewent decided that the fleet would withdraw from the battle from now on. Finally, before dawn, join your own aircraft carrier formation. In this case, not only can it provide a stronger air defense firepower network for the aircraft carrier formation. At the same time, it can also take shelter under the escort fighter jets of the aircraft carrier. Relatively speaking, it is undoubtedly much safer.

As for the attack on the island nation's fleet, it should be done by the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier. The number of carrier-based aircraft that can take off on the two "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers is already very impressive.

After making this decision, Lieutenant General Otto Schneewent ordered to return. It was also at this time that they discovered the light cruiser 'Kitakami' and two destroyers of the island fleet approaching at high speed.

"General, the light cruiser of the islanders sank our two light cruisers and two destroyers in one fell swoop. We have to guard against it!" Major General Abraham looked vigilant.

Lieutenant General Otto Schneewendt nodded: "Let our escorts face the warships that were dispatched to sink the islanders. Let everyone pay attention, be careful. Don't be hit by their torpedoes again."

"Yes, General!" Major General Abraham nodded.

Subsequently, the German fleet dispatched three light cruisers and six destroyers, and launched a siege to the light cruiser "Kitakami" and two destroyers of the island navy.

Although, the three warships of the island nation's fleet performed very bravely. They maintained a high speed and wanted to break through the blockade of the German fleet and launch a lightning strike on the capital ship formation of the German fleet.

However, the shells all over the sky fell like raindrops. Even later the heavy cruisers and battlecruisers of the German fleet joined in. The 210mm main gun of the heavy cruiser and the 380mm main gun of the battlecruiser are fatal threats to the light cruisers and destroyers of the island navy.

Only ten minutes later, all three warships were hit one after another. The two destroyers were the first to be sunk. The light cruiser "Kitakami" was also seriously injured soon, and in the end, it had to release the torpedo at a long distance. However, when the German fleet was already prepared, it did not achieve any results at all.

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