Iron Germany

Chapter 1384 Air Battle in the South China Sea

"The Germans are coming, ready to fight!" ordered the commander of the island army aviation.

Radio equipment relayed his orders to the ears of every pilot. In the past, island country aircraft were reluctant to install radio equipment on every aircraft. However, with the support of the Americans, everything will be different. Moreover, after installing radio equipment, it is conducive to the transmission of orders, and it is also very helpful for the improvement of combat power.

The 36 Type 1 fighter jets speeded up one after another and rushed towards the direction of the German carrier-based aircraft fleet. They must intercept the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group as far away as possible. Only in this way can the safety of the navy's capital ship fleet be ensured.

"Your Excellency, Commander, our Type 1 fighter jets are probably no match for the advanced German carrier-based fighter jets. The carrier-based jet fleet deployed by the Germans is too large. There are nearly a hundred of them, and the number of escort fighter jets must be very large. .” Major General Suzuki Yoshio was a little worried.

Lieutenant General Takasu Shiro nodded. The performance of the Type 1 fighter is not comparable to that of the German Navy's carrier-based BF-109 fighter. The maximum speed of a fighter jet is only 492 kilometers per hour, which is a lot worse than that of the BF-109 fighter jet. In terms of firepower, the Type 1 fighter is only equipped with two 12.7mm aviation machine guns. The German BF-109 fighter jets are equipped with two 20mm cannons and two 12.7mm aviation machine guns. Coupled with the rate of climb and the like, the Type 1 fighter is also at a disadvantage. Once there is an air battle between the two sides, the result can be imagined.

"Command the fleet to switch to the air defense combat state! In addition, send a telegram to the Army Aviation Corps, telling them that the German carrier-based aircraft group has arrived, and we need more air support. Send a telegram to the aircraft carrier team as well." Lieutenant General Takasu Shiro ordered.

If the Army Aviation can send more fighters to support them, and the aircraft carrier team can also dispatch a group of carrier-based fighters, then their safety may be guaranteed.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!" Major General Suzuki Yoshio immediately went to send a telegram.

"Attention, attention! The planes of the islanders are coming up, ready to fight!" The commander of the first wave of German carrier air groups issued a combat order.

"Squadron 1 and Squadron 2 attack the Japanese carrier-based aircraft, Squadron 3 covers the dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft!"

"Understood!" The pilots replied one after another.

The 24 carrier-based BF-109 fighters of the two squadrons began to accelerate towards the 36 Type 1 fighters of the Japanese Army Air Force. Although their number is only two-thirds of the army aviation of the island country. But they didn't pay attention to the backward fighter jets of these islanders at all. The performance of the fighters on both sides and the quality of the pilots have already determined the outcome of this air battle.

"Boom boom boom!"

The German carrier-based aircraft, which had a high altitude advantage, launched an attack first. 24 carrier-based BF-109 fighter jets dived down from high altitude and launched an attack. The dense rain of bullets swept towards the aircraft fleet of the Japanese army aviation unit.

"The Germans have launched an attack, spread out!" ordered the commander of the island army aviation.

However, under the attack of the German carrier-based aircraft, the army aviation of the island country has already lost a lot of fighters under the unpreparedness. Several Type I fighters were hit by the cannons of the German carrier-based aircraft and disintegrated directly in the air.

Type 1 fighters, like Type 0 fighters, have undergone weight reduction in order to pursue endurance. So much so that Type 1 fighters are all light fighters. The body structure is naturally not that strong. The power of the 20mm machine gun is not small, and it directly shreds these Type 1 fighters.

The remaining Type 1 fighters quickly dispersed to avoid being attacked by German carrier-based aircraft.

"Forget about these German fighters, attack their bombers first!"

Under the command of the commander, the remaining Type 1 fighter jets rushed towards the dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft of the German carrier-based fleet, trying to eliminate these targets that threatened the surface warships first.

However, the German carrier-based BF-109 fighter jets chased them behind.

"Boom boom boom!"

A BF-109 fighter bit a Type I fighter, the 20mm machine gun fired, and several shells hit the tail of the Type I fighter, smashing the entire tail of the fighter. The fighter plane dragged black smoke and fell towards the sea. After falling on the sea, it fell into pieces directly.

The air battle became fiercer. The German BF-109 fighter jets were almost pressing down on the first type of fighter jets of the Japanese Army Air Force, and one type of fighter jet was shot down continuously.

Although the Japanese army aviation wanted to give priority to dealing with the German dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft, they simply couldn't do it. On the periphery of these dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft, there are also BF-109 fighter jets for protection. Not to mention that they have to face the pursuit of the German BF-109 fighter jets. Many pilots of the army aviation of the island country only knew how to run for their lives, and they simply didn't care about attacking the German dive bombers and torpedo attack planes.

"Baga! This is not acceptable! If this continues, we will all be shot down by the Germans." Said a squadron leader of the island country's army aviation.

"There is no way, the performance of the German fighter jets is too advanced, we simply cannot compete with them."

"Damn it, we must find a way to shoot down the German dive bombers and torpedo attack planes, otherwise, the navy's battleship fleet will be finished!"

"The navy's capital ship was sunk, what does it matter to us? Why do we have to die for the navy?"

At the critical moment of their own lives, many pilots of the Army Air Force of the island country began to quarrel.

None of them was willing to sacrifice their lives in order to protect the Navy's warships.

"Okay, shut up! This is an order from the superior, we just need to obey it! Next, continue to fight. Even if you are shot down, you must ensure the safety of the navy's capital ship team!" the captain ordered.

With no other way, the pilots of the Army Air Force of the island country could only grit their teeth and continue fighting. However, the entire air battle was almost completely one-sided.

The fighter jets of the army aviation of the island country were constantly shot down, while the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy suffered very small losses. It often takes several Type 1 fighter jets of the Army Air Force of the island country to be shot down before one BF-109 fighter jet is shot down. The losses of the dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft were very small.

When all 36 Type 1 fighters of the Japanese Army Air Force were shot down, the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft only lost four BF-109 fighters, a dive bomber and a torpedo attack aircraft.

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